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Web revolts against eToys - Its Just an 'S'!

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The Internet Dec. 9, 1999
Charging Trademark Infringement, the online toy retailer etoys.com (with the's') has found a southern california judge to grant a preliminary injunctionagainst etoy.com, (without the's'). Despite the fact that etoy.com wasregistered in October 1995 and etoys.com didn't register a domain name until November 1997.

This is not a case of cyber squatting as the internic record clearly shows,but another attempt to control the internet through litigation.

An International coalition of web designers and concerned Netizens havebanded together to spotlight this situation.The have created the site: http://www.etoys-sucks.com to inform websiteowners, designers and the internet community of this type of activity.

"This is another attempt of big business to turn the internet into a wasteland of commercialism, to stifle Freedom of speech and expression,through the use of legal maneuvering designed to bankrupt site owners from expressing their opinions. Hasbro and Mattel have used these tactics recently in the case of www.clue.com, which Hasbro lost and is now appealing. Mattel is currently involved in three court actions involving the word 'Barbie'. None of these suits, charging 'Trademark Infringement', have been won in court." said Alan Herrell, a member of the coalition.

"It's a dangerous new trend.", added Eric Brooks, graphic artist, "When weall bought our domain names from interNIC, we entered a legal contract withthem. We all had understanding that names are given out on a 'firstcome/first serve basis'. For e-commerce to change the rules and muscletheir way into another website, isn't just wrong...it sends a downrightscary message."

A firestorm of protest and commentary is exploding across the web, as the following list of sites is demonstrating.
Its Just an "S" http://www.etoys-sucks.com

Why WebMasters should care... http://www.ericbrooks.com/etoys/eviltoys.com

http://www.eviltoy.com/e-toy STORY

http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/9948/barliant.shtml Toy story
http://www.salon.com/tech/log/1999/11/30/etoys/index.html No eToys for


Hey Mr. CEO: did you check email Lately? http://www.toywar.com/
SOURCE:lemurzone design

For Further Information Contact
or:Alan Herrell
lemurzone design

Contact Information:

Company Name: LemurZone Design
POSTED: Thursday, December 09, 1999

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