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Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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View or join a discussion of project ALKY
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0 workers
"Alcohol manufacturers have long sponsored alcoholism among gays, and have encouraged the near-monopolization of gay culture by bars. At a gay event sponsored by an alcohol manufacturer, dress as a representative of the sponsoring corporation, wear a big sign saying e.g. 'Coors loves gays', and as a corporate public service distribute useful alcohol-related information, e.g. ways to alleviate immediate effects of alcohol poisoning while awaiting an ambulance, how to arrange your insurance policy so that likely eventual liver damage will be properly covered, chemical ways to counter momentary or chronic impotence brought on by alcohol use, etc."
View or join a discussion of project LABL
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0 workers
"Add honest labels to food products in supermarkets across the country, stating 'Genetically altered to be tastier,' 'Genetically modified to be redder,' etc."
View or join a discussion of project MYAM
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0 workers
"In a McDonald's, make and serve real hamburgers, made with fresh meat from the butchers, vegetables from the market, and good bread. This education in taste should be geared especially to children."
View or join a discussion of project BKWR
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US$500 workers
"Distribute devices (such as these) that let you turn any bicycle into a printing, street writing device that prints as you ride. This project needs investment to transform more bikes, and print and distribute plans."
View or join a discussion of project LACR
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US$200 workers
"A reward is being offered to any lacrosse, tennis, or jai alai team that defends people's right to gather at major protest events by catching and returning tear gas canisters before they even hit the ground. Must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project PRGY
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0 workers
"We would like to create a video describing how gay liberation has also had a negative impact on 'financially challenged' gays. Before gay lib, gay bars were to be found only in poor neighborhoods, providing these with infusions of cash; this resource of course vanished when bars could be located openly in other areas. Furthermore, the windfall that gay lib has represented for marketing entrepreneurs, big discos, etc. has made coming out a potentially expensive experience. The intention is to place a responsibility on gay institutions (and government) to concern themselves with those gays (and others) who do not benefit from corporate desires."
View or join a discussion of project LNAD
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0 workers
"Make insane ads for companies, out of enthusiasm--'Dow is the best! I heart-heart-heart chemical industry giant!' Xerox them and put them up everywhere, thus associating the brands with insane ravings."
View or join a discussion of project ETCH
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0 workers
"Glass etching cream may be screenprinted onto glass, leaving behind an image that cannot be removed. Design a small device that contains a screen, a squeegee, and glass etching cream, then print intricate and beautiful anti-corporate messages on expensive plate glass windows. Owner will have to decide whether to spend huge to replace glass, or leave message up." (Sample design here.)
View or join a discussion of project VICT
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0 workers
"Commission the construction of a bronze statue of George W. Bush holding up the decapitated head of Saddam Hussein. Mount this statue at a prominent tourist area in Washington DC along with enormous (Saddam-like) images of Mr. Bush. Then orchestrate and videotape crowds cheering as the authorities remove the statue reminiscent of the fall of Saddam's statue in central Bagdad. Provide this footage to foriegn and domestic, corporate and independent media."
View or join a discussion of project TAGA
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0 workers
"Use the Tagamatic developed in project ETCH to permanently etch the words 'void where prohibited by law' on that glass case that holds the United States' most sacred document."
View or join a discussion of project SPWB
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"Operation Spiderweb: Shut down intersections or sections of streets by attaching duct tape and/or yellow 'caution' tape to lampposts and traffic lights and stretching the tape across the street back and forth. Use a broom handle to unspool the tape as you run or bike. (You'll need several rolls of tape per section of road.) Could be coordinated with Operation Duct Shield."
View or join a discussion of project MRSP
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"Make a marijuana solution by washing residue from pot seeds or rinsing plastic bags that have held weed. Go to a metro station, or other place where drug sniffing dogs are being used, and spray doors. Spray police officers. Wander past police stations and spray cars. Spray, spray, spray... to cause false 'hits' by the dogs."
View or join a discussion of project SWTT
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0 workers
"Attach fake tags to garments explaining the various ways that sweatshop labor saves the consumer money."
View or join a discussion of project LBRT
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"The Bush administration claims it is liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. Some country or other body should announce military plans to invade the US in order to liberate the American people (and the rest of the world) from the Bush coup. Justifications could include not only corrupt seizure of power, but also human rights violations, domestic policy that forces increasing numbers of people to live in impoverished and dangerous conditions, etc."
View or join a discussion of project FLAG
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0 workers
"Deliver cease-and-desist letters to retail outlets which sell clothing made from the American flag, claiming you represent estate of Abbie Hoffman and hold the copyright."
View or join a discussion of project WRAP
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0 workers
"Grab Microsoft and AOL promotional CD's, bring them home and burn new ones, chock full of viruses, bugs, flaws; then put them back, shrink wrapped and ready to go. 'Hello, Microsoft? I just installed this XP promo and every time I boot up it invokes the name of Satan.'"
View or join a discussion of project BUSH
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US$200 workers
"Hack any mainstream news website and paste in an article by Michael Moore about George W. Bush ("
View or join a discussion of project JAMJ
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0 workers
"Jam the transceiver used on the Jacobs Family during a press conference for demonstration."
View or join a discussion of project ADBS
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US$w "Sit in the Barnes and Noble or Borders cafe with fashion magazines. alter the advertisements, and replace them on the shelf to be bought be unsuspecting customers."
View or join a discussion of project CRDT
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0 workers
"Set up a system like RTMark, but that accepts credit cards."
View or join a discussion of project FGSL
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"Operation Forgetful Sloth: Find a crosswalk that is in a main intersection with no traffic light. With a group of 8-10 people (or more depending on size of intersection). cross very slowly one at a time, spacing yourselves a few feet from each other, but close enough so that cars cannot drive through. Upon reaching the other side of the crosswalk, turn around and walk back. Pass out materials at either curb. Repeat ad infitum, making sure you stay in the crosswalks. (As always before organizing a protest, have everyone involved call the news media to make sure it gets coverage. This has been increasingly difficult, for various reasons."
View or join a discussion of project AMKG
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"Near the start of the U.S. Republic, there were attempts to make George Washington king. Since George W. Bush is acting just like a monarch--he is even taking drastic measures to insure his political line's continuity--launch a movement to find the rightful heir to the American throne among George Washington's descendants, and install him or her with all due pomp and circumstance as a relatively benign alternative to the current de facto monarchy."
View or join a discussion of project FKFR
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"Patriotic Americans are focusing their frustration with the French in the wrong way. The birthplace of french fries is arguable, but every American knows that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. Set up a website petition/movement to destroy the Statue of Liberty or give it back to France." Note: this has already been done, twice--once without a trace of self-consciousness. (Here's the other one.)
View or join a discussion of project CFST
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"If Reagan had not repealed Carter's fuel efficiency standards, we would not have been dependent on any Persian Gulf oil by 1986. (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) Make ads similar to the 'drug money supports terrorism' ads, but geared towards U.S. consumerism. One quick way would be by editing the high budget drug ads with SUV commercials. (See for a similar project.)
View or join a discussion of project BMPB
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0 workers
"Go to the parking lot outside a parent-teacher meeting an elite private school and discreetly 'distribute' bumper stickers that say 'Exercise your ability to buy education.'"
View or join a discussion of project GMBL
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"Along the lines of, create a national office gambling pool that raises money for war victims by allowing people to bet on various statistics in the campaign against Iraq. Possible betting objects: number of civilian casualties on a given day, time that next refugee convoy will be bombed, date that next 'discovery' of chemical weapons will occur, etc."
View or join a discussion of project KISB
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0 workers
"Switch the magnets in 'Kiss-Kiss' bears so that they only work as same-sex 'couples.' Replace on the store shelves. Publicize."
View or join a discussion of project ACT2
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0 workers
"Develop and release an open-source, p2p code base that would provide 'next-generation' multi-language security, user-authentication, and distributed file serving for the Indymedia network and its allies."
View or join a discussion of project PRET
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US$1700 workers
"Create 'prêt a revolter' clothing for protesters. The clothing should be colorful fashions which look funny for the media but have functional protection against police baton blows, and miniature video cameras to transmit footage of police attacks."
View or join a discussion of project DBSE
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0 workers
"Create a web database of cases where ordinary citizens have made a difference or have triumphed over Corporate America."
View or join a discussion of project NSDS
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US$150 workers
"Make and place sound playback devices in newspaper dispensers. When the door is opened, the machine can deliver commentary you may only find between the lines in the print."
View or join a discussion of project ADST
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0 workers
"Show the link between American corporations and the rise of the Taliban (or Saddam) in a Superbowl Advertisement. The catch phrase at the end: 'Where do these regimes get their money? If you buy American products, it's definitely coming from you!'"
View or join a discussion of project DVRS
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0 workers
"We would like to develop a 'grassroots' seed repatriation program that will run, slowly but continuously, for as long as possible. The idea is to plant all manner of flora wherever project members go, regardless of how urban the surroundings. More urban settings are preferred, due to their high exposure. The primary focus of the repatriation will be ethnobotanicals of all kinds. For initial stages this would include (legal) hemps, herb and spice producing plants, annual flowers, and vegetables. $1000 is needed for minimal lab equipment to conduct more serious botanical research to develop strains better suited to city climates. A seed bank will be established that will consist entirely of heirloom seeds, from which anyone will be able to request, free of charge, any seed for their own local repatriation or research. A website will be maintained for the dissemination of information as the p.r. object continually evolves."
View or join a discussion of project ADSS
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0 workers
"Show the link between American tax dollars and the rise of the Taliban in a Superbowl Advertisement. The catch phrase at the end: 'Where do these regimes get their money? If you pay Federal Income Taxes, it's definitely coming from you!'"
View or join a discussion of project POST
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0 workers
"It is possible to print newsprint in large quantities inexpensively. Make newsprint inserts and place in tabloids such as The New York Post or USA Today en masse. The inserts should be in the tabloid's style, but discuss the war's real costs--the civilian casualties, for example--or other news or background that doesn't get coverage. To get media attention, include real journalists' e-mails or work phone numbers on the inserts. Best to have ten or more journalists listed; one option is to have one journalist listed on a hundred, another on another hundred, etc. (See this project, for example.)"
View or join a discussion of project CMPN
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US$100 workers
"Make satirical political campaign signs that say things like 'Don't Vote - It Only Encourages Them' and place them in suburbs."
View or join a discussion of project STKG
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"Download the images at Print them, post them, paste them, poster them, and otherwise disseminate them."
View or join a discussion of project VNST
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"Make attractive stickers saying 'This war was brought to you by' and place them before appropriate corporate logos."
View or join a discussion of project GAYM
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"In the tradition of stamping money with 'GAY MONEY' (as a way to show how much purchasing power gays have) stamp money with 'CORPORATE MONEY' or some other more apropos slogan." (See also Dollarhack.)
View or join a discussion of project MEAT
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0 workers
"A worker in a newsroom should consistently add gory slaughterhouse footage to any and all stories about animals on the news, especially the nice, heartwarming stories."
View or join a discussion of project VIVE
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0 workers
"Human volunteers present themselves at labs where animal experiments are taking place, offering to change places with the animals. After all: you are a better test subject and model; You are the reason for the testing. If refused, alert the media, sue the laboratory for discrimination and misuse of taxpayer funds, perhaps change places with the animals overnight."
View or join a discussion of project WHAK
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US$100 workers
"Hack digital whack-a-mole by adding the faces of Bush and his cabinet. Distribute it!"
View or join a discussion of project REDS
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0 workers
"Campaign for Student Council office in a public high school on the Communist Party platform. Establish a website where interested persons can learn more about your positions toward such vital issues as school lunch and senior parking. Plaster the school with your colorful campaign posters, and receive media coverage."
View or join a discussion of project ICAN
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"Help defeat the corporate stranglehold on the 'root zone' of the Internet by switching your Domain Name Service over from Network Solutions or other corporate giants to independent namespaces. More info here."
View or join a discussion of project SPMG
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0 workers
"Purchase e-mail lists and subscribe to bulk-mailing services (usually about $150). Use these lists to send messages informing recipients where their addresses were bought, how the messages were sent, and urging them to complain. Provide real contact for the companies that you want to receive complaints, as well as legislators' contact info and other anti-spam resources."
View or join a discussion of project SUIC
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0 workers
"Create a corporate suicide website precisely describing to CEOs how they can kill their own corporations (for whatever personal reasons they may have)."
View or join a discussion of project CHCK
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0 workers
"Manufacture mini-pamphlets containing useful information about the environment, corporations, and politics using the same format as chick tracts (Christian religious pamphlets). Distribute the 'think tracts' nation wide as they do."
View or join a discussion of project SPRM
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0 workers
"Create and widely distribute an automatically-updating banner that documents the lowering sperm count of humans in industrialized and polluted areas."
View or join a discussion of project NOTE
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"Make a rubber stamp with the words 'SAMPLE. NOT VALID' Stamp these words in red ink over $20 notes (or your local currency) Obviously the notes are valid and you can use them to pay in automatic ticket machines like the ones found in tube stations, etc. Your money is accepted by the machine. The company owner of the machine will face several problems when trying to use that money, basically people will refuse to accept it (who would accept it, even if it is a real note...would you take the risk?) Summary: you'll be causing a great disrupt (change the notes, get new ones, etc.) with a minimum investment in money and/or time."
View or join a discussion of project DUBM
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0 workers
"Dub this hilarious filmstrip about the racism of US drug laws over the previews of rented movies before returning the tapes to the store. To get filmstrip for dubbing, download and output file from above URL or order tape."
View or join a discussion of project MIRR
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US$1000 workers
"Distribute at least 1000 mirrors to activists in Genoa. Use them to reflect blinding sun on the the police and the G8 to re-enact Archimedes' burning of the Roman fleet." Done!
View or join a discussion of project REFU
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US$150 workers
"Establish a refugee camp in Cabo San Lucas complete with an SUV caravan, expedition weight Gore-Tex six-man tents, gas barbeques, ATV's, Volleyball net, etc."
View or join a discussion of project SPRA
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0 workers
"Construct a car-mounted hi-res projection unit and pirate unused billboards with your favorite pookalicious slogans."
View or join a discussion of project MAIL
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US$3000 workers
for a "worker at one of the five biggest mailing and parcel delivery services who can cause several thousand large packages, addressed from one corporation to another, to be delivered instead to social welfare agencies that work with children, during a holiday like Easter or Christmas, with the name and address of the social welfare agencies replacing the originals on the packages."
View or join a discussion of project EXCH
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0 workers
"Organize a campaign in which many people each buy a few items from a targeted corporation, and then exchange them repeatedly over the next few weeks (often possible without a receipt, so the original clothes could be purchased from thrift stores)."
View or join a discussion of project PUMP
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"Gas station employees: hike gas prices at the pump to at least $10 a gallon. Modify the receipt thank you message to provide a statement like: 'This is a fraction of the cleanup costs created by your car.'"
View or join a discussion of project VSKT
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0 workers
"Make a 'data arsenal' website containing zipped computer viruses which the visitor can download and distribute by e-mail."
View or join a discussion of project CNDM
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"'Good' Americans wrap themselves in the flag as if to protect themselves while their government kills innocent men, women and children in the Middle East. As a response, make bumper stickers or flyers with this image and post them on, for example, SUVs proudly displaying the owner's ignorance with multiple flags."
View or join a discussion of project PRTL
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"Write a program that people can download and run on their computers, which will periodically dial telemarketing company phone numbers... over, and over, and over again."
View or join a discussion of project SECC
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US$200 workers
"It is possible to disable security cameras by affixing in front of them photographs that are indiscernable from their normal scene. Invent an easy way to affix such photographs in a very short time (five seconds) as you pass by the camera, and widely distribute the idea."
View or join a discussion of project WART
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0 workers
"Create a social movement whose ultimate goal it will be to manifest, through the power of popular will, genital warts on George W. Bush. The would-be president will be infected with this unpleasant condition through mass mailings, a web site, and the creation of art depicting Bush with the condition. In this age of plutocracy our aim is to point out the uselessness of the voting booth in actualizing real, material changes, and to explore new possibilities for democracy."
View or join a discussion of project MAST
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0 workers
"Print informative pages about the virtues of mutual masturbation as a from of safe sex in a high school or college newspaper."
View or join a discussion of project NAFT
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US$300 workers
"Argue that a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Certificate of Origin form can replace the lengthy and difficult immigration procedures for the United States. If products are able to move between Canada, the US, and Mexico with the reduced or eliminated duty allowed under the NAFTA regulations, people should be allowed to move across national boundaries with reduced or eliminated migration regulations as well. You can find a copy of the form here. Several people must make it across the US-Canada and US-Mexico borders with the document, and their actions must be widely reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project TBCN
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0 workers
"Introduce cannabis into cigarettes on store shelves. Use the resulting scandal to show the hypocrisy of public powers that allow deadly cigarettes to be made by powerful companies, while they fight other 'soft drugs.'"
View or join a discussion of project BKTR
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0 workers
"Form a huge roving squad of bicyclists to travel around the country as a form of protest against ecologically and politically devastating car culture. Put on spontaneous circuses in small towns and join Critical Mass bike parades in big cities. Erect tent cities in conspicuous places and non-violently defend them from police eviction or just pack up and move to the other side of town."
View or join a discussion of project HLWN
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0 workers
"For halloween, set up a haunted house that shows where all the food at major fast-food chains comes from, e.g. toy animal chickens with their beaks cut off, stuffed into very small cages."
View or join a discussion of project MENT
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0 workers
"We would like to use domains like and to protest the profiteering of the mental health industry, and to reveal the damaging trauma often caused by the treatment itself. We are especially interested in emphasizing the social and family violence precursors to mental illness, and in protesting diagnosis of problems in living--or even bad behavior--as brain diseases that need commercial treatment."
View or join a discussion of project CAGE
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0 workers
"A person should break into a lab and seal themselves up in a cage intended for a lab animal. Shoot photos and send to press alerting them of the experimentation going on in the local lab."
View or join a discussion of project DOLO
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0 workers
"Silkscreen a specific corporate logo onto US currency with text offering the bearer of said note double the face value of the note at that particular place of business on every Saturday. Must be done in mass quantities, must be reported in mainstream media."
View or join a discussion of project PDIS
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0 workers
"Establish a grant for television and movie makers who do negative product placement, or 'product displacement.' Examples: The FedEx package arrives late and mangled; someone throws up after eating at McDonald's; someone spits out their Starbucks coffee and says it tastes like shit; cameo of Rev. Billy being thrown out of a Disney store as characters walk by; characters cursing at their Microsoft software or AOL, etc."
View or join a discussion of project FRCD
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0 workers
"An employee of a software firm should change the licenses of a large number of program CDs or manuals to read that the program can be distributed freely and that anything else would run counter to the interests of the customer."
View or join a discussion of project MRPR
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"Enlist some night-stockers at your local K-Mart, and replace the 'Martha Stewart Living' stock on the shelves with rows of tin cups, prison uniforms, sharpened toothbrushes, etc. Leave all Martha signage in place."
View or join a discussion of project TKBS
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0 workers
"A number of these Talking Bush dolls should be modified to utter ONLY Bushisms and the darkest secrets of the Skull & Bones Society."
View or join a discussion of project SPBL
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0 workers
"Create a Super Bowl commercial about how much money is spent on Super Bowl commercials. Play it on cable access television."
View or join a discussion of project KINK
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0 workers
Put together a 8 1/2' x 11' flyer featuring the Kinko's logo (click link to download) with a message of 'Thank you for your patronage' or the like - all on the background of a gay porn photo or something equally obscene to the business world. Make many copies of it and insert them upsidedown into the paper trays of their self-serve machines. Shocked patrons will find their self-serve copies having a nice Kinko's thank you on the reverse side. Kinko's can subvert itself for 6 cents a copy."
View or join a discussion of project POVI
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0 workers
"Develop a virus that will not damage users' hard drives, but will pull random bits of text from hard drives and make a poem out of them."
View or join a discussion of project LOON
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0 workers
"Produce a documentary linking the increasingly harsh realities of the American workplace and economy to the rise in mental illness within the American population. Perhaps compare with European rates; perhaps also discuss 'official' corporate solutions--Prozac etc.--within this context. Film must be scheduled as part of a major regional film festival."
View or join a discussion of project CYBG
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US$1000 workers
"Create and distribute a number of head-mounted computer devices similar to those used by the 'cyborgs' at the MIT Media Lab, that would track those cyborgs and report, via retinal monitor, on the MIT cyborgs' whereabouts and online activities."
View or join a discussion of project FORB
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0 workers
"In your local library, slip an small insert into the front of the magazine in publications such as Forbes, Fortune, Fast Co., Business 2.0, etc. that says: 'Warning! This magazine contains vulgar capitalist images and ideas.'"
View or join a discussion of project HOOK
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0 workers
"Target a movie that is very predictable and find a scene which can accommodate an insert of a nature contrary to intent of the scene."
View or join a discussion of project AUDB
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0 workers
"$1000 needed to subvert an audiobook leasing company (they distribute latest bestsellers, including a heavy list of corporate/conservative titles to hundreds of truckstops and public libraries across the country) by recording over every cassette of a certain highly anticipated right-wing title with Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, or Michael Parenti, etc. Worker will keep log of where these tapes are going, and local monitoring of infected racks can be administered. Get media attention in all cities where 'discoveries' are reported, and interview the 'victims'."
View or join a discussion of project SHRD
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0 workers
"If you work for a company that uses a paper shredder and you want to stop it from working, feed it a baggy of peanut butter."
View or join a discussion of project CRPD
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US$2000 workers
for "the first U.S. court to condemn a corporation to death. The sentence must be carried out. Funds may be used for courthouse renovations."
View or join a discussion of project VIRU
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"Write a dummy 'virus' using code from several frequently downloaded products of some unpopular company. Get antivirus people to take the bait, so that subsequent versions of their software will make computers 'allergic' to such products."
View or join a discussion of project GWBA
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0 workers
"For a medical worker who leaks x-rays of George W. Bush's cochlear implant. (Why does he pause so long between phrases and words? Could that mole removal operation have been... something else?)"
View or join a discussion of project MACD
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0 workers
"Change famous McDonalds signs, possibly all in one city, all in one day, to read 'Billions and billions SLAVED'."
View or join a discussion of project FAXR
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"Every time an ad is faxed to you, retaliate by sending junk back."
View or join a discussion of project ARST
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0 workers
"A police officer or FBI agent in Washington DC should arrest a member of the Senate or House of Representatives, on charges of accepting bribes from lobbyists. Conversely, also arrest a lobbyist for bribing a government official. Must have extensive media coverage."
View or join a discussion of project RVTE
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0 workers
"Amid the chaos of the current Fortune 500-sponsored election we should take a step back and, in the words of former Secretary of State James Baker, stop hurling. We will construct a website that would allow voters to recast their ballots in any election in our nation's history-- including the 2000 Presidential one. Imagine being able to recast the votes that you deeply regret now that you've had to live with the consequences of your choices. Even better, imagine readjusting your great-great-grandparents' miscast votes back in Eighteen Something, when the Whigs and the Anti-Masons seemed to be the elixirs of the moment. Doesn't every choice deserve to be revisited? Why not? It can only widen the eyes of the present day voter."
View or join a discussion of project DECX
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0 workers
"Repaint in psychedelic colors a bunch of public toilets and other 'urban furniture' made by J.C. Decaux and situated throughout Paris and other cities (e.g. San Francisco). Do this in commando actions over several nights. This highlighting of the Decaux products will help citizens to see the invasion of the city by this monopoly-holder, who owes his monopoly in Paris to the corruption of Chirac's and Tibéri's administrations."
View or join a discussion of project GWBB
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US$350 workers
"Successfully get George W. Bush's alleged cochlear implant 'prompter' mentioned with some possible credibility in major media. Bonus for the publication of a New York Times-style diagram of this type of technology."
View or join a discussion of project RUMR
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0 workers
"Spread a rumor that there is suspicion of a terrorist attack against major department stores such as the Gap, Nike outlet, Hilfiger, etc. because they are a symbol of the Evil Empire to the Taliban. To be safe, one should shop only at locally owned mom and pop stores."
View or join a discussion of project BANK
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0 workers
"Subvert the whole meaning and concept of money whilst using it in its true sense. In UK, bank notes carry a promise that who ever owns that note will be paid that amount in sterling at the head bank. Get as many people as possible to demand this sterling and then send them out to high street shops to try and purchase items with the sterling. Would need high press coverage (perhaps a comedy show) and if you got an exceptional amount of people could pose financial problems for banks to lose so much sterling. May have interesting outcomes in that selling back £5 of sterling may only get you £1.70 in return cash."
View or join a discussion of project DIS2
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0 workers
"Five individuals should dress in theme park mascot outfits of their own design, enter Disneyland or Disney World, play with children and give them leaflets describing, in terms comprehensible to children, what is wrong with the revisionist history presented in these parks. Extra points to someone who gets into a loud altercation with Mickey."
View or join a discussion of project DOMA
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0 workers
"Hoard anti-corporate domains, and donate them to activist groups."
View or join a discussion of project TYSL
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"Make stickers saying 'Made With More Chinese Slave Labor!' and slap them on a popular action figure line in retail stores across the country."
View or join a discussion of project ANUS
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0 workers
"Create pornographic annual reports for Proctor & Gamble or Time Warner with charts pointing up and/or down utilizing various body parts as indicators. Replace large numbers of the real annual reports with the porno ones, and mail to stockholders."
View or join a discussion of project CAKE
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0 workers
"Someone who works in a bakery or cake store should place same-gender statuettes on the tops of Wedding Cakes just before they go in the box. Putting one on display at a big store would be good."
View or join a discussion of project FREE
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0 workers
"Start a free interactive database where people can post anything from how to fix a guitar to recipes and subversion with the aim of spreading useful information in a non-copyrightable format."
View or join a discussion of project XCHE
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0 workers
"Get a massive group of people to each buy a few items from major retail clothing chains such as The Gap/Banana Republic/Old Navy, then exchange them the next week, and repeat the process weekly, if not daily, as many times as possible."
View or join a discussion of project CABD
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0 workers
"Create stickers in the same font and color as the taxi-riders bill of rights: describe actual statistics of accidents and deaths caused by taxis, including detailed information on the time of day you would most likely be killed and what kind of accidents are most common. Include comparison of figures with busses and trains to emphasize the dangers of luxury. Post these in as many cabs as possible."
View or join a discussion of project BRBI
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US$50 workers
"'College Barbie' dolls, which come dressed as cheerleaders and are accompanied by a cheerleading tape, will be modified into 'Activist Barbie' dolls, which will come equipped with protest gear, including a sign upon which to put magnetic slogans; the tape will be modified so that Barbie's bubbly voice can be heard educating children about various social issues and teaching them how to protest. Estimated costs for the improvement and distribution of 100 Activist Barbies is $1449."
View or join a discussion of project PRGN
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0 workers
"Bring greenspace into cities by using parking spaces as mini parks. Obtain permit for a 'construction debris bin' and use as greenspace. Furnish with sod, shrubs, flamingos, lawn signs, etc. (as appropriate to the climate). Invite friends to picnic in city's newest park."
View or join a discussion of project BRTR
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0 "Go into a store or fast-food chain, and attempt to barter for goods/services. Offer to trade livestock--best if you actually bring something like a live chicken into the store."
View or join a discussion of project NODR
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"Distribute DRIVING stickers in white letters on stop sign red background for people to stick on stop signs."
View or join a discussion of project LSTP
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"Recently, movie theaters have begun to show TV commercials before the commercials for upcoming movies before they show the movie that you paid them for. Create custom tips for laser pointers that cause the laser pointer image to say 'annoying' or 'fraud' or 'worthless' that people can use to disrupt the advertising before the movie starts. This would probably be fairly inexpensive and there are all sorts of other potential uses of customized laser pointer tips."
View or join a discussion of project CODR
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0 workers
"Foment a national conscientious objectors movement for police officers who do not want to fight the drug war."
View or join a discussion of project BDAD
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" will buy up billboard space on major highways to place billboards with the text 'Enjoy This Ad-Free Moment.' For this project, the org needs funds to buy the billboard space and people to design the ads."
View or join a discussion of project ATMS
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0 workers
"Make a substantial number of street cash dispensers in a large city to (periodically, on Fridays) issue the message 'Nothing for beggars on Fridays' instead of cash. This must be reported by the mass media. Preferably, this incident should take place in Russia."Ý
View or join a discussion of project PSYC
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0 workers
$500 required for "broadcast quality video documentation of psychiatric disabled individual (myself) surprise meeting with past psychotherapist and aggressively confronting his direct role in forced imprisonment in mental hospital and life-long stigmatization and trauma. Video to be used as political statement against oppressive pro-capitalist psychotherapeutic police state in US."
View or join a discussion of project HELM
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0 workers
"Register all of the available domains,,,, and for use in the next NC senatorial race. Work closely with other groups to create a mock political site to familiarize readers with Helms' political track record."
View or join a discussion of project POLT
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0 workers
"Alter trading cards that local police departments give out to businesses and schools each year. Change them to reflect the officers' records for police brutality, unlawful searches, and false arrests, so that the kids can 'get to know them better.'"
View or join a discussion of project WRCR
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0 workers
"Spam all fax machines at an appointed hour with the message: 'I will care about your war when I have enough money to pay rent.' Need money to set up accounts, and people to send the faxes."
View or join a discussion of project DSNZ
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0 workers
"Print stickers such as 'Walt Disney was a nazi sympathizer' or 'Mickey is exploited' and stick them to as many Disney products as you can."
View or join a discussion of project BHMS
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"Many large American companies avoid paying taxes by locating their headquarters in places like the Bahamas. To publicize this outrage, make a TV commercial and/or magazine advertisement for a website that helps businesses do this. The website would tell how/why such practices are legal, list companies who have done it and how to contact them, and an easy way to fax their elected officials demanding that this loophole be closed (possibly with a pre-prepared letter)."
View or join a discussion of project VRWR
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0 workers
"Develop a 'virtual worker' system that allows populations normally engaged in migrant labor to work over the web instead. For example, develop a telepresent robot that picks oranges or strawberries while being controlled through the internet. Then, unionize both the robots and the telepresent workers."
View or join a discussion of project BLOK
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0 workers
"Buy a number of cellphone blockers such as these. Line both sides of the busiest section of wall street. At a designated time turn on devices and block all cell phone communications."
View or join a discussion of project RLTY
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"The media shows us our latest weapons, but not their consequences. Purchase little green army men (100 for 99 cents or so), burn them slightly (careful for the fumes), cut some of them into bits, and insert into a sturdy water balloon, plastic easter egg, or the like. Add red paint (red alkyd is fast-drying and durable) and seal. When you throw this 'reality' bomb at appropriate targets, it will produce a scene much like the real thing. Alternately, simply glue the pre-colored army-men bits in place."
View or join a discussion of project ADRE
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0 workers
"A worker in an ad agency should replace an international ad campaign after the ad is approved but before it runs. The rogue ad would only run for a day, but would cost the company a fortune in both media cost and publicity."
View or join a discussion of project YELL
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"This is a low-tech, inexpensive agitprop tool that can be used for living wage campaigns. Alter the yellow plastic safety floor signs that are used when janitors mop floors...instead of the pictogram of the 'falling man' use pictogram of figure pulling it's pockets out, denotating poverty, and the words CAUTION - CUIDADO, WAGE SLAVERY! DON'T STAND FOR IT. Would be a great visual during a student or worker occupation of an administration building, especially an oversized one."
View or join a discussion of project NUDI
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0 workers
"I will put up a transparent plastic office cubicle in a public place in New York City, and sit in it naked to protest our mayor's strict enforcement of New York's outdated laws against public nudity."
View or join a discussion of project RANK
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0 workers
"Create a website that rates schools based on things like: Quality of Sex Education, Reported and Solved cases of Bullying, Childrens' enjoyment, etc., instead of on the basis of grades alone. Publicize the rankings."
View or join a discussion of project NOMO
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0 workers
"Attend the opening of an art exhibition funded by Phillip Morris, or any tobacco giant. Wear formal attire and a nametag identifying you as a company promotions rep. Distribute cigarettes. This can either be done wholesale, by handing out entire packs, or by circulating with a silver tray of loose cigarettes and a zippo."
View or join a discussion of project JACK
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0 workers
"Pick some dastardly person or corporation, and then start a campaign to turn their trademarked names into vulgar expressions. Internet usage and one lawsuit for slander should spread the word well enough."
View or join a discussion of project PCLN
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"Take a simple lawn fertilizer spreader (a drop spreader would be best), a long piece of string, and a stick of some sort. Put the stick into the ground and tie the string to it. Fill the lawn spreader with some type of easy-growing seeds. Walk around the stick, using the string to guide a perfect circle. Add the rest of the peace symbol after that. It won't be visible until about a week later when the seeds all sprout. It should be done somewhere on Federal property. See what the government says when their beautiful green lawn sprouts a 100-foot diameter peace sign and the media jumps all over it."
View or join a discussion of project TRAN
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0 funds
"To protest the abysmal failures of privatization, alter the small red stickers on British trains from 'no smoking' to 'no sitting.'"
View or join a discussion of project RAIL
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0 workers
"Fight privatization of the rails by changing messages on the digital message boards of London Underground trains so that they support the drivers and staff instead of the Labor Government fuckups who are trying to swindle the public out of our fundamental right to decent public transportation."
View or join a discussion of project CEXP
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0 workers
"To call attention to the planned obsolescence of various computer products, place 'best before' dates on various components, either by silkscreening (would have to be done within the factory) or with stickers placed on retail boxes."
View or join a discussion of project DNAC
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0 funds
"Create a web site / e-commerce venture that copyrights DNA. Since this is not allowed in the US, do it legitimately in some other nation. Customers should receive not only documentation on their copyrights, but a nice 3-D picture of their DNA, suitable for framing."
View or join a discussion of project ELCT
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0 workers
"Make copies of advertisements for electric cars, and tape them to gas pumps when you stop to fill up the tank. Oh yeah, and ride a bike."
View or join a discussion of project SOFT
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0 workers
One example already done! See! "Create a website to show the effects of the corporatization of education by making explicit a large corporation's unspoken policies. The website should highlight the way in which corporations pervert education for their own purposes, until it is no longer recognizable as such."
View or join a discussion of project CMPB
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0 workers
"Make a publicity campaign around a completely fictional brand. The advertising, like Nike's or Apple's, should communicate that the brand is indispensible to the modern urban human. Articles and ads should appear in the hippest magazines. A website would also be useful."
View or join a discussion of project COP2
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0 funds
"Subvert the 'Cops' TV show by issuing a free net-based legal commentary (by a constitutional law expert) that points out all the instances on the show when cops violate the Constitution. We're doing this now, but need some funding to sustain it. Combat cop-culture and transform trash-TV...while learning your rights."
View or join a discussion of project BCGP
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0 workers
"Develop a consulting group to aid boycott organizers in developing effective boycott strategies by focusing resources on key market segments. In order to fund the Boycott Consulting Group, develop a 'front' or second arm of the organization that takes corporate contracts to do research on how activists are target-marketing their boycott campaigns."
View or join a discussion of project WARN
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0 workers
"'Warning: Cars destroy your planet.' Produce a series of stickers similar to the warnings on cigarette packages, but the size of car windshields, and place them on parked cars in any large city. The stickers should be non-removable."
View or join a discussion of project GAPS
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0 workers
"Make large vinyl stickers and place them on GAP KIDs store windows. 'Made by children, for children.'"
View or join a discussion of project CHLD
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0 funds
"Cash in on the 'protect the children' hysteria by creating a study showing that law officers pretending to be children on the internet are encouraging or even creating child molesters. Also, show that sex offenders are using the sex offender registries to meet each other."
View or join a discussion of project JAMM
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0 workers
"Start company or inventors' collective which designs and markets gadgets and electronics to disrupt all manner of electronic device. (One product might be a short-radius EM jammer to disrupt cell phones, radios etc. within an immediate area.) Market the devices to teenagers. Use funds generated for more devices with the same purpose." (NOTE: One such device already exists, and requires only marketing for it to be fully effective. Sponsors are encouraged to visit to offer support.)
View or join a discussion of project ROBO
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US$300 workers
"$1000 needed to build new 'robotic objectors' that will paint slogans automatically. Click here for full details, including pictures and video of a prototype.."
View or join a discussion of project RMTG
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0 workers
"Host and publicize a competition for the largest number of price tags collected from certain clothing labels engaged in heinous practices (tentative list: Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, Calvin Klein, GAP). The goal is to generate large number of non-buying visitors to these retail outlets, who would then try to tear off the price tag from merchandise without being caught. (Note that it is not necessary to cut the hard-to-break plastic tie to achieve the goal; price tags are made of cardstock and could be easily torn off, with no effort or noise. In addition, they are extremely easy to hide by folding them in one's palm.) Some suggested venues for publicizing such competition: tagger magazines, indie punk rock magazines, college radios, skate shops."
View or join a discussion of project SUVX
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0 workers
"Perform propaganda drops on local car dealerships that have huge inventories of SUVs. Employ misinformation tactics touting the perks and piety of SUV ownership, such as, 'My Yukon takes me anywhere: with a little extra gas, I get closer to God.'"
View or join a discussion of project BRB2
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0 workers
"Issue a mirror copy of the 'Barbie Super Sports' CDROM wherein instead of shopping to accessorize her cute sports look, Barbie wins the ability to do various other things that break the Barbie stereotypes. Place CDs in original packaging and on store shelves."
View or join a discussion of project ZOHR
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US$200 workers
to "take the book of any major pulp writer and, keeping the jacket the same, replace the entire inside text with the Koran or the Zohar. This might be accomplished by some skilled bookbinders and a cadre of volunteers in different cities."
View or join a discussion of project BABY
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US$6000 workers
"Get a famous sportswear manufacturer (or any other giant corporation) to agree, on broadcast or other public media, to sponsor the high-quality education, health care, etc. of a U.S. baby who would otherwise not have access to same--in exchange for having the baby tattooed with the company's logo in the womb or at birth." (Nearly on target.)
View or join a discussion of project PROD
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0 workers
"Produce a preview-length video that touts the benefits of product placement in major motion pictures. Dub it onto the beginnings of high volume rentals."
View or join a discussion of project FAF2
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0 workers
"Place plastic figurines or Beanie Babies of slaughtered cows in Happy Meals. Could highlight the problems surrounding genetically altered foods: perhaps the toys could be two-headed cattle or mutated calves."
View or join a discussion of project SPRY
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0 funds
"Build a car-mounted paint sprayer (analogous to a dot-matrix printer) that allows you to write massive graffiti projects while driving."
View or join a discussion of project MAGE
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0 workers
"Create an online fantasy role-playing game in which a corporation begins invading all aspects of the world like a virus invading a body; players must work together to defeat this menace."
View or join a discussion of project BENC
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0 workers
"Design park benches which are cheap, easy to install, and expensive to remove. Materials should be portable enough to be quickly installed (paralell) on sidewalks. Many cities have removed benches from the streets because people sleep on them, and you have to buy something just to sit anywhere in most cities."
View or join a discussion of project DMCA
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0 workers
"Obtain copies of the entire music catalog available at large corporate music store chain, rip and convert to high quality MP3, burn to high capacity DVD+RW media, distribute copies anonymously with instructions to make further copies."
View or join a discussion of project LCST
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0 workers
"Release grasshoppers--lots and lots of them--at the Republican National Convention."
View or join a discussion of project SCST
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0 workers
"Print high-contrast bumper stickers that read: 'CAMERA -->'. Using industrial adhesive, glue one wherever you see a concealed street-corner camera (i.e., one that isn't on private property). I understand that Manhattan is so full of these cameras that the company who monitors them for the city says 'if you can see the Empire State Building, we can see you.' People should be aware of just how many cameras are monitoring public areas."
View or join a discussion of project HEMP
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"Create a small rubber stamp in the shape of a cartoon voice bubble with the words 'I grew hemp' inside. Stamp next to George Washington's mouth on all one dollar bills."
View or join a discussion of project WALL
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0 workers
"Walmart has been allowing people with motor homes to 'camp' in their parking lots. Recruit thousands of hippies and homeless to camp in Walmart parking lots nationwide on the same night. Design special cardboard boxes to sleep in highlighting the destruction corporations are doing to our communities. Get nationwide media coverage."
View or join a discussion of project CCAT
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0 workers
"Use and develop this software that turns the Cuecat, the freely available barcode scanner meant to aid shopping from home and to keep messy information away from 'consumers', into a tool for learning about corporate behavior."
View or join a discussion of project PILE
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"Collect several tons of plastic cases and CDs from AOL's promotional mailers and dump the load on their front lawn. Televise. This could be repeated with any major junk mailer dealer."
View or join a discussion of project CRJK
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0 workers
"A worker in the Cracker Jack factory should introduce some new 'funny facts' comics into the cracker jack packages. Example: 'Frito-Lay, Cracker Jack's parent company, was responsible for the destruction of endangered Prairie Dog habitat in Mexico' or 'Cracker Jacks, also known as "junk food", cause obesity in laboratory rats!'"
View or join a discussion of project ASHC
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0 workers
"Set up a website, (or something like that) that proposes and organizes anti-Ashcroft games people can play on John Ashcroft's Birthday, May 9 (à la anti-Etoys games).
View or join a discussion of project DRSS
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0 workers
"Study the dress code at your workplace and dress outrageously, but within the dress code limits. If you are reprimanded, politely explain that you are within the dress code. If you are fired or encounter other difficulties, most states will allow you to sue; there are examples of large settlements in California."
View or join a discussion of project DRUG
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0 workers
"Find out which politicians voted for allowing drug testing in the work place, and lobby for them to have their urine tested too. Write letter as their constituents demanding they have their urine screened regularly."
View or join a discussion of project TREE
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0 workers
"Sneak onto corporate campuses under cover of darkness, and slowly, over a period of nights, plant native trees. Gradually the grounds managers will notice, and then report it to their bosses. If they cut the trees down, inform the newspapers that the corporation is cutting down native trees that were donated to them for free, and planted by volunteers."
View or join a discussion of project CARD
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US$180 workers
to "alter ordinary supermarket greeting card displays to reflect concerns that are never reflected in such displays, e.g. the virtues of eating free-range pork meat, the marriage of one's non-native boyfriend (for a man), or the execution of one's soulmate. Amount offered will depend upon specific project. Cards may also simply be added to displays rather than altered in manufacturing." Here are several examples received so far, including thumbnails and higher-resolution images ready for printing.
View or join a discussion of project WTOT
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0 workers
"Insert advertisements making point by point criticisms of the WTO and its policies, and its effect on labor, the environment and human rights into slide shows shown prior to movies at major corporate theaters. This could be done either by purchasing the space, or if someone with access to the projection booth could slip them into the carousel."
View or join a discussion of project NUKE
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US$400 workers
"Nuclear weapons accidents occurred with disturbing frequency in the heart of the American landscape, yet little is commonly known about them due to Cold War security restrictions and corporate disinformation campaigns. To counter this silence a series of interactive markers will be placed in weapons accident zones."
View or join a discussion of project TRSH
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0 workers
"Make an ad campaign showing the logos of fast food companies with a message like: 'Don't trash your neighborhood. Our public image is bad enough already because of the crap we want you to eat.'"
View or join a discussion of project CODE
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US$50 workers
"Export strong encryption software to as many non-NATO countries as possible, concentrating especially on the Middle East, China, and the former USSR. Strong encryption (especially above 128-bit) is classified by the United States military as a munition; therefore, this act constitutes treason under US law."
View or join a discussion of project SPOT
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0 workers
"Practice paintball on billboards for big corporations. Also practice your giant slingshot skills with paint balloons. Oil-based paintballs that don't wash off are available here."
View or join a discussion of project STKR
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0 workers
"Create window stickers for SUVs, like the stickers that the dealers put inside of new cars. But instead of having the features of the cars the sticker should contain: the gas mileage of the car, the number of SUVs on the road of that same model, the average number of oil gallons per year these SUVs account for, etc. Place them in windows of car dealership lots that are full of new SUVs."
View or join a discussion of project NSAP
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0 workers
"We are working on a project here in Bristol, UK, to take hostage a number of letters from corporate billboards (i.e the letters that make up the name of the company above the premises) and photograph them to make a ransom note to send to all the companies we have taken from as well as to the press. We are still working on a list of demands for the release of the letters. If the demands are not met the letter of each company will be destroyed in a different way at random times and will be documented on film and sent again to the companies and to the press, with a warning to prepare for more letters to be lost."
View or join a discussion of project STFT
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0 workers
"In the same vein as Bum Fights comes the new home video sensation, Stockbroker Fights. Pay stockbrokers, investment bankers, etc. to beat each other up, smoke crack, and do all manner of stupid dangerous things for the pleasure of the home viewer. This could actually make more money than it costs, the profits going to other, less lucrative projects."
View or join a discussion of project BGVD
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0 workers
"Offer commercial free/subversive commercial cable programming by providing Tivo-style cable box switcher controlled by a national panel of Adbusters' editors via DSL connection. Viewers select their primary channel, and the network editors jam the programming when it's stupid or a commercial comes on--selecting decent content from another cable channel (including a network of community access programming coordinated to offer the right material at the right time) when the primary channel sucks. Viewers could select the Adbusters channel to view continuously jammed edits."
View or join a discussion of project GOTM
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0 workers
"Create and widely distribute stickers to be pasted over certain ads in magazines and elsewhere. One example would be to replace 'Got milk?' faces with that of Salvador Dali and his big milk moustache, with the text saying 'Got art?' The ultimate aim is to make this sort of action a very common practice."
View or join a discussion of project MLST
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"Fun thing to do in a mall with some friends: sit down cross-legged on the floor and meditate on the evils of consumerism. See how long you can do it before the security guards make you leave."
View or join a discussion of project DNRM
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0 workers
"De-normalize outdoor ad space by purchasing ad-space on bus shelters, billboards, etc. and posting giant ads saying simply 'AD FOR ALCOHOL AIMED AT WOMEN,' 'OBSTRUCTED VIEW,' 'VISUAL POLLUTION,' 'LOCAL CHILDREN'S MURAL COMING SOON?' etc."
View or join a discussion of project EWTO
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0 workers
"The World Trade Organization often rules against environmental regulations, claiming they unfairly restrict trade. Create the opposite condition by filing an official complaint with the World Trade Organization that cites lax environmental regulations and poor working conditions as unfair subsidies for poor countries. The WTO must rule on the matter."
View or join a discussion of project FAFO
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0 workers
"Using any hamburger fast food chain's cartoon characters, create a small booklet or sheet explaining with bright smiling faces, with graphic photos, and in vivid detail, how cows are drugged, abused, and slaughtered to make hamburgers. Add it to the food bag or, better, in the special toy package. If necessary, stage angry parent reactions so that the media covers the story."
View or join a discussion of project STIK
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0 workers
"Print die-cut stickers of words such as 'Crook', 'Idiot', 'Loser', 'Corrupt', etc. so that when you display a political name on your bumper (or anyone's bumper), you can say exactly what you think of them."
View or join a discussion of project MDPR
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"If Prozac can be prescribed for PMS and menopause is now 'Estrogen-Deficiency Disorder,' it should be possible to create a condition called something like 'Median Personality Disorder' that requires medical treatment. Advertise such a condition, create brochures for a drug that fights it, etc. (Related: Chris Morris's 'cake' stunt.)"
View or join a discussion of project BBID
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0 workers
"Pay or otherwise convince the new hires at major corporations to refuse to submit to biometric identifiers when they try to enter the US under new Homeland Security Act and other intensified security policies."
View or join a discussion of project PPCP
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US$1000 workers
"A worker at a paper-cup manufacturer must cause a shipment of cups to bear one of two things, prominently: the likeness of any widely despised historical figure, or extremely off-color jokes. The cups must reach store shelves before being discovered, so it would be best to alter cups that are already adorned with something not entirely different, say a likeness of a baseball player or weak jokes."
View or join a discussion of project SWWB
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0 workers
"Make a website that allows people to easily find out which clothing brands are produced, or conversely not produced, using sweatshop labor."
View or join a discussion of project WTO2
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0 workers
"Replace advertising space for a multi-national corporation that has direct connections to the WTO in a major lifestyle magazine (such as Elle or vogue or people) with images of the peaceful protests in Seattle (or elsewhere)."
View or join a discussion of project GAST
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US$2500 workers
for "an employee of one of the three largest car manufacturers in the U.S. who causes at least hundreds of cars to be shipped with gas tanks that have a capacity of between half a gallon and a gallon of gas only (the cars should be able to go about eighteen miles before refueling). At least some of the cars must be sold, and the media must report on it."
View or join a discussion of project CRPP
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US$2000 workers
to "the first U.S. court to imprison a corporation under a 'three strikes you're out' law. Funds may be used for courthouse renovations."
View or join a discussion of project NCAA
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0 workers
"While the NCAA cuts multi-billion dollar deals with television networks and sneaker companies, financially disadvantaged college athletes don't receive a dime and in fact are prevented from earning even pocket money unless they agree to undergo an NCAA investigation. Protest this exploitation through a series of mock assassinations of college mascots before major college sporting events and the NCAA Basketball Final Four. These assassinations require a mock mascot costume, a mock trail, and the killing--the bloodier the better as families look on on their way into the events. Must be reported in media."
View or join a discussion of project CIGB
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"Dump massive amounts of cigarette butts in front of the offices of tobacco manufacturers, as well as in front of selected city halls and government buildings."
View or join a discussion of project PARK
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0 workers
"To call attention to the lack of public transportation in Los Angeles (a lack deliberately engineered by three U.S. companies in the 1950s), install 'FREE PARKING' bags (identical to the ones used for 'parking holidays') on parking meters everywhere in the city, either via the local homeless, or by telling businesses to put them on their neighboring meters for an ostensibly official parking holiday."
View or join a discussion of project FCCA
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0 workers
"Replace a frequently aired commercial on a major market radio station with an announcement from 'station management' that the FCC has pronounced the Telecommunications Act of 1996 as being 'in poor taste. (The station's corporate owner) has been ordered to turn the station over to the public interest effective the first of the following month. Anyone with suggestions as to what to do with the station should call (the corporate owner's CEO) at (his or her private number).'"
View or join a discussion of project SUVS
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0 workers
"Create an all-out onslaught on SUVS, including bumper stickers to affix to other people's SUVs ('This vehicle approved for sports use ONLY', 'I [heart] Climate Change', etc.), explanatory fliers ('I sabotaged your SUV because...'), and a series of funny anti-SUV commercials." (See also this campaign.)
View or join a discussion of project BSDD
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"Run Prescott Bush for office (posthumously, of course) with dynamic, exciting graphics that draw attention to his varied business experience. Keep it well-documented to avoid lawsuits."
View or join a discussion of project BYKE
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"Spray-paint bicycle lanes on major and minor metropolitan streets where biking to work is an option. Spray paint stencilled words inside these lanes: 'BIKE LANE', 'CYCLISTS ONLY' and 'NO CARS THIS LANE', for example. A stick depiction of a cyclist would work well too."
View or join a discussion of project MARR
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US$200 workers
"Since U.S. corporations have arrogated the rights of citizens, it should be possible to marry one. Successfully marry an actual corporation, so that the marriage is legally binding; the event must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project CHIK
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0 workers
"Chick Tracts are those funny little comic books that Christian evangelizers hand out on street corners. The Jack Chick Museum of Fine Art has all of the Chick Tracts online, as well as links to parody sites. Alter chick tracts to make them anti-corporate, and hand out at street corners."
View or join a discussion of project FASF
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0 workers
"Program a computer game designed to prepare the user to work in a fast-food restaurant. Distribute it free of charge to American public schools. The crowning achievement would be to have the game endorsed and distributed by one of the major fast-food chains. Publicize."
View or join a discussion of project LIFT
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0 workers
"Establish National Lift Day, on which to go into targeted stores and steal clothes at random, then donate them to a charitable institution the next day. Variation: steal clothes especially targeted at the gay community."
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"Go to a site that has been staked out for a strip mall, bank or McDonald's. Carefully move ALL of the stakes the same distance in the same direction--preferably toward a street or sidewalk, thereby increasing the chances that the building will violate public ordinances."
View or join a discussion of project NAME
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0 workers
"If you buy things or simply request information from many web sites, they will put your name on a list and sell it to other e-commerce interests without your knowledge. Set up a website that tracks the sale of personal email accounts by submitting unique email addresses to suspect sites. When you receive unsolicited mail from 3rd parties with the unique address, you will know who originally sold the name. Heavily publicize your findings on your site and in the media."
View or join a discussion of project DOOM
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0 workers
"Create a level or version of the video game Doom set in Littleton High. You're the guard at Littleton, or you're Darryl Klebold. Or, in the networked version, you're up against the world... Can you make it out alive? Do you want to? Widely distribute the game."
View or join a discussion of project CIGS
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US$120 workers
"Devise coupon stickers for free packs of cigarettes and glue them onto boxes of children's cereal (or other products) manufactured by tobacco companies. Do this in such a way as to obtain wide coverage in the media for the fact that some tobacco companies are also trying to sell to children noxious or unhealthy products other than cigarettes." (Click here for one design example.)
View or join a discussion of project BRIK
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"Coordinate a simultaneous, nationwide throwing of bricks through the windows of the unoccupied SUV's the lots at dealerships."
View or join a discussion of project JPOT
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"Locate the home addresses of political and corporate figures, and cultivate marijuana in their backyards."
View or join a discussion of project HTYC
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"In addition to giving SUVs tickets, give hybrids thank-you cards."
View or join a discussion of project BBFM
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0 funds
"We are seeking $500 to pay for screening our film on prominently located billboards. Our film consists of a series of TV commercials, so slick and entertaining they could be mistaken for real, but questioning a buying/selling culture. We have gotten permission to use several billboards for this purpose. See for more details."
View or join a discussion of project TRAD
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0 workers
"Mimic '' commercials, substituting the truth about mass meat farming and the truth about lobbying and the truth about our FDA and the truth about the FCC and the truth about NIKE etc. Buy local television spots and play on public access cable."
View or join a discussion of project BUYS
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0 workers
"Launch a convincing e-commerce parody website that allows consumers to 'click-and-buy' a huge variety of absurd, politically charged, or spiritually abstract goods, such as gay liberation, unconditional love, the soul of Rupert Murdoch, blind complacency, or the revolutionary potential of the Internet. Ideal would be a 'sticky' site, which encourages consumer trance. Must receive media coverage."
View or join a discussion of project SUNY
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0 workers
"Make and send out accurate college literature to the entire prospective student list of any university. For example, in the case of SUNY Albany, the literature could explain why athletic facilities have Key Bank before the name, why the book store is run by Barnes & Noble and why food service concessions go to the highest bidder rather than the one with the healthiest food."
View or join a discussion of project MAPS
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0 workers
"Create a new map or globe of the world that shows multinational corporate borders, vectors and free trade zones instead of national boundaries. Map must make it into a grade-school geography textbook, or globes must be sent to several elementary schools nation-wide; either event must be reported upon extensively in the mainstream press." (See this site for inspiration.)
View or join a discussion of project ULTM
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0 workers
for "a print journalist who uses the Ultimate Source"
View or join a discussion of project TRDR
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0 workers
"Taking off on the ads that say 'Where do terrorists get their money? If you do drugs, it could be coming from you,' make ads that say 'Where do repressive dictators get their money? If you pay Federal Income Tax, if definitely comes from you!'"
View or join a discussion of project GUXS
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0 workers
"Replace (water sucking) desert lawns with native plants without the knowledge or permission of the owner of the lawn."
View or join a discussion of project SELS
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0 workers
"Post 'FOR SALE' signs sporting the home phone numbers of nasty businessmen or politicians on cars etc."
View or join a discussion of project OLWR
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"Create a miniature oil-war in the reflecting pool in front of the Exxon headquarters in New York."
View or join a discussion of project IBMM
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0 workers
"Alter IBM advertisements by transposing their content with Hitler's acquisition of new territories and their separation and counting of the Jews. Run the ad on television." (Background here.)
View or join a discussion of project HFLM
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US$2000 workers
Done; released April 9. Visit Illegal Art to order. "At least $5,000 needed for the second Illegal Art/Seeland CD release that will take copyrighted music from Hollywood films and create new art without consent from the copyright holders. Funds will assist in the replication of the discs and the mass distribution of the discs to the public."
View or join a discussion of project BILL
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0 workers
"Launch a website dedicated to making fun in an entertaining way of a seemingly omnipotent corporate figure (Bill Gates?). Get the figure angry enough to sue, generating massive media coverage. (See Virtual Bill Clinton for an example, at"
View or join a discussion of project BIKE
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US$100 workers
"In a community lacking in bike lanes, research the most intelligent route and mark it, including painting roadways and adding signage. A printed map should be distributed at local libraries, grocery stores, etc, and local media outreach should get the route publicized, and thus in use, before the transportation authorities can respond."
View or join a discussion of project BKDS
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"We are printing up bookmarks to place surreptiously inside popular books at Borders and other chain bookstores. The bookmarks will say:
By purchasing this book you have contributed to the death of Independent Bookstores in our community.
For a list of local independent bookstores, go to
Monopoly control of information destroys democracy."
View or join a discussion of project CHCH
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0 workers
"At dawn on a beautiful Sunday morning, head down to the mission and set up your nude blow up dolls and porn magazines on the pews. Maybe hide a tape recorder with moaning on the cassette. Press play for the nice families walking up to church to hear."
View or join a discussion of project DISN
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US$200 workers
to "any group of twenty people who hop the fence at Disneyland, at different points around the perimeter, and simultaneously make a run for the security office/holding cell to turn themselves in. Maps of area available to interested parties."
View or join a discussion of project PIRT
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US$150 workers
"Build, or use an existing, 'pirate' radio transmitter and use it to broadcast homemade and seemingly sincere advertisements for the major corporation of your choice onto existing radio signals."
View or join a discussion of project ENAT
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0 workers
"Enations is a project in virtual community portal development based on the United Nations construct. Influenced partially by the CAE's concept of bodies without organs, we add also the concept of nations without borders. We feel that although corrupt the United Nations declarations are useful in supporting Human Rights--they just need to include a creative wing of the organization. In addition we are influenced by the Conferences on Art, Science and Spirituality. We are in the opening stage and seek assistance and collaboration with those who would support our mission."
View or join a discussion of project DUCT
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"Operation Duct Shield: If the news doesn't want to cover protests accurately, don't let them report them at all. Carry backpacks full of duct tape into a major broadcast outlet (CNN, Fox, etc.). After being refused access to your airwaves, regroup just outside the doors and duct-tape them shut. Simultaneously, another group should do this at a pro-war politician's office."
View or join a discussion of project CBCL
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0 workers
"Stage a new trend in which the upward rise of housing costs in major cities leads corporations to lease office cubicles to workers who then live in them. Set up residences in an office building with personal belongings, cots, etc. Get the story on national news, use it as a way to talk about increasing dependence on large corporations."
View or join a discussion of project WLSF
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0 workers
"Distribute fake Walmart coupons (such as 50% off your next purchase). Press releases should follow, elaborating how Walmart suffocates local businesses without replacing their benefits to the community."
View or join a discussion of project CKSC
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0 workers
"The Internet Cookie-Scrambler will be a mesh of proxies that cross-refer requests for banners so that information passed through to this information gathering firms is just scrambled. The principle is by having many users using such a mesh these companies will get a lot of incorrect data into their databases, which has the effect of actually devaluating their product."
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The FTC will soon have a National 'Do Not Call' registry. It is hard to imagine anyone who seriously wants to continue receiving calls from telemarketers. But it is also hard to imagine anyone giving their information to the government without hesitation. Write a computer program to methodically add every single possible phone number to the database using randomly falsified information."
View or join a discussion of project CHEM
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0 workers
"Subvert chemical lawn maintenance services such as 'Chemlawn'. If you see a truck for such a service, follow it and see where it goes. In the middle of the night, do a stealth 'follow-up treatment' with Roundup. Everything will die and the chemical lawn maintenance company will have to explain how their treatment killed their customers' plants. Report to the media as an irate customer."
View or join a discussion of project FKWK
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0 workers
"Buy old uniforms of targeted corporations from second-hand stores and pose as employees. Talk to customers and suggest they go to stores with better environmental, health, or labor records; set up fake customers and engage in fights with them; etc."
View or join a discussion of project SPAM
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US$100 workers
"Write a computer program that enables any recipient of junk e-mail to cripple the program or server that sent it. The program must be widely distributed, and its efficacy must be proven and touted by the media."
View or join a discussion of project RYPE
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0 workers
"Since 9/11 the use of public surveillance has skyrocketed. Reclaim your privacy by stickering over surveillance cameras with the message 'Smile - you're no longer being monitored.'"
View or join a discussion of project CNAD
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0 workers
"In one of Michael Moore's Awful Truth shows, ex-cons tout Coke and Windows. Actually make and place these ads. Other variants: a homeless woman saying 'I don't have a home, but I'd disinfect with Lysol if I did.'"
View or join a discussion of project AMTH
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0 workers
"The FBI coined the word, 'Amerithrax', to name their operation investigating the anthrax attacks here in the US. Make a website for, and we will give you the domain."
View or join a discussion of project CLUB
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0 workers
"Corrupt the supermarket's database of personal shopping habits! Register at your local supermarket for a club card. Trade them with your friends! Register for as many as you'd like using different names! Collect them like trading cards, pass them out to people you don't know!"
View or join a discussion of project APPL
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US$200 workers
"Alter many boxes of 'Apple Jacks' and other children's cereals so that they read 'Rectal Puckers', etc.--to comment on the absurdity of implicit content claims. The boxes must be nearly indistinguishable from the unaltered item, and the media must report on it extensively."
View or join a discussion of project CASH
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0 workers
"We use cash every day; why not use this special green paper as propaganda? Create stamps that make it easy to add to dollar bills various facts about the amount of money involved in government subsidies to corporations, and in corporate lobbying of government."
View or join a discussion of project CPRN
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US$125 workers
"Plant enticing pornographic videotapes in porn stores everywhere, with models such as (a super-well-hung) Ronald MacDonald, (a dementedly horny) Barbie, etc.--in other words, any trademark character which depends on its assumed virtue."
View or join a discussion of project NEWZ
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0 workers
"Any time there is an anti-globalization protest, participate locally in breaking the press blackouts about these events (or poor coverage of them) by monitoring Indymedia, printing out the best stories, and inserting them into newspaper dispensers and newsstands in your area."
View or join a discussion of project TRHR
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"Operation Tortoise and Hare: A person dressed as a turtle will crawl through an intersection on his or her hands and knees, taking as long as possible. The rabbit will run back and forth as many times as possible before cars start to move through the crosswalk. This method will only slow traffic as opposed to stopping it in full, but provides an interesting and entertaining show for those who are being inconvenienced."
View or join a discussion of project BBMC
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0 workers
"Make 'beanie babies' of cows (or Ray Kroc) slaughtered, with a hook through the rear and a dent in the head. Distribute in McDonald's."
View or join a discussion of project POEM
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"Write single-sentence poems, print them on a small, elegant font on manila cardstock. Place under automobile windshield wipers in local parking lots."
View or join a discussion of project SCHD
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0 workers
for "a worker at a very high-profile web site who substitutes shocking graphics or texts for standard advertisements or other features (they must remain in place long enough for thousands of visitors to see them)."
View or join a discussion of project OOPS
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"On 'Buy Nothing Day' (day after Thanksgiving) go into Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic, etc. Bring $1000's worth of merchandise to the counter. Wait until all the items are rung up, and then loudly exclaim 'OOPS, I forgot all this stuff was made in SWEATSHOPS! I can't POSSIBLY buy this CRAP!'"
View or join a discussion of project NIKE
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US$300 workers
"Place 'Sally Struthers'-style leaflets, detailing the poor working conditions that exist for those who assemble athletic footwear, in major-brand athletic shoes, their shoeboxes, or the shoppings bags containing them, before or as they are being sold. Workers in many cities are being sought to plant the leaflets on an agreed-upon day, especially in 'flagship' stores. Media must report on it." Click here for a sample leaflet sent in by a NIKE subscriber (and here for high-res version of same).
View or join a discussion of project PTTC
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US$5000 funds
"How many people have been displaced from their reasonably priced rentals in the speculative market of dot com San Francisco alone since the going baud rate was 14,400? If 14,400 people who once lost their rentals to gentrification--through evictions, owner move-ins, renovations, condo-izing, etc.--each put in $50, we could save one single house, and remove it from the speculative market. If you have ever been evicted by gentrification, you can participate in this futile attempt to save 633-637 Haight from the Yuppies. Pledge $50 of your hard-earned money; if 14,399 others do it as well, the asking price of the house will be met and the residents will not have to move down in life! Send your pledge (not the money, just the pledge) of $1 to $50 to Over 1000 pledges have been received so far! If 14,400 pledges are collected, you will be asked to send in the money, and a legal structure will be set up for your protection; the house will become a community center for the last of San Francisco's non-market-driven people."
View or join a discussion of project FORM
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0 workers
"Enter a large corporate organization such as a department store or bank, and require management of this organization to fill out a form. Refuse to leave until the form is properly filled out."
View or join a discussion of project SABO
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0 workers
"Reproduce the CIA's guide to sabotage produced for Nicaraguan anti-Sandinista forces, with the text redirected against corporate workplaces."
View or join a discussion of project LAWR
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0 workers
"The extent of US-based corporations' contributions to human rights abuses abroad demands procedures to collect corporate information anonymously. Project funding will provide award for law review article contest. The winning article will 1) describe the most efficiently designed organizational form for creating anonymous shareholders, 2) discuss maximizing such shareholders' right to inspect corporate books and 3) discuss the legal limits of shareholder anonymity and shareholders' right to inspect corporate books. The most efficient organizational form means the choice of organization (corporation, partnership, trust, etc.) that provides the best measure of anonymity for shareholders at the lowest cost."
View or join a discussion of project NEWS
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US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a major metropolitan newspaper who significantly alters an issue (e.g. changes most of the article text) in an interesting way. A good number of issues must see the light of day, and the media must report on it."
View or join a discussion of project SHOP
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0 workers
"Start a .com or a catologue called 'Sweatshop' and sell stuff made by big labels that use sweatshop labor. Capitalize Sweatshop with a line of T-shirts with 'this shirt was made in a SWEATSHOP. It cost $.12 to make and I paid $20.00 for it.' Have SWEATSHOP in really big letters, like the lettering on Gold's Gym shirts. Use the profits from this label to fund global anti-sweatshop activities."
View or join a discussion of project CMEX
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0 workers
"The Center for Media Exploitation (or C.M.E.) will be an archive for culture jammers, full of downloadable and accessible tools for tactical media intervention. Investment is needed to pay for server space, and workers are needed to start contributing useful files of all types."
View or join a discussion of project REMX
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US$100 funds
"Major radio stations and department stores only play and sell censored music. An alternative to this is a CD containing 'Inverse Radio Remixes': songs with all lyrics removed except those removed from censored radio remixes. The listener hears just the music track punctuated by the occasional 'that's bullshit' or 'so he shoots up his school.' Investment needed to press the already created remix CD for placement on store shelves."
View or join a discussion of project GIUL
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0 "Visit the Rudolph Giuliani campaign site (or other campaign sites of aggressive gentrifiers/privatizers) and sign up promising to volunteer and make contributions--using assumed names and e-mails, of course. Alternately, create and distribute a software robot that will do this."
View or join a discussion of project GLOB
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US$200 workers
"Reward offered for any journalist or producer who invites an impostor onto their live television program to represent the World Trade Organization."
View or join a discussion of project PTHL
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0 workers
"Plant native plants in potholes. Threatened / Endangered plants are preferred. Plants where the roots spread out a lot are also great; they can crack the concrete."
View or join a discussion of project SEED
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0 workers
"Collect several hundred pounds of viable hemp (both psychoactive and not) and aerial broadcast these seeds over a large enough landmass to where profiteering or eradication become absolutely impossible. Alternately, do this with genetically modified, weedkiller-resistant weeds."
View or join a discussion of project BDCR
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"Take all credit card applications received in the mail, shred the application and send the remains back to the cc company in their postage-prepaid envelopes."
View or join a discussion of project RNDP
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0 workers
"Breed a strain of Round-Up ReadyTM pot. Plant in fields of Round-Up Ready crops."
View or join a discussion of project PTGR
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"Operation Johnny Hempseed: Sort out all the viable seeds from your dope stash. Germinate them by placing them between two paper towels folded thrice over themselves (making six layers). Wet them down and place them in a ziploc bag in the sunlight. Check every twelve hours. Once the seeds start sprouting, carefully remove them and carefully put them in another ziploc. Drop them anywhere you'd like to see pot growing. Do this at the beginning of spring and they won't be noticeable as pot until about mid-June."
View or join a discussion of project CRPE
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US$400 workers
for "a television reporter to consistently compare the punishment corporations receive for actual violations with the punishment individuals would receive for similar offenses."
View or join a discussion of project NOLO
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0 workers
"Create anti-logo t-shirts, which say 'Gap (or Nike) Sweat Shops'. Copy the image, or make one of your own, and get as many people wearing these shirts as possible."
View or join a discussion of project MLLN
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0 workers
"Collect used tires and paint them red, symbolizing the countless number of animals killed on roads every year. Place on roads where large numbers of animals are killed. Signage is an option, for example 'Millions Killed'. Post obituaries for particular animals."
View or join a discussion of project QTRT
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"Create a PR campaign to change the US motto from 'E Pluribus Unum' ('Out of many, one') to 'Quis Te Rogavit' ('Who asked you')."
View or join a discussion of project GPFL
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"Make flyers and pamphlets and put them in the pockets of clothes at big clothing stores. This is especially easy to do in stores like Gap Kids. For these, either make the point clear enough for a ten-year-old to understand, or hope that the parents find it. This is great to do at Xmas when the stores are really busy."
View or join a discussion of project GOLF
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US$50 workers
"In a clandestine overnight action, replace the greens of a private golf course with edible living plants--corn, tomatoes, etc. The closer to the pro shop or clubhouse the better. Notify local food banks and media that fresh vegetable donations will be available at said courses."
View or join a discussion of project SQGE
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0 workers
"The latest additions to the Canadian Endangered Species List are Squeegee kids (tattooed, pierced and combat-geared entrepreneurs who clean car windows at red lights for a donation). Make and distribute T-shirts with a caricature and 'Save the Squeegee Kids' caption to draw attention to the ludicrous anti-Squeegee-kid legislation being drafted on Ontario. The kids themselves would get shirts and would select media and politicians for publicity. Need about $700."
View or join a discussion of project CAFE
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0 workers
"Open 'Moonbucks,' a cafe-style shop that posts the expense of each product in terms of human health care products for people suffering from HIV and AIDS (i.e.,'Grande Mocha, $3.58 = Daily AZT for two people with AIDS in South Africa')"
View or join a discussion of project STAM
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"Obtain a rubber stamp of your choice and stamp all money you come across with your own messages."
View or join a discussion of project GLCL
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0 workers
"Make and send a postcard with two fat, white, male golfers in a cart with a caption 'Won't you please help us?' to taxpayers in Cuyahoga County and Hinckley Township, Ohio, to protest golf club development."
View or join a discussion of project GAWD
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"Based upon the statement placed in science textbooks in Alabama create your own version and insert into bibles throughout Alabama."
View or join a discussion of project HOTM
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0 workers
"Write a screen saver that ties up Microsot Hotmail's server hard drive space and bandwidth. It could start with a 'public' hotmail account which the screen saver has access to. The screensaver will sign up for a new account, get a mailing list from the 'public' one, and then add its new address to that list. It will then frequently send long strings of random characters to everyone on its list regularly check its own mail, reply, and so on."
View or join a discussion of project SCAN
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0 workers
"Create and distribute a product scanner that accesses a database and shows instantly the terrible practices involved in making the product scanned. In addition, the machine prints out a label customized to the product, that can be glued to the product's packaging on the spot." Note: preliminary work towards such a scanner can be found here. See also this page.
View or join a discussion of project EPCO
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0 workers
"Switch the voice recordings in the animatronic American history figures at Disney's EPCOT center. The new recordings should reveal the not-so-self-evident truths about these 'forefathers,' such as their slave ownership, hemp growing, elections fixing, etc."
View or join a discussion of project SALE
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0 workers
"Rent a neighborhood grocery store that is going out of business, and offer to purchase his remaining goods and clear out his store for him. Announce 'New Owner--New Policy--Big Get Acquainted sale' and sell everything at ridiculous prices: six pack of Coke for a quarter, dozen eggs or loaf of bread for a dime, etc. Give advance notice to the media, as the store will be cleaned out within a few hours. Switch signs--'Moved To New Location'--and repeat."
View or join a discussion of project BUCK
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"Find construction or logging sites that are known deer habitats (bonus points if site is part of a highly visible suburb expansion). Apply 'Buck Lure' ('Guaranteed to bring them in aroused'), available in any hunting section of any well known superstore, to all construction equipment. Film interactions between construction workers, supervisors, and horny deer. Submit to local news media."
View or join a discussion of project WORO
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0 workers
"Make a database of all the worker-owned companies in the United States. A web page that has been started for this is here. Please submit any information about worker-owned companies."
View or join a discussion of project NOJK
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"Make 'no junk mail' stickers put on enough letterboxes to have it make the news."
View or join a discussion of project GWBT
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0 workers
"Make a fake photo of Bush as transvestite and distribute it in the media the way the CIA distributes false propaganda."
View or join a discussion of project LUFT
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US$200 workers
"Place this brochure advertising 'Deportation Class' seating in airline seat pockets and airport waiting rooms to help show how commercial airlines are complicit in government deportation programs that treat people as inferior to trade goods. Download and print before you fly!" See also project AIRP.
View or join a discussion of project SVNP
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"On the 20-ounce bottles of 7-Up, the labels says 'Look under specially marked caps to see if you have won. No purchase necessary.' Nothing states you have to buy the soda. If taken literally, consumers have the right to open up 7-Up bottles in the store looking for winning game pieces, so long as they don't drink any (that would be stealing). See how many bottles you and a group of friends can open before being stopped. Coordinate with friends to call local media to the store parking lot, especially if the police are called. Plausible denial is crucial, so activists will have to be convincingly surprised that this is not what 7-Up intended. If successful, 7-UP will be forced to accept returns on large quantities of opened product, grocery stores will be featured in the news leading hapless victims out in cuffs. If led out of the store in front of cameras, the activist should look directly into the lens and say 'Make 7 Up-Yours' with the emphasis on the 'Up Yours,' just like the ads."
View or join a discussion of project POPL
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0 workers
"Remove or cover all the labels in a grocery store aisle. Pop bottles are easiest."
View or join a discussion of project MIKY
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0 workers
"Record the music for the Teutonic version of the Mickey Mouse Club anthem. Minor key, lots of heraldic trumpets, marching storm troopers, etc. Make an Mp3 of the song, and start distributing it under the Mickey Mouse Club name on Napster, Gnutella, etc."
View or join a discussion of project BRBS
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0 workers
"Add warning labels to Barbie Dolls listing the dangers of liposuction, breast implants and plastic surgery. Mark up the price of the dolls, noting that the cost has been increased to compensate for the high cost of cosmetic surgery. Also note that due to the large number of surgical complications, the doll will include an exchange policy."
View or join a discussion of project WRYS
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"Create a theater of the absurd at anti-war protests, with Make War, Not Love signs and War is Here If You Want It. Wear large beehive wigs, wingtips, cardigans, etc. and voice your support for permawar."
View or join a discussion of project CRSL
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0 workers
"If corporations are full persons under the law (as the Supreme Court declared in 1886) then anybody who owns stock is a slaveholder, in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment. This should be an exploitable notion: (a) Attempt to close down the NYSE as a slave auction. (b) Formally ask one's employer to divest its retirement fund of illegal holdings of slaves. (c) Choose a highly visible mutual fund and attempt to have it prosecuted as a slave holder. (d) Choose a highly visible stockbroking firm and attempt to have it prosecuted as a slave merchant."
View or join a discussion of project SLGH
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US$750 workers
"Substitute copies of a video documenting slaughterhouse techniques or similar material for a porn video produced by any of the largest porn studios, especially those that don't follow safe-sex guidelines. Alternately, intersperse clips of such a video in the product. Other alterations may be considered as well."
View or join a discussion of project NFLB
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0 workers
"Drop, from a blimp flying over an NFL football game, a vast number of Mexican flags with a soccer logo on it, printed on tissue paper (or anything that will not injure on impact)."
View or join a discussion of project PRSR
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0 workers
"Develop specialized technology for the surreptitious surveillance of super-max prisons. Use technology and collected materials in conjunction with prison activist groups towards the abolition of the Prison Industrial Complex."
View or join a discussion of project OBIT
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US$400 workers
"Hack the NY Times World Trade Center victims obituaries page and add the names of the innocent Iraqis and Afghanis who have been slaughtered by US bombing. Iraqi and Afghan obits must be real, i.e. photos and descriptions of actual bombing victims."
View or join a discussion of project REAG
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US$3000 workers
to "rename a major chemical weapons incineration plant after Ronald Reagan."
View or join a discussion of project LECT
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0 workers
"Make an alternative lectionary (a censorship tool prepared by the Church to guide Bible students away from the sticky parts) and offer it to John Ashcroft's Bible study group."
View or join a discussion of project BAGS
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0 workers
"Owner of a small gift store in New York's East Village will distribute culture-jammming messages on shopping bags. Investment needed for printing, and suggestions/design ideas needed for the messages."
View or join a discussion of project DHLS
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"Create a Department of Homeland Security web site that looks convincingly similar to a real government web site. Show on this site how Bush's 'security' laws hurt citizens and immigrants. Perhaps emphasize how the INS's attitude toward immigrant workers has worsened in recent months. Set up links from various sites, weblogs, forums, etc. to improve site ranking."
View or join a discussion of project XIOM
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0 workers
"Raise awareness of widespread data-warehousing in the digital economy by crippling Acxiom, one of the top data-warehousing corporations in the U.S., which stores and sells data on almost every household in the US. Begin by purchasing a large list of demographically and geographically targeted individuals from Acxiom (for about US$0.08 per individual). Next, send each person on the list a copy of his or her Acxiom file. Then, using the personal details purchased through Acxiom, remove each listed individual from the system through Acxiom's own 'opt-out' program."
View or join a discussion of project ORBL
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0 workers
View or join a discussion of project NOID
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0 workers
"Support the Warrenton high school (Missouri) ID tag bonfire. We need a golden parachute so we can fight this in court if they try to deprive us of our right to public education after we refuse to wear our ID tags."
View or join a discussion of project SITC
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US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a news bureau to substitute several minutes of old sitcom clips for news clips during a prime-time news hour. The clips must be shown, must be seen by a large number of television viewers, and must be extensively reported on."
View or join a discussion of project AUDT
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0 workers
"In museums and wherever 'audiotours' are available, borrow cassettes, record new text with interesting social messages, and return the cassettes to their players. Do this all over the world; eventually, it will be noticed."
View or join a discussion of project CRLS
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0 workers
"Participate in microsabotage in your corporate job- examples: Lock file cabinets and lose the keys, creatively file key documents, carelessly download viruses..."
View or join a discussion of project HOSP
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0 workers
"Set up a website, or brochures purporting to advertise a corporate hospital, specifically to treat patients affected by ailments caused by said corporations. (For example, the McDonalds Ward for BSE)."
View or join a discussion of project DOHA
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0 workers
"Shut down the New York Stock Exchange, through a combination of street-level direct action and Electronic Civil Disobedience, in conjunction with the 4th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, taking place in Doha, Qatar, from 9 to 13 November 2001."
View or join a discussion of project SMRT
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0 workers
"Leak to the media information about an industry funded research project being conducted at a prestigious university, developing smart drugs known as Eugene Pills that target so-called 'intelligence genes' to enhance IQ. The leaked story should state that the university plans to distribute the drug freely among its students to increase the university's competitiveness."
View or join a discussion of project TMPE
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0 workers
"Support the Temporal Economy Project involves a labour theory of value that aims to develop the principles of a complete economic alternative to capitalism (and, on a secondary level, communism). It posits, as a direct critique of the capitalist concept of 'profit,' the use of time itself as the currency of exchanged labour."
View or join a discussion of project NETF
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0 workers
"In France at the beginning of March, every year, there is a 'Fête de l'Internet', a kind of internet festival, heavily funded by the French Ministry of Culture and serving only to promote big computer companies. (The Ministry of Culture does not, however, support internet artists.) Create a mediatic event to underline the strictly commercial nature of this net stupidity."
View or join a discussion of project PRGS
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0 workers
"In response to health sciences hype, make and run an ad campaign about a new form of unisex contraceptive that will prevent male pregnancy."
View or join a discussion of project MSWD
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0 workers
"Make a hack or virus that corrects strategic words in the Microsoft Office auto correct dictionary. For example, advertising to misinformation; boss to master, etc."
View or join a discussion of project GPSP
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0 workers
"Create mid-air post-it notes that use GPS receivers and PDAs to tie a location to a piece of information on a web page and allow people to add to that information. People who have a similar device can walk into the location and retrieve the notes posted there. That way, you could post a note at the entrance to a company you hate, and anyone with the same device will get the same information from the location."
View or join a discussion of project CLTH
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0 workers
to "alter an ad for a trendy, major-name clothing brand so that it shows a model smoking or peddling crack cocaine, or, alternately, shows a model being killed for their clothing. Preferably, all models in the ad should be white. The ad should appear in a major magazine and reach store shelves."
View or join a discussion of project FLMC
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0 workers
"Make a video segment about how copyrights protect the rich and record it over the anti-piracy message at the start of videos." (This image was sent in and could be used for such taping.)
View or join a discussion of project PINO
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0 workers
"Remake the story of Pinocchio so that he goes to Disney Land, and rather than being transformed into a pack animal, he becomes a real, live boy... who just happens to be from a Third-World country. He and several other kids are then taken to factually accurate animated representations of Disney's Third- World sweatshops. In the end Pinocchio is beaten to death by the guards for attempting to take one of the shirts he was forced to manufacture."
View or join a discussion of project SURR
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0 workers
for "a worker at a metropolitan newspaper who places a major story in a surreal or metaphysical context that is now consistently ignored."
View or join a discussion of project GWBC
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0 workers
"After George W. Bush says something weird, claim you hacked into the cochlear implant transceiver that Dubya's handlers use to prompt him, and that you were able to override their pre-fabricated sound-bytes with something of your own. Your story must be covered in the media."
View or join a discussion of project MOVI
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0 workers
"Create a newspaper ad that looks exactly like the ad for a current blockbuster, but quotes from bad reviews of the film. Place it in the movies section of a major newspaper."
View or join a discussion of project ASSH
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0 workers
"Write project suggestions to RTMark from any conservative angle. These might include attacks on the pro-choice movement, democrats, environmentalists, skeptics, etc. If they don't publish them on their website, make sure their inability to lampoon themselves while they spew all over everyone else gets lots of press."
View or join a discussion of project PRIV
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US$200 workers
"Start a movement to further privatize the Federal Government of the United States. Get high-profile politicians to endorse your movement. Must receive media attention."
View or join a discussion of project VOMT
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0 workers
"Participants will ingest Ipecac or another vomit-inducing agent shortly before demonstrating outside the White House in order to physically demonstrate participants' opinion of the current presidential administration."
View or join a discussion of project CIGA
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0 workers
"Design and make available for download anti-cigarette stickers that look like product callouts like 'Now with even more benzene!' or 'Kills even faster!' or 'Powerful teeth-yellowing formula!'"
View or join a discussion of project HOOV
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0 workers
"The Hoover Institution is a right-wing think tank, which operates under the veil of Stanford University's objectivity. The project is to find a wealthy donor, who will offer to endow a similar left-wing foundation under the same auspices. If the university for any reason rejects this donor, it can be used as a means of discrediting Stanford for hosting Hoover."
View or join a discussion of project BUMP
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0 workers
"Print up bumper stickers - smaller than the standard issue 'God Bless America' stickers - that replace 'Bless' with some other sentiment."
View or join a discussion of project XPRN
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0 workers
"Rent 'family' (Christian/right-wing) oriented videotapes. After all the credits, record a message from aliens that the television has been taken over and they are in control."
View or join a discussion of project FAIR
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0 workers
"Create a website that will catalog companies that rip off their customers and contractors/employees (inverting how TRW and Equifax tell any story about you to businesses). Such a website could catalog corporate misconduct and show patterns of fraud indicating corporate policy."
View or join a discussion of project PEBU
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"Pee on George W. Bush's pant leg while shaking his hand. Put poo in your palm for added pizzaz!"
View or join a discussion of project SOUV
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0 workers
"We will produce a series of anti-souvenirs that will educate tourists to Hawaii about social injustice here and raise funds for Hawaiian activists. We will need about $2,000 to replicate the prototypes which are already made. We could also use more volunteers to help assemble the product, and more souvenir dealers who might be interested in purchasing them."
View or join a discussion of project CCTV
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0 workers
"These labels will be pasted in great numbers in various inappropriate places (toilets, etc.). Donors are being sought to print many copies, or to fund such printing. If you wish to help by printing, simply download the labels and begin. Do post them as well."
View or join a discussion of project MRTR
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"Gather at your local place of government on April 20, 2002. Dress in suits: with one marijuana cigarette in your pockets. At 4:20 PM, announce the end of the drug war, light up, and turn yourselves in for possession."
View or join a discussion of project DSLR
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0 workers
"The Department of Space and Land Reclamation is a campaign to reclaim all space, land and visuals of Chicago. Throughout the city, citizens will tactically intervene in streets, allies, parks, corporate atria, and other crevices of the Chicago urban landscape. Additionally, at a secret hub participants will lounge, eat food, attend discussions and plot the more sustained redistribution of all space and land."
View or join a discussion of project KLGS
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US$120 workers
"Insert realistic collector cards into cereal boxes, each with a photo and description of one of the many workers that has been killed or maimed at the cereal manufacturer's factory."
View or join a discussion of project MGOG
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0 workers
"Launch a campaign whose aim is to amend the U.S. Constitution to declare a real name for the territorial entity currently called the 'United States of America.' This name that isn't one is used by the majority of the inhabitants of this union of States to use the name 'America' for the country, and 'American' for the citizen, thus dispossessing the other Americans (Argentinians, Brazilians, Canadians) of their continent. In the same way that the official name of Mexico is the 'United States of Mexico,' so the United States of America must decide on an official, real name for themselves. Public relations agencies and citizen groups may participate in this effort, which should result in a popular referendum or a vote of Congress."
View or join a discussion of project MARJ
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US$100 workers
"The next time there is a 'fiscal crisis' at a state house or in DC, a group of people should dress up as marijuana plants chanting 'TAX US!' Must be reported in local or national news. Financing dependent upon amount of coverage."
View or join a discussion of project BUML
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"Fight back against bulk mailers by using this software to automatically hit the first 25 links at this locus of bulk mailer distribution." (Note: RTMark has not tested this software for functionality or safety.)
View or join a discussion of project H2OM
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0 workers
"Put 'high water markers' up in exclusive seaside resort communities to show where effects of global warming will increase sea level in 10/15/20 years time." (Note: The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates sea-level rises of between 6 and 37.5 inches in the next 20 years.)
View or join a discussion of project MSCT
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0 workers
"Create and distribute comic books or promote a website featuring corporate mascots engaged in unsavory activities--the jolly green giant smoking, the Michelin man pooping..."
View or join a discussion of project BNPL
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"On Buy Nothing Day, perform micro-plays in McDonald's with one or two dozen amateur actors performing roles like tourists, protesters, and Ronald McDonald, who violently vanquishes the protesters and is cheered by the tourists."
View or join a discussion of project 9999
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0 workers
"Distribute a large number of 'Out of Order' signs signed by something like the 'Aesthetics maintenance division,' for posting on ridiculously ugly objects, including clothing, cars, buildings.... Seeking suggestions for the text, and volunteers to print and distribute the signs widely."
View or join a discussion of project BIGD
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0 workers
"Have you seen the billboards that are signed by God? Big white letters with a black background that say things like 'As a matter of fact, I can think of ten things that are written in stone.' Change to say things like 'The last time politics and religion got mixed together I lost My Son,' or 'Why are you letting the greedy destroy My beautiful creation for money?'"
View or join a discussion of project SLAU
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0 workers
"I will take graphic slaughterhouse photographic imagery and screen-print it onto fine, white linen tablecloths. From a distance, these cloths will appear lush and floral-like (creamy whites and vibrant reds). Upon closer inspection, however viewers will identify graphic slaughterhouse scenes. Restaurant workers needed to place these tablecloths on tables and record diners reactions."
View or join a discussion of project WALM
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"Grab some spiffy blue vests and start straightening up the isles at your local Wal-Mart (or other megastore). Aggressively help customers by pushing their carts for them, selecting products for them, and telling them the dangers of shopping without such assistance."
View or join a discussion of project MUTN
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0 workers
"Report mutant fruit and vegetable sightings to radio/TV stations. Authentic looking video and photographic documentation should also be provided."
View or join a discussion of project TOXC
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0 workers
"Taint cereal boxes by inserting 'Danger! Radioactive!' caution tape and a warning to contact the EPA to determine if the cereal was grown with 'fertilizer originating from the Lowry Superfund site in Colorado.' The consumer is also instructed to report the tainted cereal to CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. (Colorado will have the distinction of growing crops in its own radionucleide-tainted 'bio-solids' from the Lowry Bombing Range Superfund site very soon.)"
View or join a discussion of project CAPT
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0 workers
to "crudely or in any way at all destroy, mutilate, disfigure or otherwise render illegible all billboards or other ads that attempt to appropriate 'culture jamming' or vandalism for commercial ends--for example 'THE CAPTAIN WAS HERE!' ads for Captain Morgan Spiced Rum."
View or join a discussion of project BARC
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0 workers
"Copy and switch bar codes of products. Choose targets appropriate to your desired social commentary. At the checkstand, hamburger shows up as dog food, condoms as eggs... whatever you think will be the most enlightening for the end-user."
View or join a discussion of project BANN
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0 workers
"Create hilarious or stupid/offensive ad-banners for corporate websites. Try to place them in link-exchange or likewise. ('I've never gotten fucked like in the new Audi TT!') One strategy might be to first create some nice average homepage banner and after a while change the motif and the destination."
View or join a discussion of project SIXD
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0 workers
"Create an interactive Web site that can reveal ownership of the media. For example, someone watching a CNN news program might spy a personality piece about Rosie O'Donnell and decide to research a possible connection between them. The SIXD Web site could respond: CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting, which is a division of Time Warner, which owns a majority of Time Warner Entertainment Company LP, a division of which is Warner Bros. TV, which produces the Rosie O'Donnell show. The Web site should graphically depict the hierarchy of the connections it finds." (See this site for inspiration.)
View or join a discussion of project SMKE
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0 funds
"Funding needed to launch a campaign to encourage the sons and daughters of the employees of the American Tobacco Industry to take up the habit of smoking so as to save their parents' jobs. Funds would be used to print materials, mail materials, and compile a list of addresses. To see a prototype of this material, visit"
View or join a discussion of project CGME
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0 workers
"Create and distribute a computer war-game in such a way that purchasers believe it is just another violent entertainment. The game-play must resemble that of a 'normal' war-game, but must unexpectedly and shockingly convey the connection of commercial video game technology to actual war."
View or join a discussion of project DINO
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0 workers
"Make and display spoof car ads from 'Crashler' or some other spinoff of a familiar multinational with car models like 'Attila, Adolf, Amin, Alexander' or the like featuring 'The same MPG as we had in the mid-seventies when you were always waiting in gas lines.'"
View or join a discussion of project PICK
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US$500 workers
"Get rich white guys in sports bars to pick oranges and pay for it by inventing a video game that activates telepresent robotic labor. Disguise the fact that game players are engaging in labor by camouflaging the game as a first person shoot-em-up. Donate video game profits to the UFW. This project could be accomplished by staging it for the media, but in that case the investment capital goes directly to the UFW."
View or join a discussion of project WOMN
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0 workers
"Replace the contents of women's magazine covers with ones from 10, 20, even 30 years ago to demonstrate that despite their pretenses toward liberation, they reinforce exactly the same gender dynamics."
View or join a discussion of project KWKE
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0 funds
"In a personal effort to take the message of drug policy reform public in America I have created the U.S. Congress Quick Email Directory. It is listed on search engines for quick email access to the U.S. Congress. The visitors that it snags are average folks looking to contact their representatives for personal, political or social reasons, but while they are there exposes them to drug liberalization propaganda."
View or join a discussion of project MONP
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0 workers
"Replace the logo for Monopoly with logos for Microsoft, or any other monopolistic entity of your choosing."
View or join a discussion of project SMCP
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US$2000 workers
"Create a sophisticated, popular computer game that uses Artificial Life technology to genetically engineer corporations, showing how they evolve and compete with one another and with other biological entities, e.g. people. Game must be very entertaining and be widely distributed. Project is in the beginning stages of development; A-Life programmers (Java or C++) are currently needed." (Principal investors to date: Creative Time of New York, MECAD of Barcelona, Lion Goodman.)
View or join a discussion of project COUP
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0 workers
"Write in large letters 'BUSH LOST' on your money."
View or join a discussion of project BTNO
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0 workers
"Put on a big genetics art show very critical of the biotech industry and not funded by biotech companies, or a big eco-arts show not funded by polluters."
View or join a discussion of project CRPJ
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0 workers
"Determine which corporations would NOT be in jail today, if corporations were jailed for offenses just like individuals. Plot the results in various ways, and publicize the result in the media."
View or join a discussion of project ADP2
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0 workers
"Print stickers resembling 'Inspected by' stickers but including as well pictures of either individual sweatshop workers, or the insides of sweatshops. Go into stores (Gap, Banana Republic, etc.) and paste away."
View or join a discussion of project WN95
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US$500 workers
to "alter the bootup splash screen of a popular computer operating system so that the logo of a rival company, or a rock, is displayed smashing through it instead. A worker in the assembly or testing departments of DELL, Gateway, Compaq, etc. could, after testing, overwrite the existing splash screen file with a new one, which can be provided by RTMARK upon request. A number of the computer/operating system must be sold thus, and it must be reported in the press."
View or join a discussion of project HMWK
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0 workers
"Create a national web database of school childrens' homework, freely accessible, where any child can submit homework or retrieve others' homework. It will serve as an archive for future generations, while infuriating almost everyone."
View or join a discussion of project ALRM
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0 workers
"Write and distribute an e-mail message containing real recent quotes about the global economic crisis from major financial publications, selected to horrify individual investors. Examples: 'I have never seen anything like this in my entire life!' (Alan Greenspan) 'Today, there are 60 trillion dollars of borrowed funds invested in world markets. Even in 1929, markets were not this leveraged.' (Financial Times) The message must be shocking, convincing, and easy to understand, and it must reach at least 100,000 people and be noticed by mainstream financial media."
View or join a discussion of project TOUR
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0 workers
"I will lead historical tours that include all the usual sight-seeing places like Carpenter's Hall, Betsy Ross's House, etc. But in place of the usual representation of US history, it will be very factual and disturbing."
View or join a discussion of project TOYB
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0 workers
"Put up a fake online store pretending to retail toy land mines, cluster bombs (CBU-87 clusterbombs contain bright yellow bomblets 'wearing' parachutes, some of which do not explode on impact and are picked up by children) and other menacing objects used in warfare. Should anyone place an order, they automatically get mail with info about the weapon and the damage it has caused in the world."
View or join a discussion of project URAW
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0 workers
"Create a rabid organization that gives highly publicized awards to companies for their use of urinalysis on employees. The organization should appear fascistic enough that companies would receive negative publicity for the award."
View or join a discussion of project FOBO
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US$300 workers
"To replicate successful US foreign aid on the home front, create and drop food bombs on impoverished areas of the United States. Here is the brochure that will be pre-dropped to explain a food bomb's use. This project seeks private pilots as well as investors."
View or join a discussion of project AIRP
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0 workers
"It is possible to switch airline intro tapes with tapes of your choice. Simply find the machine, and when no one's looking, switch the cassette."
View or join a discussion of project NYSE
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US$100 workers
"In a nod to the Yippies action of the 1960's, a floor-runner should empty a suitcase full of realistic counterfeit money over the floor of the NYSE (or another large stock exchange). The chaos that ensues should be videotaped."
View or join a discussion of project CARE
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0 workers
"Get corporations to sponsor patients within the health care system, using the patient's progress as a form of advertising."
View or join a discussion of project CHUK
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US$50 workers
"Draw a Family Circus cartoon where Billy sits on front porch with family members all dead in the yard from gunshot wounds. Cop asks Billy, Who did it? Billy says, Chuck. Ghostlike Charlton Heston is seen running away with smoking gun. Get this faux cartoon to run in a major newspaper."
View or join a discussion of project MP3S
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0 workers
"Create a web site that lets people select from a list of MP3s which MP3s they've 'stolen.' A form should allow them to write a little apology to the RIAA with their name and email; the script should then attach the selected MP3 and send it along with the apology."
View or join a discussion of project STMC
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"On Buy Nothing Day, vomit all over every appropriate target you can think of, with a little help from Ipecac. Puking may not be pleasant but neither is being considered a consumer instead of a citizen."
View or join a discussion of project FOIA
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0 workers
"Using the Freedom of Information Act and your skills in investigative reporting, begin gathering all available information on stock holdings, job history, drug usage, etc from Bush Administration appointees and Congressional staffs in areas that have proven hostile to American consumers, the environment, and public safety, and begin a website to post the rogues gallery and their information."
View or join a discussion of project MAVI
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0 workers
"Create the Mayday Virus: A 24-hour virus that shuts down the computer on Mayday, preferable flashing a message about workers' rights and time off."
View or join a discussion of project OILS
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"Create a website for the 'Trans-Afghan Pipeline Sweepstakes' that allows contestants to guess ownerships of the speculative Trans-Afghan Gas and Oil Pipelines. The site should serve as a clearing house for dirt on the companies involved. Winners of the sweepstakes will receive a bike."
View or join a discussion of project DEAT
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0 workers
"Send letters and emails to individuals in congress for some time now calling for either the immediate relase or execution of all jailed persons."
View or join a discussion of project ADP1
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0 workers
"Manufacture cards to be placed with sweatshop-produced apparel (in shoe boxes, shirt/pant pockets, etc.) in department stores. Cards can contain such phrases as 'Handmade just for you by Juan, your Honduran friend. 3.5 cents of your purchase will go towards feeding my family. Thank you!'"
View or join a discussion of project HOME
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0 workers
"Create a trend for the media to report on: the upward rise of housing costs in major cities leads corporations to lease unused office cubicles to workers who then live in them. Companies like it because workers have no commuting problems and work longer hours. Set up a few cubicles in a participating office building with personal belongings, cots, refrigerators, etc. Set up portable shower tents in washrooms. Show one guy's cube with his mountain bike parked outside and a bunch of his buddies gathered around the TV drinking beer and watching a football game."
View or join a discussion of project DVDA
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0 workers
"A DVD producer should add secret subversive commentary soundtracks or new sets of closed-captions for particularly offensive films released on DVD."
View or join a discussion of project STTH
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"Create a street theater game, perhaps something between RISK and Monopoly, that would illustrate the consequences of neoliberalism/neocolonialism. It should be fun and have simple rules that could be distributed by leaflet to passersby, who would be invited to join in the game. Possible themes/characters: world debt, trade in commodities including 'cheap labor' (also a role), secrecy and under-the-table pacts, etc."
View or join a discussion of project BSTR
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0 workers
"Blockbuster edits the content of many of the videos they rent. Rent edited tapes and record the original versions onto them--the object being to get caught, so that Blockbuster presses charges (perhaps for vandalism)."
View or join a discussion of project RUDY
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0 workers
"Pull together a hip hop/dance track dissing Giuliani. Use audio samples of Giuliani's press conference about the averted transit strike in December, where he started going off about Marx and talking about how corporate profits are what help working people in the city."
View or join a discussion of project DCSS
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0 workers
"Given the recent court decision on the posting of the DeCSS program which stated that computer code is not a protected form of speech, get caught pirating software from a major manufacturer (Microsoft, for example) and argue that software, not a protected form of speech, is not subject to ANY copyright protection."
View or join a discussion of project CRYS
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0 workers
for "a print journalist who can use the Language Crystal to create two or three simultaneous readings of a story, or make it possible to read the story in another language (see Zukofsky's translation of 'Catullus,' which reads simultaneously in English and Latin)."
View or join a discussion of project BRCD
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"Spread a rumor via phoney press releases that Monsanto has begun a new program to genetically engineer bar codes directly onto the skins of supermarket fruits and vegetables, enabling them to be directly scanned at checkout, bypassing the costly process of placing stickers on produce. Get local TV man-in-the-street reactions to having their bananas bar-coded."
View or join a discussion of project PLCM
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0 workers
See recent coverage of this project. "Lobby for a rating system which ranks films and TV shows by the extent of their product placement. Require labels for VHS and DVD packages indicating amount of product placement ranging from '0-PP: Zero Product Placement -- Suitable for the entire Family' to '5-PP: Contains scenes of explicit corporate advertising.' If lobbying is unsuccessful, videotape warnings onto the beginning of rented VHS tapes and affix warning labels to packages."
View or join a discussion of project AOLA
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0 workers
"Save up all those pesky soon-to-be-in-your-local-landfill AOL disks that come streaming endlessly to your mailbox. Get a large group of people to do the same thing. Send them all back at the same time. (A website has taken this project global.)"
View or join a discussion of project WRDP
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"Get a resolution introduced in Congress (bonus points for the Senate) to change the name of the Pentagon back to the War Department."
View or join a discussion of project COPS
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0 workers
to each policeman in a major city no smaller than Chicago who "for at least five days, between the hours of six and eight oíclock, at least ten times each day asks a businessman in a suit and tie for his identity papers and then informs the businessman that there is a curfew of 6 p.m. for affluent men. The policeman must say, ëSo why arenít you home with your wife?í"
View or join a discussion of project HSTN
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US$50 workers
"Charlton Heston is currently on tour with a new play. Point out flaws in current gun control policy by attending this play and shooting Heston with a metal-covered rubber-band shooter, proving how easy it is to commit a murder under current weapons laws."
View or join a discussion of project SCTT
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0 funds
"$2,000 needed to build a new 'Shopping Cart 2000'--a portable projection booth used to project culture jamming videos and films onto high rises. A test model has been built and implemented (click here for more information); the new model will be able to project a huge image, and will have an excellent sound system."
View or join a discussion of project POTV
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0 workers
"I will document my life for one whole year while I live on $6,000 dollars, and show the results on TV."
View or join a discussion of project BIJK
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0 workers
"In a highly traversed, gentrified urban area (i.e. Greenwich Village, San Francisco Mission), plan and execute the concurrent hijacking of at least two bicycle taxis at a peak hour, and crash them with considerable drama into the facades of two Starbucks."
View or join a discussion of project WSWR
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"Set up an elaborate inter-connected series of bogus web sites to mirror the corporations involved in the war for oil."
View or join a discussion of project DUHH
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0 workers
"Write a piece of software that performs a useful task. The software should be registered over the internet. Shinkwrap the software with a 'by breaking this seal you accept the terms of the software license.' The software license will have provisions for access to information on the corporate database. After registration, request the information from the corporation under the terms of the software license. Sue them for non-compliance when they refuse."
View or join a discussion of project RISK
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"Claiming that you are with Board Game magazine, for example, secure an interview with Laura Bush, Lynne Cheney, or the spouses or children of any of the hawks in the Bush administration. Ask general questions about what kinds of card games or board games the big decision-makers play, working your way up to specific wargames like Risk. Possible questions: 'Does your family own Risk or Stratego? Do they play often? Does hubby mostly win or lose at these wargames? Do they use a Risk game board for briefings in the Oval Office about the war, or do they use a custom game board? What are the playing pieces like on that custom-made set? I saw this giant map on NBC, where the announcer and a retired General were walking around on it, and they had some big plastic army dudes about ten inches high, next to some big tanks, showing where Allied Forces were massed against Iraqi forces. Do you know where our readers can buy playing pieces like that? When you were in the middle of playing Risk, did your husband ever position troops on the board to demonstrate where his forces had been deployed in real life? Did he ever keep playing the same battles over and over until he won? Would you consider playing this game against your husband on a daily basis, and intentionally lose every day?'"
View or join a discussion of project FCAC
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"Make anti-consumer fortune cookie fortunes and litter them about your local mall food court. Note: 10-point Times New Roman font works well."
View or join a discussion of project AFIX
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0 workers
"Take old filthy clothes you are going to throw away, affix price tags of $100 or more, and place them on hangers on the racks of your local GAP, Abercrombie and Fitch, etc."
View or join a discussion of project DLRA
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0 workers
"Hack into conservative radio talk show host 'Dr.' Laura Schlessinger's website and place nude photos of her (readily available on the web) on the site. Bonus points to anyone who can get on her show, live, and ask her about the nude photos (1-800-375-2872 between 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time)."
View or join a discussion of project FCOK
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"Make and distribute anti-consumer fortune cookie fortunes. Note: 10-point Times New Roman font works well."
View or join a discussion of project HHMC
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"For Halloween, set up a haunted house that shows where all the food at major fast-food chains comes from--toy animal chickens with their beaks cut off, stuffed into very small cages. The tours can be led by someone in a headless cow costume, covered in blood."
View or join a discussion of project FREI
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"Looking for web hosting sponsor for a web site that undermines capitalism by providing a forum through which people can give things away for free. Search capabilities should be provided. It will be similar to Ebay, except all items are free. The person who will receive the item pays shipping."
View or join a discussion of project FLMF
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US$1000 workers
for "a worker at a film editing house or video duplication outfit to insert scenes of a shockingly educational nature into popular movies or videos. Viewers must see the scenes, and it must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project URIN
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0 workers
"A urinalysis lab worker should save and return as 'corporate property' all tested urine of new hires in a mass mailing to the CEO of a major corporation. The return of urine to its 'rightful owners' should be made into a highly visible press event."
View or join a discussion of project BIRD
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0 workers
"Need funds or source of (empty) birdcages and fasteners to attach to poles at busy/smoggy intersections. If doing this, ensure that the cage is high enough as not to obstruct trucks or view of lights, also to make it difficult to remove. Attach signage with clean air slogans."
View or join a discussion of project PATA
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0 workers
for "a news-wire worker who can successfully invent irrefutable pataphysical stories, or substitute amateur film (or stock footage) for news footage"
View or join a discussion of project RAPT
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0 workers
"Create a live news broadcast (like Welles' War of the Worlds) announcing the Rapture occurring that very moment."
View or join a discussion of project FRNK
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0 workers
"Make a list of the copyright-holding companies represented on the Frankentoon page. Make another list of mutual funds which have investments in these corporations. Contact the managers of these funds and suggest to them that, because of the threat to these media corporations presented by this attack upon intellectual property, the media firms may no longer be good investments. Deliver the same message to people who invest in these mutual funds."
View or join a discussion of project CORP
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0 workers
"Place stickers or flyers on machines that say things like 'Brought to you by Corporate America.' Distribute to school kids to stick everywhere in schools where privatization is occurring."
View or join a discussion of project WLMC
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0 workers
"Secretly stock Wal Mart's CD racks with uncensored versions of said artists' works (secretly hiding the censored versions would be a nice touch as well)."
View or join a discussion of project COWS
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US$5000 workers
to anyone who can "find and administer a substance to a great number of cattle that will make their beef unfit for consumption, without harming either the cattle's health or that of potential consumers--perhaps by discoloring it."
View or join a discussion of project TMSQ
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US$600 workers
to "rent two top floor rooms each in three Times Square hotels on a busy weekend night at the height of tourist season in New York. From the hotel windows, hang giant banners which read: 'New York welcomes Saddam Hussein'. The banner must display prominently several logos of large companies or municipal entities. Alternatives would be to rent a plane trailing a similar banner, lay down an enormous Welcome Saddam doormat which could be unfurled next to football stadia (where the news helicopter could see it), project the image on the moon or on huge white buildings, etc."
View or join a discussion of project TVTV
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"Make public access shows using just the character generator and whatever is already on TV. Suggested text:'KILL YOUR TELEVISION' or 'OUT OF ORDER.'"
View or join a discussion of project PASS
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0 workers
"Generate a legitimate 'news' entity whose real purpose is to issue press credentials to Indy media reporters and others blacklisted from entry to events."
View or join a discussion of project PODO
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0 workers
"Collect enough money to buy off an in-office politician for a major radical cause such as electric car legislation. Once the legislation passes, provide evidence to the media that the politician accepted a bribe. Repeat."
View or join a discussion of project STRM
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"Start a movement to storm the Capitol building, White House, FCC headquarters, etc. not in protest, but because we own those institutions and what they represent (government, the airwaves, etc.)."
View or join a discussion of project WDW1
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US$100 workers
"A Hispanic person claiming to be a representative of a group of refugees should request asylum from Cuba--and also the United States and the State of Florida--at Walt Disney World. Written statement issued to press should highlight Disney's quasi-governmental powers in Florida. Statement should also avow that in exchange for asylum, the refugees are willing to work at the park for less than minimum wage. Written statement must appear either on a (Disney-owned) ABC news broadcast, or on the local broadcasts of a substantial number of ABC affiliates."
View or join a discussion of project CUTT
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"Cut a block's worth of alleyway cable and phone connections during prime-time television in a middle-class neigborhood. The removing of stimuli will cause shock and confusion and cause some to panic to the point of conversation, reading, or even pensive thought."
View or join a discussion of project CGBX
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"Make matchboxes with, on the front, 'Smoke only one and you'll know why they don't come in an ordinary box,' and on the back, a picture of a coffin and the words 'coming soon.' remain."
View or join a discussion of project NOSC
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"In Los Angeles, San Francisco, or elsewhere that parking laws are unfair, print stickers the size of parking signs in red ink to look similar to the standard parking signs. They should read 'No Scamming' instead of 'No parking'. Everyone that gets a ticket could take a picture of the sign and send it in as an excuse to get out of the ticket."
View or join a discussion of project JCSX
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0 workers
"Religious iconography, perhaps more than any other visual input, determines our sexual tastes, even today. In the interest of societal psychoanalysis, create and maintain a website which makes this fact manifest by means of still images of erotically charged religious art (old and new), live erotic performances (visitor can play St. Sebastian's ex-lover and shoot the arrow, or Pontius Pilate can wash virtual hands), etc. Site must be respectful and in no way derogatory of any religion."
View or join a discussion of project TRIB
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0 funds
"To highlight the cynical merchandising of rebellion and solidarity to disaffected youth (examples: grunge, rave, etc.), create a 'tribe' from arbitrary elements--manners, items of clothing, etc.--and establish it as a 'real' media presence. When revealing the plan, also reveal some secondary meanings of the distinguishing elements...."
View or join a discussion of project ANTX
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0 workers
"Spread a rumor that the terrorists are planting Anthrax on American flags and the only way to ensure safety is to burn them."
View or join a discussion of project CNTL
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"Whenever you see a TV that's on in a public place, and nobody is watching you or it, screw aroudn with the input controlls on the back so that it won't work if turned on, and then unplug the power but not the cable, so that people will look at the controls when they plug the cord back in."
View or join a discussion of project CPML
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"On a typical U.S. campus, food and meal plans are provided by a globalized corporation like Aramark, or even fast food corporations. Often students are required to buy into such meal plans. Provide an alternative by setting up a community meal night--perhaps within the campus food area--and providing healthy food in exchange for a small fee."
View or join a discussion of project HUHH
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0 workers
"Stand in military garb at the entrance a major corporate store that uses child labor, giving the Nazi salute to those who enter and exit."
View or join a discussion of project SWET
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0 workers
"Start an athletic apparel company called 'Sweatshop' which will sell t-shirts and other sportswear made ethically (but not marketed as such). Use media and word of mouth to popularize the brand as a constant reminder that most apparel is still made in conditions that are little better than slavery."
View or join a discussion of project TRCD
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0 workers
"Investments needed to publish vocabulary trading cards. The cards take the place of pokemon, sports, or sci-fi cards, with the understanding that knowledge of language enriches people instead of enriching markets."
View or join a discussion of project LEGG
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0 funds
"Infiltrate sperm and egg banks with 'homosexual sperm and eggs,' by lying on the screening tests about sexual history and preferences. Report actions to media and include in reports a manifesto from the Queer Creationist Campaign (QCC) claiming you have succeeded in infiltrating heterosexual bodies all over the country with more highly evolved genomes in order to create new generations of a more perfect Queer race."
View or join a discussion of project FOOD
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0 workers
"The government pays hundreds if not thousands of farms a year NOT to grow anything on a certain amount of acreage, in order to regulate the price of certain foods. Money for this project will go to pay the farms more to grow food on that acreage that would be empty and distribute that food to a starving nation."
View or join a discussion of project GWSU
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US$100 workers
"Sue G.W. Bush for failure to keep his campaign promises. Suit must be reported in the media."
View or join a discussion of project RENT
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0 workers
"Pretend to be a landlord looking for a tenant. List a great apartment with, and when people look at it, tell them all about how scams people to join their service ($185) with the lure of apartments don't exist. Preferably, combine this project with a major news exposé of their practices."
View or join a discussion of project JMWR
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0 workers
"Fight back against pre-paid junk mail by writing out psychologically undermining propaganda on index cards and mailing them back to junk mailers so as to attack the morale of their drones. Build a website so everyone can upload their messages and log how many they've mailed back, and don't stop until you've mailed back 1,000,000 collectively."
View or join a discussion of project BNKN
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0 workers
"On a certain day, get all people in a city, state or country to withdraw their funds from all banks and not return it until bank fees have been reduced to a minimum (preferably nil) and levels of service restored. The bank exists for us: we don't exist for it."

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