The 21st century's greatest crime is a corporate one
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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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The High Risk Fund New projects / The Mutual Funds / High Risk
Heath Bunting, manager

Investment in projects in this fund is risky, but promises extremely high dividends. Assurances of adequate funding for any project accomplished in this fund maximizes turnover and adds incentive to project participants to act quickly. This fund is managed by Heath Bunting, who has shown great staying power as a producer of high-impact cultural dividends with a sizeable oppositional punch. See also the Cultural Terrorism Agency for additional HR/HY fundraising strategies.

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View or join a discussion of project LACR
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US$200 workers
"A reward is being offered to any lacrosse, tennis, or jai alai team that defends people's right to gather at major protest events by catching and returning tear gas canisters before they even hit the ground. Must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project MAIL
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US$3000 workers
for a "worker at one of the five biggest mailing and parcel delivery services who can cause several thousand large packages, addressed from one corporation to another, to be delivered instead to social welfare agencies that work with children, during a holiday like Easter or Christmas, with the name and address of the social welfare agencies replacing the originals on the packages."
View or join a discussion of project ATMS
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0 workers
"Make a substantial number of street cash dispensers in a large city to (periodically, on Fridays) issue the message 'Nothing for beggars on Fridays' instead of cash. This must be reported by the mass media. Preferably, this incident should take place in Russia."İ
View or join a discussion of project GAPS
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0 workers
"Make large vinyl stickers and place them on GAP KIDs store windows. 'Made by children, for children.'"
View or join a discussion of project CHLD
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0 funds
"Cash in on the 'protect the children' hysteria by creating a study showing that law officers pretending to be children on the internet are encouraging or even creating child molesters. Also, show that sex offenders are using the sex offender registries to meet each other."
View or join a discussion of project BABY
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US$6000 workers
"Get a famous sportswear manufacturer (or any other giant corporation) to agree, on broadcast or other public media, to sponsor the high-quality education, health care, etc. of a U.S. baby who would otherwise not have access to same--in exchange for having the baby tattooed with the company's logo in the womb or at birth." (Nearly on target.)
View or join a discussion of project GAST
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US$2500 workers
for "an employee of one of the three largest car manufacturers in the U.S. who causes at least hundreds of cars to be shipped with gas tanks that have a capacity of between half a gallon and a gallon of gas only (the cars should be able to go about eighteen miles before refueling). At least some of the cars must be sold, and the media must report on it."
View or join a discussion of project MARR
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US$200 workers
"Since U.S. corporations have arrogated the rights of citizens, it should be possible to marry one. Successfully marry an actual corporation, so that the marriage is legally binding; the event must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project NEWS
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US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a major metropolitan newspaper who significantly alters an issue (e.g. changes most of the article text) in an interesting way. A good number of issues must see the light of day, and the media must report on it."
View or join a discussion of project GOLF
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US$50 workers
"In a clandestine overnight action, replace the greens of a private golf course with edible living plants--corn, tomatoes, etc. The closer to the pro shop or clubhouse the better. Notify local food banks and media that fresh vegetable donations will be available at said courses."
View or join a discussion of project REAG
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US$3000 workers
to "rename a major chemical weapons incineration plant after Ronald Reagan."
View or join a discussion of project SITC
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US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a news bureau to substitute several minutes of old sitcom clips for news clips during a prime-time news hour. The clips must be shown, must be seen by a large number of television viewers, and must be extensively reported on."
View or join a discussion of project MGOG
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0 workers
"Launch a campaign whose aim is to amend the U.S. Constitution to declare a real name for the territorial entity currently called the 'United States of America.' This name that isn't one is used by the majority of the inhabitants of this union of States to use the name 'America' for the country, and 'American' for the citizen, thus dispossessing the other Americans (Argentinians, Brazilians, Canadians) of their continent. In the same way that the official name of Mexico is the 'United States of Mexico,' so the United States of America must decide on an official, real name for themselves. Public relations agencies and citizen groups may participate in this effort, which should result in a popular referendum or a vote of Congress."
View or join a discussion of project WN95
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US$500 workers
to "alter the bootup splash screen of a popular computer operating system so that the logo of a rival company, or a rock, is displayed smashing through it instead. A worker in the assembly or testing departments of DELL, Gateway, Compaq, etc. could, after testing, overwrite the existing splash screen file with a new one, which can be provided by RTMARK upon request. A number of the computer/operating system must be sold thus, and it must be reported in the press."
View or join a discussion of project MAVI
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0 workers
"Create the Mayday Virus: A 24-hour virus that shuts down the computer on Mayday, preferable flashing a message about workers' rights and time off."
View or join a discussion of project HSTN
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US$50 workers
"Charlton Heston is currently on tour with a new play. Point out flaws in current gun control policy by attending this play and shooting Heston with a metal-covered rubber-band shooter, proving how easy it is to commit a murder under current weapons laws."
View or join a discussion of project COWS
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US$5000 workers
to anyone who can "find and administer a substance to a great number of cattle that will make their beef unfit for consumption, without harming either the cattle's health or that of potential consumers--perhaps by discoloring it."

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