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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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View or join a discussion of project MYAM
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0 workers
"In a McDonald's, make and serve real hamburgers, made with fresh meat from the butchers, vegetables from the market, and good bread. This education in taste should be geared especially to children."
View or join a discussion of project CRDT
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0 workers
"Set up a system like RTMark, but that accepts credit cards."
View or join a discussion of project FGSL
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"Operation Forgetful Sloth: Find a crosswalk that is in a main intersection with no traffic light. With a group of 8-10 people (or more depending on size of intersection). cross very slowly one at a time, spacing yourselves a few feet from each other, but close enough so that cars cannot drive through. Upon reaching the other side of the crosswalk, turn around and walk back. Pass out materials at either curb. Repeat ad infitum, making sure you stay in the crosswalks. (As always before organizing a protest, have everyone involved call the news media to make sure it gets coverage. This has been increasingly difficult, for various reasons."
View or join a discussion of project AMKG
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"Near the start of the U.S. Republic, there were attempts to make George Washington king. Since George W. Bush is acting just like a monarch--he is even taking drastic measures to insure his political line's continuity--launch a movement to find the rightful heir to the American throne among George Washington's descendants, and install him or her with all due pomp and circumstance as a relatively benign alternative to the current de facto monarchy."
View or join a discussion of project BMPB
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0 workers
"Go to the parking lot outside a parent-teacher meeting an elite private school and discreetly 'distribute' bumper stickers that say 'Exercise your ability to buy education.'"
View or join a discussion of project PRET
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US$1700 workers
"Create 'prêt a revolter' clothing for protesters. The clothing should be colorful fashions which look funny for the media but have functional protection against police baton blows, and miniature video cameras to transmit footage of police attacks."
View or join a discussion of project DBSE
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0 workers
"Create a web database of cases where ordinary citizens have made a difference or have triumphed over Corporate America."
View or join a discussion of project DUBM
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0 workers
"Dub this hilarious filmstrip about the racism of US drug laws over the previews of rented movies before returning the tapes to the store. To get filmstrip for dubbing, download and output file from above URL or order tape."
View or join a discussion of project TBCN
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0 workers
"Introduce cannabis into cigarettes on store shelves. Use the resulting scandal to show the hypocrisy of public powers that allow deadly cigarettes to be made by powerful companies, while they fight other 'soft drugs.'"
View or join a discussion of project PDIS
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0 workers
"Establish a grant for television and movie makers who do negative product placement, or 'product displacement.' Examples: The FedEx package arrives late and mangled; someone throws up after eating at McDonald's; someone spits out their Starbucks coffee and says it tastes like shit; cameo of Rev. Billy being thrown out of a Disney store as characters walk by; characters cursing at their Microsoft software or AOL, etc."
View or join a discussion of project PCLN
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"Take a simple lawn fertilizer spreader (a drop spreader would be best), a long piece of string, and a stick of some sort. Put the stick into the ground and tie the string to it. Fill the lawn spreader with some type of easy-growing seeds. Walk around the stick, using the string to guide a perfect circle. Add the rest of the peace symbol after that. It won't be visible until about a week later when the seeds all sprout. It should be done somewhere on Federal property. See what the government says when their beautiful green lawn sprouts a 100-foot diameter peace sign and the media jumps all over it."
View or join a discussion of project GAPS
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0 workers
"Make large vinyl stickers and place them on GAP KIDs store windows. 'Made by children, for children.'"
View or join a discussion of project LCST
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0 workers
"Release grasshoppers--lots and lots of them--at the Republican National Convention."
View or join a discussion of project CARD
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US$180 workers
to "alter ordinary supermarket greeting card displays to reflect concerns that are never reflected in such displays, e.g. the virtues of eating free-range pork meat, the marriage of one's non-native boyfriend (for a man), or the execution of one's soulmate. Amount offered will depend upon specific project. Cards may also simply be added to displays rather than altered in manufacturing." Here are several examples received so far, including thumbnails and higher-resolution images ready for printing.
View or join a discussion of project TRDR
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0 workers
"Taking off on the ads that say 'Where do terrorists get their money? If you do drugs, it could be coming from you,' make ads that say 'Where do repressive dictators get their money? If you pay Federal Income Tax, if definitely comes from you!'"
View or join a discussion of project FKWK
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0 workers
"Buy old uniforms of targeted corporations from second-hand stores and pose as employees. Talk to customers and suggest they go to stores with better environmental, health, or labor records; set up fake customers and engage in fights with them; etc."
View or join a discussion of project CNAD
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0 workers
"In one of Michael Moore's Awful Truth shows, ex-cons tout Coke and Windows. Actually make and place these ads. Other variants: a homeless woman saying 'I don't have a home, but I'd disinfect with Lysol if I did.'"
View or join a discussion of project SABO
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0 workers
"Reproduce the CIA's guide to sabotage produced for Nicaraguan anti-Sandinista forces, with the text redirected against corporate workplaces."
View or join a discussion of project CRSL
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0 workers
"If corporations are full persons under the law (as the Supreme Court declared in 1886) then anybody who owns stock is a slaveholder, in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment. This should be an exploitable notion: (a) Attempt to close down the NYSE as a slave auction. (b) Formally ask one's employer to divest its retirement fund of illegal holdings of slaves. (c) Choose a highly visible mutual fund and attempt to have it prosecuted as a slave holder. (d) Choose a highly visible stockbroking firm and attempt to have it prosecuted as a slave merchant."
View or join a discussion of project OBIT
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US$400 workers
"Hack the NY Times World Trade Center victims obituaries page and add the names of the innocent Iraqis and Afghanis who have been slaughtered by US bombing. Iraqi and Afghan obits must be real, i.e. photos and descriptions of actual bombing victims."
View or join a discussion of project PRIV
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US$200 workers
"Start a movement to further privatize the Federal Government of the United States. Get high-profile politicians to endorse your movement. Must receive media attention."
View or join a discussion of project BNPL
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"On Buy Nothing Day, perform micro-plays in McDonald's with one or two dozen amateur actors performing roles like tourists, protesters, and Ronald McDonald, who violently vanquishes the protesters and is cheered by the tourists."
View or join a discussion of project WALM
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"Grab some spiffy blue vests and start straightening up the isles at your local Wal-Mart (or other megastore). Aggressively help customers by pushing their carts for them, selecting products for them, and telling them the dangers of shopping without such assistance."
View or join a discussion of project SMKE
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0 funds
"Funding needed to launch a campaign to encourage the sons and daughters of the employees of the American Tobacco Industry to take up the habit of smoking so as to save their parents' jobs. Funds would be used to print materials, mail materials, and compile a list of addresses. To see a prototype of this material, visit"
View or join a discussion of project AIRP
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0 workers
"It is possible to switch airline intro tapes with tapes of your choice. Simply find the machine, and when no one's looking, switch the cassette."
View or join a discussion of project OILS
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"Create a website for the 'Trans-Afghan Pipeline Sweepstakes' that allows contestants to guess ownerships of the speculative Trans-Afghan Gas and Oil Pipelines. The site should serve as a clearing house for dirt on the companies involved. Winners of the sweepstakes will receive a bike."
View or join a discussion of project PLCM
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0 workers
See recent coverage of this project. "Lobby for a rating system which ranks films and TV shows by the extent of their product placement. Require labels for VHS and DVD packages indicating amount of product placement ranging from '0-PP: Zero Product Placement -- Suitable for the entire Family' to '5-PP: Contains scenes of explicit corporate advertising.' If lobbying is unsuccessful, videotape warnings onto the beginning of rented VHS tapes and affix warning labels to packages."

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