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The meanness of Dow and Verio
The Yes Men impersonate the WTO
The etoy Fund
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Project LOFT (Art Inspection)
Deconstructing Beck
Phone In Sick Day 2002
The Zapatista Floodnet
The Secret Writer's Society hack
Popotla vs. Titanic
The Barbie Liberation Organization
The SimCopter hack (open)
Le Hack de SimCopter
La intervención sobre SimCopter
The Threat of Millennium
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Learn more about OLWR Project OLWR: Oil war at Exxon
The SimCopter hack Past projects / SimCopter
esta página en EspañolIn 1996, ®TMark channeled $5000 from a New York shopkeeper as a reward to a Silicon Valley programmer for substituting hundreds of near-naked kissing boys for buxom babes, tuba players, and other computer game staples. (Click here for pictures.) Learn more by searching the Web on "SimCopter," "kissing boys," and "fired".
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