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The Yes Men in Salzburg Past projects / Yes Men as WTO / In Salzburg
In May 2000, The Yes Men received an e-mail inviting Mike Moore, Director-General of the WTO, to discuss the WTO at a conference on international trade matters. The Yes Men decided to do the ethical thing... and to try their best to fulfill the request.

In late October, one Dr. Andreas Bichlbauer--the substitute "Moore" decided to send--spoke at the conference. His lecture described the WTO's ideas and ultimate aims in terms that were horrifyingly stark--suggesting, for example, the replacement of inefficient democratic institutions like elections with private-sector solutions like an Internet startup selling votes to the highest corporate bidder. None of the lawyers in attendance expressed dismay at Dr. Bichlbauer's proposals.

The Yes Men have posted Dr. Bichlbauer's presentation, as well as the complete correspondence, on their website. They are currently preparing video documentation of the lecture, questions, staged pieing, and lunch.

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