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Phone In Sick Day 2002 Past projects / Phone In Sick Day
A wide variety of causes including the French elections, the situation in the Occupied Territories, and the post-September 11 climate have rendered this year's holiday a bit more complicated than usual.

As in earlier years, World Phone In Sick Day generally occurs this year on May 1 where May 1 is not already a holiday--i.e. the U.S., Canada, the U.K.

Also as in the past, World Phone In Sick Day occurs on May 2 most everywhere else, where May 1 is already a holiday.

In the U.S., however, WPIS Day continues past its principal May 1 day all the way to the weekend (passing through May 2 and 3).

In the countries of Germany, Japan, and Singapore, and in the territory of Hong Kong, WPIS Day occurs on its principal May 2 day but is also repeated one week later, for the full work week falling on May 6-10.

For the cases of Mexico and Israel/Palestine, the primary WPIS Day (May 2 for these instances) is cancelled for 2002, and replaced with May 7, with additionally, for the case of Israel/Palestine, May 10.

It is also to be noted that Russia and the Ukraine will see WPIS Day not only on May 2 but also on May 7.

As for the situation in some South American nations, it is subject to revision, as is that in the region immediately surrounding the primary cities of both Byelarus and the Central Asian nations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Finally, certain oil platforms in the North and Caspian Seas have decided against World Phone In Sick Day at all for 2002; these will resume celebrations in 2003 on the usual two days as in previous years.

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