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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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The Labor Fund New projects / The Mutual Funds / Labor
In an era of international outsourcing, your investments in this fund--which focuses on labor practices and workers' rights--will accrue exponential returns. The worker is the core of our system, so the board takes a keen interest in quality assurance for this fund.
To workshop a project in The Labor Fund Forum, click on its VIEW button.
View or join a discussion of project LACR
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US$200 workers
"A reward is being offered to any lacrosse, tennis, or jai alai team that defends people's right to gather at major protest events by catching and returning tear gas canisters before they even hit the ground. Must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project SWTT
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0 workers
"Attach fake tags to garments explaining the various ways that sweatshop labor saves the consumer money."
View or join a discussion of project LBRT
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"The Bush administration claims it is liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. Some country or other body should announce military plans to invade the US in order to liberate the American people (and the rest of the world) from the Bush coup. Justifications could include not only corrupt seizure of power, but also human rights violations, domestic policy that forces increasing numbers of people to live in impoverished and dangerous conditions, etc."
View or join a discussion of project PRET
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US$1700 workers
"Create 'prêt a revolter' clothing for protesters. The clothing should be colorful fashions which look funny for the media but have functional protection against police baton blows, and miniature video cameras to transmit footage of police attacks."
View or join a discussion of project DBSE
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0 workers
"Create a web database of cases where ordinary citizens have made a difference or have triumphed over Corporate America."
View or join a discussion of project DUBM
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0 workers
"Dub this hilarious filmstrip about the racism of US drug laws over the previews of rented movies before returning the tapes to the store. To get filmstrip for dubbing, download and output file from above URL or order tape."
View or join a discussion of project LOON
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0 workers
"Produce a documentary linking the increasingly harsh realities of the American workplace and economy to the rise in mental illness within the American population. Perhaps compare with European rates; perhaps also discuss 'official' corporate solutions--Prozac etc.--within this context. Film must be scheduled as part of a major regional film festival."
View or join a discussion of project YELL
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"This is a low-tech, inexpensive agitprop tool that can be used for living wage campaigns. Alter the yellow plastic safety floor signs that are used when janitors mop floors...instead of the pictogram of the 'falling man' use pictogram of figure pulling it's pockets out, denotating poverty, and the words CAUTION - CUIDADO, WAGE SLAVERY! DON'T STAND FOR IT. Would be a great visual during a student or worker occupation of an administration building, especially an oversized one."
View or join a discussion of project RAIL
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0 workers
"Fight privatization of the rails by changing messages on the digital message boards of London Underground trains so that they support the drivers and staff instead of the Labor Government fuckups who are trying to swindle the public out of our fundamental right to decent public transportation."
View or join a discussion of project GAPS
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0 workers
"Make large vinyl stickers and place them on GAP KIDs store windows. 'Made by children, for children.'"
View or join a discussion of project CCAT
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0 workers
"Use and develop this software that turns the Cuecat, the freely available barcode scanner meant to aid shopping from home and to keep messy information away from 'consumers', into a tool for learning about corporate behavior."
View or join a discussion of project DRUG
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0 workers
"Find out which politicians voted for allowing drug testing in the work place, and lobby for them to have their urine tested too. Write letter as their constituents demanding they have their urine screened regularly."
View or join a discussion of project SWWB
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0 workers
"Make a website that allows people to easily find out which clothing brands are produced, or conversely not produced, using sweatshop labor."
View or join a discussion of project FASF
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0 workers
"Program a computer game designed to prepare the user to work in a fast-food restaurant. Distribute it free of charge to American public schools. The crowning achievement would be to have the game endorsed and distributed by one of the major fast-food chains. Publicize."
View or join a discussion of project CBCL
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0 workers
"Stage a new trend in which the upward rise of housing costs in major cities leads corporations to lease office cubicles to workers who then live in them. Set up residences in an office building with personal belongings, cots, etc. Get the story on national news, use it as a way to talk about increasing dependence on large corporations."
View or join a discussion of project NIKE
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US$300 workers
"Place 'Sally Struthers'-style leaflets, detailing the poor working conditions that exist for those who assemble athletic footwear, in major-brand athletic shoes, their shoeboxes, or the shoppings bags containing them, before or as they are being sold. Workers in many cities are being sought to plant the leaflets on an agreed-upon day, especially in 'flagship' stores. Media must report on it." Click here for a sample leaflet sent in by a NIKE subscriber (and here for high-res version of same).
View or join a discussion of project WORO
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0 workers
"Make a database of all the worker-owned companies in the United States. A web page that has been started for this is here. Please submit any information about worker-owned companies."
View or join a discussion of project LUFT
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US$200 workers
"Place this brochure advertising 'Deportation Class' seating in airline seat pockets and airport waiting rooms to help show how commercial airlines are complicit in government deportation programs that treat people as inferior to trade goods. Download and print before you fly!" See also project AIRP.
View or join a discussion of project FLMC
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0 workers
"Make a video segment about how copyrights protect the rich and record it over the anti-piracy message at the start of videos." (This image was sent in and could be used for such taping.)
View or join a discussion of project PINO
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0 workers
"Remake the story of Pinocchio so that he goes to Disney Land, and rather than being transformed into a pack animal, he becomes a real, live boy... who just happens to be from a Third-World country. He and several other kids are then taken to factually accurate animated representations of Disney's Third- World sweatshops. In the end Pinocchio is beaten to death by the guards for attempting to take one of the shirts he was forced to manufacture."
View or join a discussion of project DSLR
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0 workers
"The Department of Space and Land Reclamation is a campaign to reclaim all space, land and visuals of Chicago. Throughout the city, citizens will tactically intervene in streets, allies, parks, corporate atria, and other crevices of the Chicago urban landscape. Additionally, at a secret hub participants will lounge, eat food, attend discussions and plot the more sustained redistribution of all space and land."
View or join a discussion of project KLGS
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US$120 workers
"Insert realistic collector cards into cereal boxes, each with a photo and description of one of the many workers that has been killed or maimed at the cereal manufacturer's factory."
View or join a discussion of project PICK
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US$500 workers
"Get rich white guys in sports bars to pick oranges and pay for it by inventing a video game that activates telepresent robotic labor. Disguise the fact that game players are engaging in labor by camouflaging the game as a first person shoot-em-up. Donate video game profits to the UFW. This project could be accomplished by staging it for the media, but in that case the investment capital goes directly to the UFW."
View or join a discussion of project ADP2
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0 workers
"Print stickers resembling 'Inspected by' stickers but including as well pictures of either individual sweatshop workers, or the insides of sweatshops. Go into stores (Gap, Banana Republic, etc.) and paste away."
View or join a discussion of project FOIA
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0 workers
"Using the Freedom of Information Act and your skills in investigative reporting, begin gathering all available information on stock holdings, job history, drug usage, etc from Bush Administration appointees and Congressional staffs in areas that have proven hostile to American consumers, the environment, and public safety, and begin a website to post the rogues gallery and their information."
View or join a discussion of project ADP1
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0 workers
"Manufacture cards to be placed with sweatshop-produced apparel (in shoe boxes, shirt/pant pockets, etc.) in department stores. Cards can contain such phrases as 'Handmade just for you by Juan, your Honduran friend. 3.5 cents of your purchase will go towards feeding my family. Thank you!'"
View or join a discussion of project POTV
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0 workers
"I will document my life for one whole year while I live on $6,000 dollars, and show the results on TV."
View or join a discussion of project AFIX
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0 workers
"Take old filthy clothes you are going to throw away, affix price tags of $100 or more, and place them on hangers on the racks of your local GAP, Abercrombie and Fitch, etc."
View or join a discussion of project URIN
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0 workers
"A urinalysis lab worker should save and return as 'corporate property' all tested urine of new hires in a mass mailing to the CEO of a major corporation. The return of urine to its 'rightful owners' should be made into a highly visible press event."
View or join a discussion of project SWET
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0 workers
"Start an athletic apparel company called 'Sweatshop' which will sell t-shirts and other sportswear made ethically (but not marketed as such). Use media and word of mouth to popularize the brand as a constant reminder that most apparel is still made in conditions that are little better than slavery."

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