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Updated: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 10:44 AM ET
Protest Group Out To "Destroy" eToys
A protest group calling for the destruction of online toy seller eToys said it already has a group of hackers working on ways to interfere with site traffic counts and the toy seller's server operations.
Arrow DOJ Hires Big Gun For MCI WorldCom/Sprint Deal
Arrow U.S. Delays Ruling On Encryption Exports
Arrow Kmart, Yahoo! To Offer Free Net Access Service
Arrow Keep Out! Check Point Bakes A Home Firewall
Arrow Net Taxation Issue Spurs Family Feuds
Arrow Palm Expects To Raise $100M In IPO
Arrow AMR Plans To Spin Off Sabre
Arrow Software 'Haht-Shot' Adds B2B Apps
Arrow USWeb/CKS, Whittman-Hart Merger Not A Hit
Arrow Chemdex, Tenet Doctor Up Marketplace
Arrow More news ...

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 Dish And Dirt

Arrow Cross Talk
Revenge of the click-and-mortars, ocean cruising gets connected, Emma Thompson's baby, stream off to the Great White North, and Emusic.com gets the Godfather of Soul.

 In Context

B2B: E-Marketplaces Add Flexibility
Peregrine Systems, a provider of software to help companies manage their internal assets and infrastructure, will announce this week that it is launching an electronic procurement product.

B2C: Bn.com: Content With Content
In addition to the "Bn.com On the Go" wireless shopping service, Barnes & Noble said it is testing a service that may utilize its 530 brick-and-mortar stores to offer same-day delivery of books bought at its online store.

NetSmarts: Heating Up Java On The Client
As Sun Microsystems' Java chief Patricia Sueltz unveiled the final version of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition at the Java Business Conference in New York last week, some advocates were urging Java developers to reconsider the Java 2 Standard Edition for the client.

Digital Capital: Security Loses To Holiday Rush
The pressure to be up and running this holiday season is leading new e-commerce sites to skimp on security, said a security analyst.

Infr@structure: Return Of The Video Strangers
Local phone companies are once again primed to charge into the video services market, this time via Digital Subscriber Line technology.

@Net Index
 -8.32 at 532.5

ISP Survey
Inter@ctive Week's ISP Customer Satisfaction Survey reveals that Internet service providers' focus on value-added services may be misplaced.

Keeping Rein On The Online Onslaught
With the countdown to Christmas, key challenges remain: keeping sites working properly, getting presents down the chimney in time and turning millions of new customers into profits.

Vonder Haar: Can The Web Escape Taxes?
The only things you can't avoid, the old saying goes, are death and taxes. Well, during its brief commercial life, the Internet has seemingly escaped both.

Should Java 2 Enterprise Edition be a standard or a brand?
Online Exclusives
@Online Reinventing Death Online

30-Second Interviews
Meet Warner Bros. Online President Jim Moloshok and other Q&As with some of the industry's top leaders.





12/14/99 11:10:00 AM EST
Data delayed at least 20 minutes

Investor News
12/14/99 8:08:29 AM PT
3Com flies on Palm IPO plans

Best Buy earnings in line with expectations

Excite@Home to play Dreamcast

IPO Roundup: Tritel, HealthExtras prep debuts

U.S. consumer prices barely rise in November

GomezWire: Institutional research: Beyond blind faith

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