The 21st century's greatest crime is a corporate one
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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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The Corporate Law Fund New projects / The Mutual Funds / Corporate Law
The projects in this fund challenge the legal rights and powers that corporations have arrogated over the years. Many of these projects focus on corporations' status as full persons, obtained via an 1886 U.S. Supreme Court ruling based on the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was ratified to protect the rights of freed slaves.
To workshop a project in The Corporate Law Fund Forum, click on its VIEW button.
View or join a discussion of project LNAD
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0 workers
"Make insane ads for companies, out of enthusiasm--'Dow is the best! I heart-heart-heart chemical industry giant!' Xerox them and put them up everywhere, thus associating the brands with insane ravings."
View or join a discussion of project MRSP
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"Make a marijuana solution by washing residue from pot seeds or rinsing plastic bags that have held weed. Go to a metro station, or other place where drug sniffing dogs are being used, and spray doors. Spray police officers. Wander past police stations and spray cars. Spray, spray, spray... to cause false 'hits' by the dogs."
View or join a discussion of project FLAG
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0 workers
"Deliver cease-and-desist letters to retail outlets which sell clothing made from the American flag, claiming you represent estate of Abbie Hoffman and hold the copyright."
View or join a discussion of project AMKG
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"Near the start of the U.S. Republic, there were attempts to make George Washington king. Since George W. Bush is acting just like a monarch--he is even taking drastic measures to insure his political line's continuity--launch a movement to find the rightful heir to the American throne among George Washington's descendants, and install him or her with all due pomp and circumstance as a relatively benign alternative to the current de facto monarchy."
View or join a discussion of project DBSE
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0 workers
"Create a web database of cases where ordinary citizens have made a difference or have triumphed over Corporate America."
View or join a discussion of project ADST
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0 workers
"Show the link between American corporations and the rise of the Taliban (or Saddam) in a Superbowl Advertisement. The catch phrase at the end: 'Where do these regimes get their money? If you buy American products, it's definitely coming from you!'"
View or join a discussion of project SUIC
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0 workers
"Create a corporate suicide website precisely describing to CEOs how they can kill their own corporations (for whatever personal reasons they may have)."
View or join a discussion of project MRPR
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"Enlist some night-stockers at your local K-Mart, and replace the 'Martha Stewart Living' stock on the shelves with rows of tin cups, prison uniforms, sharpened toothbrushes, etc. Leave all Martha signage in place."
View or join a discussion of project CRPD
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US$2000 workers
for "the first U.S. court to condemn a corporation to death. The sentence must be carried out. Funds may be used for courthouse renovations."
View or join a discussion of project ARST
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0 workers
"A police officer or FBI agent in Washington DC should arrest a member of the Senate or House of Representatives, on charges of accepting bribes from lobbyists. Conversely, also arrest a lobbyist for bribing a government official. Must have extensive media coverage."
View or join a discussion of project RVTE
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0 workers
"Amid the chaos of the current Fortune 500-sponsored election we should take a step back and, in the words of former Secretary of State James Baker, stop hurling. We will construct a website that would allow voters to recast their ballots in any election in our nation's history-- including the 2000 Presidential one. Imagine being able to recast the votes that you deeply regret now that you've had to live with the consequences of your choices. Even better, imagine readjusting your great-great-grandparents' miscast votes back in Eighteen Something, when the Whigs and the Anti-Masons seemed to be the elixirs of the moment. Doesn't every choice deserve to be revisited? Why not? It can only widen the eyes of the present day voter."
View or join a discussion of project BHMS
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"Many large American companies avoid paying taxes by locating their headquarters in places like the Bahamas. To publicize this outrage, make a TV commercial and/or magazine advertisement for a website that helps businesses do this. The website would tell how/why such practices are legal, list companies who have done it and how to contact them, and an easy way to fax their elected officials demanding that this loophole be closed (possibly with a pre-prepared letter)."
View or join a discussion of project TRAN
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0 funds
"To protest the abysmal failures of privatization, alter the small red stickers on British trains from 'no smoking' to 'no sitting.'"
View or join a discussion of project BABY
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US$6000 workers
"Get a famous sportswear manufacturer (or any other giant corporation) to agree, on broadcast or other public media, to sponsor the high-quality education, health care, etc. of a U.S. baby who would otherwise not have access to same--in exchange for having the baby tattooed with the company's logo in the womb or at birth." (Nearly on target.)
View or join a discussion of project MAGE
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0 workers
"Create an online fantasy role-playing game in which a corporation begins invading all aspects of the world like a virus invading a body; players must work together to defeat this menace."
View or join a discussion of project SCST
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0 workers
"Print high-contrast bumper stickers that read: 'CAMERA -->'. Using industrial adhesive, glue one wherever you see a concealed street-corner camera (i.e., one that isn't on private property). I understand that Manhattan is so full of these cameras that the company who monitors them for the city says 'if you can see the Empire State Building, we can see you.' People should be aware of just how many cameras are monitoring public areas."
View or join a discussion of project NSAP
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0 workers
"We are working on a project here in Bristol, UK, to take hostage a number of letters from corporate billboards (i.e the letters that make up the name of the company above the premises) and photograph them to make a ransom note to send to all the companies we have taken from as well as to the press. We are still working on a list of demands for the release of the letters. If the demands are not met the letter of each company will be destroyed in a different way at random times and will be documented on film and sent again to the companies and to the press, with a warning to prepare for more letters to be lost."
View or join a discussion of project MLST
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"Fun thing to do in a mall with some friends: sit down cross-legged on the floor and meditate on the evils of consumerism. See how long you can do it before the security guards make you leave."
View or join a discussion of project CRPP
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US$2000 workers
to "the first U.S. court to imprison a corporation under a 'three strikes you're out' law. Funds may be used for courthouse renovations."
View or join a discussion of project MARR
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US$200 workers
"Since U.S. corporations have arrogated the rights of citizens, it should be possible to marry one. Successfully marry an actual corporation, so that the marriage is legally binding; the event must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project OLWR
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"Create a miniature oil-war in the reflecting pool in front of the Exxon headquarters in New York."
View or join a discussion of project BKDS
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"We are printing up bookmarks to place surreptiously inside popular books at Borders and other chain bookstores. The bookmarks will say:
By purchasing this book you have contributed to the death of Independent Bookstores in our community.
For a list of local independent bookstores, go to
Monopoly control of information destroys democracy."
View or join a discussion of project SABO
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0 workers
"Reproduce the CIA's guide to sabotage produced for Nicaraguan anti-Sandinista forces, with the text redirected against corporate workplaces."
View or join a discussion of project LAWR
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0 workers
"The extent of US-based corporations' contributions to human rights abuses abroad demands procedures to collect corporate information anonymously. Project funding will provide award for law review article contest. The winning article will 1) describe the most efficiently designed organizational form for creating anonymous shareholders, 2) discuss maximizing such shareholders' right to inspect corporate books and 3) discuss the legal limits of shareholder anonymity and shareholders' right to inspect corporate books. The most efficient organizational form means the choice of organization (corporation, partnership, trust, etc.) that provides the best measure of anonymity for shareholders at the lowest cost."
View or join a discussion of project CRPE
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US$400 workers
for "a television reporter to consistently compare the punishment corporations receive for actual violations with the punishment individuals would receive for similar offenses."
View or join a discussion of project QTRT
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"Create a PR campaign to change the US motto from 'E Pluribus Unum' ('Out of many, one') to 'Quis Te Rogavit' ('Who asked you')."
View or join a discussion of project SCAN
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0 workers
"Create and distribute a product scanner that accesses a database and shows instantly the terrible practices involved in making the product scanned. In addition, the machine prints out a label customized to the product, that can be glued to the product's packaging on the spot." Note: preliminary work towards such a scanner can be found here. See also this page.
View or join a discussion of project CRSL
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0 workers
"If corporations are full persons under the law (as the Supreme Court declared in 1886) then anybody who owns stock is a slaveholder, in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment. This should be an exploitable notion: (a) Attempt to close down the NYSE as a slave auction. (b) Formally ask one's employer to divest its retirement fund of illegal holdings of slaves. (c) Choose a highly visible mutual fund and attempt to have it prosecuted as a slave holder. (d) Choose a highly visible stockbroking firm and attempt to have it prosecuted as a slave merchant."
View or join a discussion of project PRSR
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0 workers
"Develop specialized technology for the surreptitious surveillance of super-max prisons. Use technology and collected materials in conjunction with prison activist groups towards the abolition of the Prison Industrial Complex."
View or join a discussion of project NETF
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0 workers
"In France at the beginning of March, every year, there is a 'Fête de l'Internet', a kind of internet festival, heavily funded by the French Ministry of Culture and serving only to promote big computer companies. (The Ministry of Culture does not, however, support internet artists.) Create a mediatic event to underline the strictly commercial nature of this net stupidity."
View or join a discussion of project PRIV
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US$200 workers
"Start a movement to further privatize the Federal Government of the United States. Get high-profile politicians to endorse your movement. Must receive media attention."
View or join a discussion of project CRPJ
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0 workers
"Determine which corporations would NOT be in jail today, if corporations were jailed for offenses just like individuals. Plot the results in various ways, and publicize the result in the media."
View or join a discussion of project STMC
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"On Buy Nothing Day, vomit all over every appropriate target you can think of, with a little help from Ipecac. Puking may not be pleasant but neither is being considered a consumer instead of a citizen."
View or join a discussion of project STRM
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"Start a movement to storm the Capitol building, White House, FCC headquarters, etc. not in protest, but because we own those institutions and what they represent (government, the airwaves, etc.)."
View or join a discussion of project CPML
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"On a typical U.S. campus, food and meal plans are provided by a globalized corporation like Aramark, or even fast food corporations. Often students are required to buy into such meal plans. Provide an alternative by setting up a community meal night--perhaps within the campus food area--and providing healthy food in exchange for a small fee."

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