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Why phone in sick? Past projects / Phone In Sick Day / Why sick?
Phone in sick to work on May 1

Phoning in sick on May 1 is a great way for Americans to join the rest of the world in celebrating an important American holiday.

It is also a good way for Americans to squeeze a little bit of leisure from increasingly unleisurely lives.

(As for non-Americans, phoning in sick the day after your May 1 holiday is a very nice way to show solidarity with your American cousins, and to give expression to concerns of your own.)

But we'd like you--American or not--to tell us why you think it's a good idea to phone in sick on May 1 or May 2. The best reasons sent in so far are below. (Note: A few of these links are now dead. They were for Phone In Sick Day 2000.)

(High-resolution version of below, for printing, here)

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