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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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The Alternative Markets Fund New projects / The Mutual Funds / Alternative Markets
"Gays consitute an important market segment, and therefore should be respected." This strain of gay activism, dominant since the late '80s, amounts to an investment in the corporate domination of government policy. With corporations showing such murderous indifference to those without buying power, the potential benefits of more correctly defined objectives is enormous.
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0 workers
"Alcohol manufacturers have long sponsored alcoholism among gays, and have encouraged the near-monopolization of gay culture by bars. At a gay event sponsored by an alcohol manufacturer, dress as a representative of the sponsoring corporation, wear a big sign saying e.g. 'Coors loves gays', and as a corporate public service distribute useful alcohol-related information, e.g. ways to alleviate immediate effects of alcohol poisoning while awaiting an ambulance, how to arrange your insurance policy so that likely eventual liver damage will be properly covered, chemical ways to counter momentary or chronic impotence brought on by alcohol use, etc."
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0 workers
"We would like to create a video describing how gay liberation has also had a negative impact on 'financially challenged' gays. Before gay lib, gay bars were to be found only in poor neighborhoods, providing these with infusions of cash; this resource of course vanished when bars could be located openly in other areas. Furthermore, the windfall that gay lib has represented for marketing entrepreneurs, big discos, etc. has made coming out a potentially expensive experience. The intention is to place a responsibility on gay institutions (and government) to concern themselves with those gays (and others) who do not benefit from corporate desires."
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0 workers
"Switch the magnets in 'Kiss-Kiss' bears so that they only work as same-sex 'couples.' Replace on the store shelves. Publicize."
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"In the tradition of stamping money with 'GAY MONEY' (as a way to show how much purchasing power gays have) stamp money with 'CORPORATE MONEY' or some other more apropos slogan." (See also Dollarhack.)
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0 workers
"Someone who works in a bakery or cake store should place same-gender statuettes on the tops of Wedding Cakes just before they go in the box. Putting one on display at a big store would be good."
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0 workers
"Register all of the available domains,,,, and for use in the next NC senatorial race. Work closely with other groups to create a mock political site to familiarize readers with Helms' political track record."
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US$180 workers
to "alter ordinary supermarket greeting card displays to reflect concerns that are never reflected in such displays, e.g. the virtues of eating free-range pork meat, the marriage of one's non-native boyfriend (for a man), or the execution of one's soulmate. Amount offered will depend upon specific project. Cards may also simply be added to displays rather than altered in manufacturing." Here are several examples received so far, including thumbnails and higher-resolution images ready for printing.
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0 workers
"Establish National Lift Day, on which to go into targeted stores and steal clothes at random, then donate them to a charitable institution the next day. Variation: steal clothes especially targeted at the gay community."
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0 workers
"Launch a convincing e-commerce parody website that allows consumers to 'click-and-buy' a huge variety of absurd, politically charged, or spiritually abstract goods, such as gay liberation, unconditional love, the soul of Rupert Murdoch, blind complacency, or the revolutionary potential of the Internet. Ideal would be a 'sticky' site, which encourages consumer trance. Must receive media coverage."
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0 workers
"Manufacture cards to be placed with sweatshop-produced apparel (in shoe boxes, shirt/pant pockets, etc.) in department stores. Cards can contain such phrases as 'Handmade just for you by Juan, your Honduran friend. 3.5 cents of your purchase will go towards feeding my family. Thank you!'"
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0 workers
"Religious iconography, perhaps more than any other visual input, determines our sexual tastes, even today. In the interest of societal psychoanalysis, create and maintain a website which makes this fact manifest by means of still images of erotically charged religious art (old and new), live erotic performances (visitor can play St. Sebastian's ex-lover and shoot the arrow, or Pontius Pilate can wash virtual hands), etc. Site must be respectful and in no way derogatory of any religion."
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0 workers
"Start an athletic apparel company called 'Sweatshop' which will sell t-shirts and other sportswear made ethically (but not marketed as such). Use media and word of mouth to popularize the brand as a constant reminder that most apparel is still made in conditions that are little better than slavery."
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0 funds
"Infiltrate sperm and egg banks with 'homosexual sperm and eggs,' by lying on the screening tests about sexual history and preferences. Report actions to media and include in reports a manifesto from the Queer Creationist Campaign (QCC) claiming you have succeeded in infiltrating heterosexual bodies all over the country with more highly evolved genomes in order to create new generations of a more perfect Queer race."

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