®™ark Fund Donation Non-feature

®™ark Funds contain projects that range from simple acts of protest via e-mail spamming campaigns to committing acts of treason in the name of online freedom, are managed by ®™ark and its affiliates. These include techno DJ's, editors of prominent online journals, as well as individual artists. All projects, which have no criteria other than they must not be harmful to humans, use the ®™ark website and organizational network as a sounding board, a place to collaborate and exchange ideas.

A "donation" implies an overt deferral of curatorial power, by which ®™ark and their collaborators are empowered to make creative decisions. Just as any other artist who receives funding or materials from an art institution would, ®™ark will receive the tools it needs to continue what it does and in this case extend the reach of the organization via the forming of new partnerships.

What ®™ark needs as a function of their participation in this exhibition, is economic capital, the thing around which their practice is centered.

Based on the perceived value of a Featured ®™ark Fund, the potential for a high "return on the investment" or by whatever criteria deemed worthy, exhibition visitors can vote for the Fund most deserving of sponsorship via this exhibition.

Reveiw this month's Featured ®™ark Funds and...

Founded in 1996, ®™ark (pronounced "art-mark") has a stellar track record in forging partnerships for the "intelligent sabotage of mass produced items." By joining together those with the ideas, to those who want to carry them out and those who want to fund them, ®™ark functions as an online clearinghouse for dissent.

®™ark Funds contain projects that range from simple acts of protest via email spamming campaigns to committing acts of treason in the name of online freedom, are managed by ®™ark and its affiliates. These include techno DJ's, editors of prominent online journals, as well as individual artists. All projects, which have no criteria other than they must not be harmful to humans, use the ®™ark website and organizational network as a sounding board, a place to collaborate and exchange ideas.

The anonymous agents that comprise the core ®™ark coalition number fewer than five on a permanent basis though ®™arks ranks can extend to many more depending on the complexity of the project and the level of their involvement with the organizations and individuals that they fund. From past projects like the Barbie Liberation Organization or B.L.O., Zaptista Floodnet, GWBush.com, and the Etoy Fund, "®™ark has continually benefited from its workers' excitement. With the press they generate, ®™ark successes lead to ever more bullish markets, and also help popularize useful ideas."

Of course, an enormous amount of effort has gone into creating the ®™ark brand and much spin is involved in perpetuating the ®™ark myth. The group thrives on the publicity that its exploits generates and today utilizes the rapid- fire speed, and ubiquitous presence of online media as a conduit to forward its selected causes.

The art institution is playing an increasing role as a site of ®™ark operations.