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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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The Health Fund New projects / The Mutual Funds / Health
This fund contains projects that concentrate on human health and welfare, with a special focus on the health care industry. The fund managers are actively seeking projects that highlight adequate healthcare as a basic human right.
To workshop a project in The Health Fund Forum, click on its VIEW button.
View or join a discussion of project ALKY
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0 workers
"Alcohol manufacturers have long sponsored alcoholism among gays, and have encouraged the near-monopolization of gay culture by bars. At a gay event sponsored by an alcohol manufacturer, dress as a representative of the sponsoring corporation, wear a big sign saying e.g. 'Coors loves gays', and as a corporate public service distribute useful alcohol-related information, e.g. ways to alleviate immediate effects of alcohol poisoning while awaiting an ambulance, how to arrange your insurance policy so that likely eventual liver damage will be properly covered, chemical ways to counter momentary or chronic impotence brought on by alcohol use, etc."
View or join a discussion of project MYAM
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0 workers
"In a McDonald's, make and serve real hamburgers, made with fresh meat from the butchers, vegetables from the market, and good bread. This education in taste should be geared especially to children."
View or join a discussion of project MAST
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0 workers
"Print informative pages about the virtues of mutual masturbation as a from of safe sex in a high school or college newspaper."
View or join a discussion of project TBCN
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0 workers
"Introduce cannabis into cigarettes on store shelves. Use the resulting scandal to show the hypocrisy of public powers that allow deadly cigarettes to be made by powerful companies, while they fight other 'soft drugs.'"
View or join a discussion of project HLWN
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0 workers
"For halloween, set up a haunted house that shows where all the food at major fast-food chains comes from, e.g. toy animal chickens with their beaks cut off, stuffed into very small cages."
View or join a discussion of project MENT
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0 workers
"We would like to use domains like and to protest the profiteering of the mental health industry, and to reveal the damaging trauma often caused by the treatment itself. We are especially interested in emphasizing the social and family violence precursors to mental illness, and in protesting diagnosis of problems in living--or even bad behavior--as brain diseases that need commercial treatment."
View or join a discussion of project LOON
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0 workers
"Produce a documentary linking the increasingly harsh realities of the American workplace and economy to the rise in mental illness within the American population. Perhaps compare with European rates; perhaps also discuss 'official' corporate solutions--Prozac etc.--within this context. Film must be scheduled as part of a major regional film festival."
View or join a discussion of project NOMO
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0 workers
"Attend the opening of an art exhibition funded by Phillip Morris, or any tobacco giant. Wear formal attire and a nametag identifying you as a company promotions rep. Distribute cigarettes. This can either be done wholesale, by handing out entire packs, or by circulating with a silver tray of loose cigarettes and a zippo."
View or join a discussion of project DNAC
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0 funds
"Create a web site / e-commerce venture that copyrights DNA. Since this is not allowed in the US, do it legitimately in some other nation. Customers should receive not only documentation on their copyrights, but a nice 3-D picture of their DNA, suitable for framing."
View or join a discussion of project FAF2
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0 workers
"Place plastic figurines or Beanie Babies of slaughtered cows in Happy Meals. Could highlight the problems surrounding genetically altered foods: perhaps the toys could be two-headed cattle or mutated calves."
View or join a discussion of project CRJK
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0 workers
"A worker in the Cracker Jack factory should introduce some new 'funny facts' comics into the cracker jack packages. Example: 'Frito-Lay, Cracker Jack's parent company, was responsible for the destruction of endangered Prairie Dog habitat in Mexico' or 'Cracker Jacks, also known as "junk food", cause obesity in laboratory rats!'"
View or join a discussion of project TRSH
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0 workers
"Make an ad campaign showing the logos of fast food companies with a message like: 'Don't trash your neighborhood. Our public image is bad enough already because of the crap we want you to eat.'"
View or join a discussion of project MDPR
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"If Prozac can be prescribed for PMS and menopause is now 'Estrogen-Deficiency Disorder,' it should be possible to create a condition called something like 'Median Personality Disorder' that requires medical treatment. Advertise such a condition, create brochures for a drug that fights it, etc. (Related: Chris Morris's 'cake' stunt.)"
View or join a discussion of project CIGS
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US$120 workers
"Devise coupon stickers for free packs of cigarettes and glue them onto boxes of children's cereal (or other products) manufactured by tobacco companies. Do this in such a way as to obtain wide coverage in the media for the fact that some tobacco companies are also trying to sell to children noxious or unhealthy products other than cigarettes." (Click here for one design example.)
View or join a discussion of project TRDR
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0 workers
"Taking off on the ads that say 'Where do terrorists get their money? If you do drugs, it could be coming from you,' make ads that say 'Where do repressive dictators get their money? If you pay Federal Income Tax, if definitely comes from you!'"
View or join a discussion of project AMTH
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0 workers
"The FBI coined the word, 'Amerithrax', to name their operation investigating the anthrax attacks here in the US. Make a website for, and we will give you the domain."
View or join a discussion of project APPL
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US$200 workers
"Alter many boxes of 'Apple Jacks' and other children's cereals so that they read 'Rectal Puckers', etc.--to comment on the absurdity of implicit content claims. The boxes must be nearly indistinguishable from the unaltered item, and the media must report on it extensively."
View or join a discussion of project BBMC
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0 workers
"Make 'beanie babies' of cows (or Ray Kroc) slaughtered, with a hook through the rear and a dent in the head. Distribute in McDonald's."
View or join a discussion of project CAFE
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0 workers
"Open 'Moonbucks,' a cafe-style shop that posts the expense of each product in terms of human health care products for people suffering from HIV and AIDS (i.e.,'Grande Mocha, $3.58 = Daily AZT for two people with AIDS in South Africa')"
View or join a discussion of project SLGH
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US$750 workers
"Substitute copies of a video documenting slaughterhouse techniques or similar material for a porn video produced by any of the largest porn studios, especially those that don't follow safe-sex guidelines. Alternately, intersperse clips of such a video in the product. Other alterations may be considered as well."
View or join a discussion of project HOSP
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0 workers
"Set up a website, or brochures purporting to advertise a corporate hospital, specifically to treat patients affected by ailments caused by said corporations. (For example, the McDonalds Ward for BSE)."
View or join a discussion of project CIGA
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0 workers
"Design and make available for download anti-cigarette stickers that look like product callouts like 'Now with even more benzene!' or 'Kills even faster!' or 'Powerful teeth-yellowing formula!'"
View or join a discussion of project MRTR
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"Gather at your local place of government on April 20, 2002. Dress in suits: with one marijuana cigarette in your pockets. At 4:20 PM, announce the end of the drug war, light up, and turn yourselves in for possession."
View or join a discussion of project SLAU
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0 workers
"I will take graphic slaughterhouse photographic imagery and screen-print it onto fine, white linen tablecloths. From a distance, these cloths will appear lush and floral-like (creamy whites and vibrant reds). Upon closer inspection, however viewers will identify graphic slaughterhouse scenes. Restaurant workers needed to place these tablecloths on tables and record diners reactions."
View or join a discussion of project TOXC
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0 workers
"Taint cereal boxes by inserting 'Danger! Radioactive!' caution tape and a warning to contact the EPA to determine if the cereal was grown with 'fertilizer originating from the Lowry Superfund site in Colorado.' The consumer is also instructed to report the tainted cereal to CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. (Colorado will have the distinction of growing crops in its own radionucleide-tainted 'bio-solids' from the Lowry Bombing Range Superfund site very soon.)"
View or join a discussion of project BTNO
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0 workers
"Put on a big genetics art show very critical of the biotech industry and not funded by biotech companies, or a big eco-arts show not funded by polluters."
View or join a discussion of project FOBO
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US$300 workers
"To replicate successful US foreign aid on the home front, create and drop food bombs on impoverished areas of the United States. Here is the brochure that will be pre-dropped to explain a food bomb's use. This project seeks private pilots as well as investors."
View or join a discussion of project HHMC
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"For Halloween, set up a haunted house that shows where all the food at major fast-food chains comes from--toy animal chickens with their beaks cut off, stuffed into very small cages. The tours can be led by someone in a headless cow costume, covered in blood."
View or join a discussion of project CGBX
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"Make matchboxes with, on the front, 'Smoke only one and you'll know why they don't come in an ordinary box,' and on the back, a picture of a coffin and the words 'coming soon.' remain."
View or join a discussion of project ANTX
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0 workers
"Spread a rumor that the terrorists are planting Anthrax on American flags and the only way to ensure safety is to burn them."
View or join a discussion of project CPML
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"On a typical U.S. campus, food and meal plans are provided by a globalized corporation like Aramark, or even fast food corporations. Often students are required to buy into such meal plans. Provide an alternative by setting up a community meal night--perhaps within the campus food area--and providing healthy food in exchange for a small fee."

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