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Projects added April 2-14, 2003 (open)
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Projects added April 2-14, 2003 New projects / New projects
View or join a discussion of project VICT
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0 workers
"Commission the construction of a bronze statue of George W. Bush holding up the decapitated head of Saddam Hussein. Mount this statue at a prominent tourist area in Washington DC along with enormous (Saddam-like) images of Mr. Bush. Then orchestrate and videotape crowds cheering as the authorities remove the statue reminiscent of the fall of Saddam's statue in central Bagdad. Provide this footage to foriegn and domestic, corporate and independent media."
View or join a discussion of project SPWB
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"Operation Spiderweb: Shut down intersections or sections of streets by attaching duct tape and/or yellow 'caution' tape to lampposts and traffic lights and stretching the tape across the street back and forth. Use a broom handle to unspool the tape as you run or bike. (You'll need several rolls of tape per section of road.) Could be coordinated with Operation Duct Shield."
View or join a discussion of project LBRT
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"The Bush administration claims it is liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. Some country or other body should announce military plans to invade the US in order to liberate the American people (and the rest of the world) from the Bush coup. Justifications could include not only corrupt seizure of power, but also human rights violations, domestic policy that forces increasing numbers of people to live in impoverished and dangerous conditions, etc."
View or join a discussion of project FGSL
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"Operation Forgetful Sloth: Find a crosswalk that is in a main intersection with no traffic light. With a group of 8-10 people (or more depending on size of intersection). cross very slowly one at a time, spacing yourselves a few feet from each other, but close enough so that cars cannot drive through. Upon reaching the other side of the crosswalk, turn around and walk back. Pass out materials at either curb. Repeat ad infitum, making sure you stay in the crosswalks. (As always before organizing a protest, have everyone involved call the news media to make sure it gets coverage. This has been increasingly difficult, for various reasons."
View or join a discussion of project FKFR
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"Patriotic Americans are focusing their frustration with the French in the wrong way. The birthplace of french fries is arguable, but every American knows that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. Set up a website petition/movement to destroy the Statue of Liberty or give it back to France." Note: this has already been done, twice--once without a trace of self-consciousness. (Here's the other one.)
View or join a discussion of project CFST
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"If Reagan had not repealed Carter's fuel efficiency standards, we would not have been dependent on any Persian Gulf oil by 1986. (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) Make ads similar to the 'drug money supports terrorism' ads, but geared towards U.S. consumerism. One quick way would be by editing the high budget drug ads with SUV commercials. (See for a similar project.)
View or join a discussion of project GMBL
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"Along the lines of, create a national office gambling pool that raises money for war victims by allowing people to bet on various statistics in the campaign against Iraq. Possible betting objects: number of civilian casualties on a given day, time that next refugee convoy will be bombed, date that next 'discovery' of chemical weapons will occur, etc."
View or join a discussion of project POST
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0 workers
"It is possible to print newsprint in large quantities inexpensively. Make newsprint inserts and place in tabloids such as The New York Post or USA Today en masse. The inserts should be in the tabloid's style, but discuss the war's real costs--the civilian casualties, for example--or other news or background that doesn't get coverage. To get media attention, include real journalists' e-mails or work phone numbers on the inserts. Best to have ten or more journalists listed; one option is to have one journalist listed on a hundred, another on another hundred, etc. (See this project, for example.)"
View or join a discussion of project VNST
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"Make attractive stickers saying 'This war was brought to you by' and place them before appropriate corporate logos."
View or join a discussion of project CNDM
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"'Good' Americans wrap themselves in the flag as if to protect themselves while their government kills innocent men, women and children in the Middle East. As a response, make bumper stickers or flyers with this image and post them on, for example, SUVs proudly displaying the owner's ignorance with multiple flags."
View or join a discussion of project LSTP
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"Recently, movie theaters have begun to show TV commercials before the commercials for upcoming movies before they show the movie that you paid them for. Create custom tips for laser pointers that cause the laser pointer image to say 'annoying' or 'fraud' or 'worthless' that people can use to disrupt the advertising before the movie starts. This would probably be fairly inexpensive and there are all sorts of other potential uses of customized laser pointer tips."
View or join a discussion of project BHMS
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"Many large American companies avoid paying taxes by locating their headquarters in places like the Bahamas. To publicize this outrage, make a TV commercial and/or magazine advertisement for a website that helps businesses do this. The website would tell how/why such practices are legal, list companies who have done it and how to contact them, and an easy way to fax their elected officials demanding that this loophole be closed (possibly with a pre-prepared letter)."
View or join a discussion of project RLTY
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"The media shows us our latest weapons, but not their consequences. Purchase little green army men (100 for 99 cents or so), burn them slightly (careful for the fumes), cut some of them into bits, and insert into a sturdy water balloon, plastic easter egg, or the like. Add red paint (red alkyd is fast-drying and durable) and seal. When you throw this 'reality' bomb at appropriate targets, it will produce a scene much like the real thing. Alternately, simply glue the pre-colored army-men bits in place."
View or join a discussion of project PCLN
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"Take a simple lawn fertilizer spreader (a drop spreader would be best), a long piece of string, and a stick of some sort. Put the stick into the ground and tie the string to it. Fill the lawn spreader with some type of easy-growing seeds. Walk around the stick, using the string to guide a perfect circle. Add the rest of the peace symbol after that. It won't be visible until about a week later when the seeds all sprout. It should be done somewhere on Federal property. See what the government says when their beautiful green lawn sprouts a 100-foot diameter peace sign and the media jumps all over it."
View or join a discussion of project DNRM
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0 workers
"De-normalize outdoor ad space by purchasing ad-space on bus shelters, billboards, etc. and posting giant ads saying simply 'AD FOR ALCOHOL AIMED AT WOMEN,' 'OBSTRUCTED VIEW,' 'VISUAL POLLUTION,' 'LOCAL CHILDREN'S MURAL COMING SOON?' etc."
View or join a discussion of project MDPR
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"If Prozac can be prescribed for PMS and menopause is now 'Estrogen-Deficiency Disorder,' it should be possible to create a condition called something like 'Median Personality Disorder' that requires medical treatment. Advertise such a condition, create brochures for a drug that fights it, etc. (Related: Chris Morris's 'cake' stunt.)"
View or join a discussion of project HTYC
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"In addition to giving SUVs tickets, give hybrids thank-you cards."
View or join a discussion of project DUCT
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"Operation Duct Shield: If the news doesn't want to cover protests accurately, don't let them report them at all. Carry backpacks full of duct tape into a major broadcast outlet (CNN, Fox, etc.). After being refused access to your airwaves, regroup just outside the doors and duct-tape them shut. Simultaneously, another group should do this at a pro-war politician's office."
View or join a discussion of project NTCL
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The FTC will soon have a National 'Do Not Call' registry. It is hard to imagine anyone who seriously wants to continue receiving calls from telemarketers. But it is also hard to imagine anyone giving their information to the government without hesitation. Write a computer program to methodically add every single possible phone number to the database using randomly falsified information."
View or join a discussion of project TRHR
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"Operation Tortoise and Hare: A person dressed as a turtle will crawl through an intersection on his or her hands and knees, taking as long as possible. The rabbit will run back and forth as many times as possible before cars start to move through the crosswalk. This method will only slow traffic as opposed to stopping it in full, but provides an interesting and entertaining show for those who are being inconvenienced."
View or join a discussion of project PTGR
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"Operation Johnny Hempseed: Sort out all the viable seeds from your dope stash. Germinate them by placing them between two paper towels folded thrice over themselves (making six layers). Wet them down and place them in a ziploc bag in the sunlight. Check every twelve hours. Once the seeds start sprouting, carefully remove them and carefully put them in another ziploc. Drop them anywhere you'd like to see pot growing. Do this at the beginning of spring and they won't be noticeable as pot until about mid-June."
View or join a discussion of project QTRT
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"Create a PR campaign to change the US motto from 'E Pluribus Unum' ('Out of many, one') to 'Quis Te Rogavit' ('Who asked you')."
View or join a discussion of project SVNP
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"On the 20-ounce bottles of 7-Up, the labels says 'Look under specially marked caps to see if you have won. No purchase necessary.' Nothing states you have to buy the soda. If taken literally, consumers have the right to open up 7-Up bottles in the store looking for winning game pieces, so long as they don't drink any (that would be stealing). See how many bottles you and a group of friends can open before being stopped. Coordinate with friends to call local media to the store parking lot, especially if the police are called. Plausible denial is crucial, so activists will have to be convincingly surprised that this is not what 7-Up intended. If successful, 7-UP will be forced to accept returns on large quantities of opened product, grocery stores will be featured in the news leading hapless victims out in cuffs. If led out of the store in front of cameras, the activist should look directly into the lens and say 'Make 7 Up-Yours' with the emphasis on the 'Up Yours,' just like the ads."
View or join a discussion of project STTH
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"Create a street theater game, perhaps something between RISK and Monopoly, that would illustrate the consequences of neoliberalism/neocolonialism. It should be fun and have simple rules that could be distributed by leaflet to passersby, who would be invited to join in the game. Possible themes/characters: world debt, trade in commodities including 'cheap labor' (also a role), secrecy and under-the-table pacts, etc."
View or join a discussion of project BRCD
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"Spread a rumor via phoney press releases that Monsanto has begun a new program to genetically engineer bar codes directly onto the skins of supermarket fruits and vegetables, enabling them to be directly scanned at checkout, bypassing the costly process of placing stickers on produce. Get local TV man-in-the-street reactions to having their bananas bar-coded."
View or join a discussion of project WRDP
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"Get a resolution introduced in Congress (bonus points for the Senate) to change the name of the Pentagon back to the War Department."
View or join a discussion of project RISK
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"Claiming that you are with Board Game magazine, for example, secure an interview with Laura Bush, Lynne Cheney, or the spouses or children of any of the hawks in the Bush administration. Ask general questions about what kinds of card games or board games the big decision-makers play, working your way up to specific wargames like Risk. Possible questions: 'Does your family own Risk or Stratego? Do they play often? Does hubby mostly win or lose at these wargames? Do they use a Risk game board for briefings in the Oval Office about the war, or do they use a custom game board? What are the playing pieces like on that custom-made set? I saw this giant map on NBC, where the announcer and a retired General were walking around on it, and they had some big plastic army dudes about ten inches high, next to some big tanks, showing where Allied Forces were massed against Iraqi forces. Do you know where our readers can buy playing pieces like that? When you were in the middle of playing Risk, did your husband ever position troops on the board to demonstrate where his forces had been deployed in real life? Did he ever keep playing the same battles over and over until he won? Would you consider playing this game against your husband on a daily basis, and intentionally lose every day?'"
View or join a discussion of project STRM
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"Start a movement to storm the Capitol building, White House, FCC headquarters, etc. not in protest, but because we own those institutions and what they represent (government, the airwaves, etc.)."
View or join a discussion of project CNTL
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"Whenever you see a TV that's on in a public place, and nobody is watching you or it, screw aroudn with the input controlls on the back so that it won't work if turned on, and then unplug the power but not the cable, so that people will look at the controls when they plug the cord back in."

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