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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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The Environment Fund New projects / The Mutual Funds / Environment
This fund is a good start for the first-time investor. Its projects have minimum risk, high potential yields, and universal appeal, and they focus on the way the earth is utilized, apportioned, and perceived in the global economy.
To workshop a project in The Environment Fund Forum, click on its VIEW button.
View or join a discussion of project LACR
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US$200 workers
"A reward is being offered to any lacrosse, tennis, or jai alai team that defends people's right to gather at major protest events by catching and returning tear gas canisters before they even hit the ground. Must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project MRSP
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"Make a marijuana solution by washing residue from pot seeds or rinsing plastic bags that have held weed. Go to a metro station, or other place where drug sniffing dogs are being used, and spray doors. Spray police officers. Wander past police stations and spray cars. Spray, spray, spray... to cause false 'hits' by the dogs."
View or join a discussion of project DVRS
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0 workers
"We would like to develop a 'grassroots' seed repatriation program that will run, slowly but continuously, for as long as possible. The idea is to plant all manner of flora wherever project members go, regardless of how urban the surroundings. More urban settings are preferred, due to their high exposure. The primary focus of the repatriation will be ethnobotanicals of all kinds. For initial stages this would include (legal) hemps, herb and spice producing plants, annual flowers, and vegetables. $1000 is needed for minimal lab equipment to conduct more serious botanical research to develop strains better suited to city climates. A seed bank will be established that will consist entirely of heirloom seeds, from which anyone will be able to request, free of charge, any seed for their own local repatriation or research. A website will be maintained for the dissemination of information as the p.r. object continually evolves."
View or join a discussion of project SPRM
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0 workers
"Create and widely distribute an automatically-updating banner that documents the lowering sperm count of humans in industrialized and polluted areas."
View or join a discussion of project REFU
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US$150 workers
"Establish a refugee camp in Cabo San Lucas complete with an SUV caravan, expedition weight Gore-Tex six-man tents, gas barbeques, ATV's, Volleyball net, etc."
View or join a discussion of project PUMP
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"Gas station employees: hike gas prices at the pump to at least $10 a gallon. Modify the receipt thank you message to provide a statement like: 'This is a fraction of the cleanup costs created by your car.'"
View or join a discussion of project BKTR
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0 workers
"Form a huge roving squad of bicyclists to travel around the country as a form of protest against ecologically and politically devastating car culture. Put on spontaneous circuses in small towns and join Critical Mass bike parades in big cities. Erect tent cities in conspicuous places and non-violently defend them from police eviction or just pack up and move to the other side of town."
View or join a discussion of project CAGE
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0 workers
"A person should break into a lab and seal themselves up in a cage intended for a lab animal. Shoot photos and send to press alerting them of the experimentation going on in the local lab."
View or join a discussion of project DECX
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0 workers
"Repaint in psychedelic colors a bunch of public toilets and other 'urban furniture' made by J.C. Decaux and situated throughout Paris and other cities (e.g. San Francisco). Do this in commando actions over several nights. This highlighting of the Decaux products will help citizens to see the invasion of the city by this monopoly-holder, who owes his monopoly in Paris to the corruption of Chirac's and Tibéri's administrations."
View or join a discussion of project PRGN
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0 workers
"Bring greenspace into cities by using parking spaces as mini parks. Obtain permit for a 'construction debris bin' and use as greenspace. Furnish with sod, shrubs, flamingos, lawn signs, etc. (as appropriate to the climate). Invite friends to picnic in city's newest park."
View or join a discussion of project WRCR
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0 workers
"Spam all fax machines at an appointed hour with the message: 'I will care about your war when I have enough money to pay rent.' Need money to set up accounts, and people to send the faxes."
View or join a discussion of project RAIL
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0 workers
"Fight privatization of the rails by changing messages on the digital message boards of London Underground trains so that they support the drivers and staff instead of the Labor Government fuckups who are trying to swindle the public out of our fundamental right to decent public transportation."
View or join a discussion of project CEXP
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0 workers
"To call attention to the planned obsolescence of various computer products, place 'best before' dates on various components, either by silkscreening (would have to be done within the factory) or with stickers placed on retail boxes."
View or join a discussion of project ELCT
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0 workers
"Make copies of advertisements for electric cars, and tape them to gas pumps when you stop to fill up the tank. Oh yeah, and ride a bike."
View or join a discussion of project SUVX
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0 workers
"Perform propaganda drops on local car dealerships that have huge inventories of SUVs. Employ misinformation tactics touting the perks and piety of SUV ownership, such as, 'My Yukon takes me anywhere: with a little extra gas, I get closer to God.'"
View or join a discussion of project BENC
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0 workers
"Design park benches which are cheap, easy to install, and expensive to remove. Materials should be portable enough to be quickly installed (paralell) on sidewalks. Many cities have removed benches from the streets because people sleep on them, and you have to buy something just to sit anywhere in most cities."
View or join a discussion of project WALL
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0 workers
"Walmart has been allowing people with motor homes to 'camp' in their parking lots. Recruit thousands of hippies and homeless to camp in Walmart parking lots nationwide on the same night. Design special cardboard boxes to sleep in highlighting the destruction corporations are doing to our communities. Get nationwide media coverage."
View or join a discussion of project TREE
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0 workers
"Sneak onto corporate campuses under cover of darkness, and slowly, over a period of nights, plant native trees. Gradually the grounds managers will notice, and then report it to their bosses. If they cut the trees down, inform the newspapers that the corporation is cutting down native trees that were donated to them for free, and planted by volunteers."
View or join a discussion of project NUKE
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US$400 workers
"Nuclear weapons accidents occurred with disturbing frequency in the heart of the American landscape, yet little is commonly known about them due to Cold War security restrictions and corporate disinformation campaigns. To counter this silence a series of interactive markers will be placed in weapons accident zones."
View or join a discussion of project TRSH
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0 workers
"Make an ad campaign showing the logos of fast food companies with a message like: 'Don't trash your neighborhood. Our public image is bad enough already because of the crap we want you to eat.'"
View or join a discussion of project STKR
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0 workers
"Create window stickers for SUVs, like the stickers that the dealers put inside of new cars. But instead of having the features of the cars the sticker should contain: the gas mileage of the car, the number of SUVs on the road of that same model, the average number of oil gallons per year these SUVs account for, etc. Place them in windows of car dealership lots that are full of new SUVs."
View or join a discussion of project DNRM
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0 workers
"De-normalize outdoor ad space by purchasing ad-space on bus shelters, billboards, etc. and posting giant ads saying simply 'AD FOR ALCOHOL AIMED AT WOMEN,' 'OBSTRUCTED VIEW,' 'VISUAL POLLUTION,' 'LOCAL CHILDREN'S MURAL COMING SOON?' etc."
View or join a discussion of project EWTO
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0 workers
"The World Trade Organization often rules against environmental regulations, claiming they unfairly restrict trade. Create the opposite condition by filing an official complaint with the World Trade Organization that cites lax environmental regulations and poor working conditions as unfair subsidies for poor countries. The WTO must rule on the matter."
View or join a discussion of project GAST
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US$2500 workers
for "an employee of one of the three largest car manufacturers in the U.S. who causes at least hundreds of cars to be shipped with gas tanks that have a capacity of between half a gallon and a gallon of gas only (the cars should be able to go about eighteen miles before refueling). At least some of the cars must be sold, and the media must report on it."
View or join a discussion of project PARK
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0 workers
"To call attention to the lack of public transportation in Los Angeles (a lack deliberately engineered by three U.S. companies in the 1950s), install 'FREE PARKING' bags (identical to the ones used for 'parking holidays') on parking meters everywhere in the city, either via the local homeless, or by telling businesses to put them on their neighboring meters for an ostensibly official parking holiday."
View or join a discussion of project SUVS
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0 workers
"Create an all-out onslaught on SUVS, including bumper stickers to affix to other people's SUVs ('This vehicle approved for sports use ONLY', 'I [heart] Climate Change', etc.), explanatory fliers ('I sabotaged your SUV because...'), and a series of funny anti-SUV commercials." (See also this campaign.)
View or join a discussion of project BYKE
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"Spray-paint bicycle lanes on major and minor metropolitan streets where biking to work is an option. Spray paint stencilled words inside these lanes: 'BIKE LANE', 'CYCLISTS ONLY' and 'NO CARS THIS LANE', for example. A stick depiction of a cyclist would work well too."
View or join a discussion of project SRVY
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"Go to a site that has been staked out for a strip mall, bank or McDonald's. Carefully move ALL of the stakes the same distance in the same direction--preferably toward a street or sidewalk, thereby increasing the chances that the building will violate public ordinances."
View or join a discussion of project HTYC
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"In addition to giving SUVs tickets, give hybrids thank-you cards."
View or join a discussion of project GUXS
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0 workers
"Replace (water sucking) desert lawns with native plants without the knowledge or permission of the owner of the lawn."
View or join a discussion of project BIKE
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US$100 workers
"In a community lacking in bike lanes, research the most intelligent route and mark it, including painting roadways and adding signage. A printed map should be distributed at local libraries, grocery stores, etc, and local media outreach should get the route publicized, and thus in use, before the transportation authorities can respond."
View or join a discussion of project CHEM
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0 workers
"Subvert chemical lawn maintenance services such as 'Chemlawn'. If you see a truck for such a service, follow it and see where it goes. In the middle of the night, do a stealth 'follow-up treatment' with Roundup. Everything will die and the chemical lawn maintenance company will have to explain how their treatment killed their customers' plants. Report to the media as an irate customer."
View or join a discussion of project PTHL
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0 workers
"Plant native plants in potholes. Threatened / Endangered plants are preferred. Plants where the roots spread out a lot are also great; they can crack the concrete."
View or join a discussion of project RNDP
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0 workers
"Breed a strain of Round-Up ReadyTM pot. Plant in fields of Round-Up Ready crops."
View or join a discussion of project PTGR
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"Operation Johnny Hempseed: Sort out all the viable seeds from your dope stash. Germinate them by placing them between two paper towels folded thrice over themselves (making six layers). Wet them down and place them in a ziploc bag in the sunlight. Check every twelve hours. Once the seeds start sprouting, carefully remove them and carefully put them in another ziploc. Drop them anywhere you'd like to see pot growing. Do this at the beginning of spring and they won't be noticeable as pot until about mid-June."
View or join a discussion of project GLCL
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0 workers
"Make and send a postcard with two fat, white, male golfers in a cart with a caption 'Won't you please help us?' to taxpayers in Cuyahoga County and Hinckley Township, Ohio, to protest golf club development."
View or join a discussion of project BUCK
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"Find construction or logging sites that are known deer habitats (bonus points if site is part of a highly visible suburb expansion). Apply 'Buck Lure' ('Guaranteed to bring them in aroused'), available in any hunting section of any well known superstore, to all construction equipment. Film interactions between construction workers, supervisors, and horny deer. Submit to local news media."
View or join a discussion of project H2OM
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0 workers
"Put 'high water markers' up in exclusive seaside resort communities to show where effects of global warming will increase sea level in 10/15/20 years time." (Note: The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates sea-level rises of between 6 and 37.5 inches in the next 20 years.)
View or join a discussion of project FOIA
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0 workers
"Using the Freedom of Information Act and your skills in investigative reporting, begin gathering all available information on stock holdings, job history, drug usage, etc from Bush Administration appointees and Congressional staffs in areas that have proven hostile to American consumers, the environment, and public safety, and begin a website to post the rogues gallery and their information."
View or join a discussion of project OILS
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"Create a website for the 'Trans-Afghan Pipeline Sweepstakes' that allows contestants to guess ownerships of the speculative Trans-Afghan Gas and Oil Pipelines. The site should serve as a clearing house for dirt on the companies involved. Winners of the sweepstakes will receive a bike."
View or join a discussion of project BIRD
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0 workers
"Need funds or source of (empty) birdcages and fasteners to attach to poles at busy/smoggy intersections. If doing this, ensure that the cage is high enough as not to obstruct trucks or view of lights, also to make it difficult to remove. Attach signage with clean air slogans."
View or join a discussion of project COWS
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US$5000 workers
to anyone who can "find and administer a substance to a great number of cattle that will make their beef unfit for consumption, without harming either the cattle's health or that of potential consumers--perhaps by discoloring it."

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