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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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Emerging Communications Fund New projects / The Mutual Funds / Communications
Rick Prelinger, manager

The Emerging Communications Technologies fund contains projects which use or address wireless communications and related technologies. This fund is managed by Rick Prelinger, author of the first comprehensive guide to scanner frequencies.

To workshop a project in Emerging Communications Fund Forum, click on its VIEW button.
View or join a discussion of project ETCH
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0 workers
"Glass etching cream may be screenprinted onto glass, leaving behind an image that cannot be removed. Design a small device that contains a screen, a squeegee, and glass etching cream, then print intricate and beautiful anti-corporate messages on expensive plate glass windows. Owner will have to decide whether to spend huge to replace glass, or leave message up." (Sample design here.)
View or join a discussion of project JAMJ
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0 workers
"Jam the transceiver used on the Jacobs Family during a press conference for demonstration."
View or join a discussion of project ACT2
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0 workers
"Develop and release an open-source, p2p code base that would provide 'next-generation' multi-language security, user-authentication, and distributed file serving for the Indymedia network and its allies."
View or join a discussion of project NSDS
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US$150 workers
"Make and place sound playback devices in newspaper dispensers. When the door is opened, the machine can deliver commentary you may only find between the lines in the print."
View or join a discussion of project MIRR
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US$1000 workers
"Distribute at least 1000 mirrors to activists in Genoa. Use them to reflect blinding sun on the the police and the G8 to re-enact Archimedes' burning of the Roman fleet." Done!
View or join a discussion of project CYBG
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US$1000 workers
"Create and distribute a number of head-mounted computer devices similar to those used by the 'cyborgs' at the MIT Media Lab, that would track those cyborgs and report, via retinal monitor, on the MIT cyborgs' whereabouts and online activities."
View or join a discussion of project LSTP
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"Recently, movie theaters have begun to show TV commercials before the commercials for upcoming movies before they show the movie that you paid them for. Create custom tips for laser pointers that cause the laser pointer image to say 'annoying' or 'fraud' or 'worthless' that people can use to disrupt the advertising before the movie starts. This would probably be fairly inexpensive and there are all sorts of other potential uses of customized laser pointer tips."
View or join a discussion of project BLOK
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0 workers
"Buy a number of cellphone blockers such as these. Line both sides of the busiest section of wall street. At a designated time turn on devices and block all cell phone communications."
View or join a discussion of project JAMM
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0 workers
"Start company or inventors' collective which designs and markets gadgets and electronics to disrupt all manner of electronic device. (One product might be a short-radius EM jammer to disrupt cell phones, radios etc. within an immediate area.) Market the devices to teenagers. Use funds generated for more devices with the same purpose." (NOTE: One such device already exists, and requires only marketing for it to be fully effective. Sponsors are encouraged to visit www.eiu.org/experiments/i-bomb/ to offer support.)
View or join a discussion of project ROBO
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US$300 workers
"$1000 needed to build new 'robotic objectors' that will paint slogans automatically. Click here for full details, including pictures and video of a prototype.."
View or join a discussion of project SPRY
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0 funds
"Build a car-mounted paint sprayer (analogous to a dot-matrix printer) that allows you to write massive graffiti projects while driving."
View or join a discussion of project BBID
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0 workers
"Pay or otherwise convince the new hires at major corporations to refuse to submit to biometric identifiers when they try to enter the US under new Homeland Security Act and other intensified security policies."
View or join a discussion of project PIRT
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US$150 workers
"Build, or use an existing, 'pirate' radio transmitter and use it to broadcast homemade and seemingly sincere advertisements for the major corporation of your choice onto existing radio signals."
View or join a discussion of project ENAT
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0 workers
"Enations is a project in virtual community portal development based on the United Nations construct. Influenced partially by the CAE's concept of bodies without organs, we add also the concept of nations without borders. We feel that although corrupt the United Nations declarations are useful in supporting Human Rights--they just need to include a creative wing of the organization. In addition we are influenced by the Conferences on Art, Science and Spirituality. We are in the opening stage and seek assistance and collaboration with those who would support our mission."
View or join a discussion of project NTCL
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The FTC will soon have a National 'Do Not Call' registry. It is hard to imagine anyone who seriously wants to continue receiving calls from telemarketers. But it is also hard to imagine anyone giving their information to the government without hesitation. Write a computer program to methodically add every single possible phone number to the database using randomly falsified information."
View or join a discussion of project GLOB
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US$200 workers
"Reward offered for any journalist or producer who invites an impostor onto their live television program to represent the World Trade Organization."
View or join a discussion of project SCAN
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0 workers
"Create and distribute a product scanner that accesses a database and shows instantly the terrible practices involved in making the product scanned. In addition, the machine prints out a label customized to the product, that can be glued to the product's packaging on the spot." Note: preliminary work towards such a scanner can be found here. See also this page.
View or join a discussion of project XIOM
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0 workers
"Raise awareness of widespread data-warehousing in the digital economy by crippling Acxiom, one of the top data-warehousing corporations in the U.S., which stores and sells data on almost every household in the US. Begin by purchasing a large list of demographically and geographically targeted individuals from Acxiom (for about US$0.08 per individual). Next, send each person on the list a copy of his or her Acxiom file. Then, using the personal details purchased through Acxiom, remove each listed individual from the system through Acxiom's own 'opt-out' program."
View or join a discussion of project GPSP
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0 workers
"Create mid-air post-it notes that use GPS receivers and PDAs to tie a location to a piece of information on a web page and allow people to add to that information. People who have a similar device can walk into the location and retrieve the notes posted there. That way, you could post a note at the entrance to a company you hate, and anyone with the same device will get the same information from the location."
View or join a discussion of project SCTT
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0 funds
"$2,000 needed to build a new 'Shopping Cart 2000'--a portable projection booth used to project culture jamming videos and films onto high rises. A test model has been built and implemented (click here for more information); the new model will be able to project a huge image, and will have an excellent sound system."

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