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The meanness of Dow and Verio
The Yes Men impersonate the WTO (open)
The Yes Men dissolve the WTO
The Yes Men in Finland
The Yes Men in Salzburg
The Yes Men se hacen pasar por la OMC
Les Yes Men se font passer pour l'OMC
The etoy Fund
The Presidential Exploratory Committee
The World Trade Organization
The Archimedes Project
Project LOFT (Art Inspection)
Deconstructing Beck
Phone In Sick Day 2002
The Zapatista Floodnet
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Popotla vs. Titanic
The Barbie Liberation Organization
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Learn more about NUKE Project NUKE: Call attention to nuclear weapons accidents
The Yes Men impersonate the WTO Past projects / Yes Men as WTO
In early 2000, RTMark transferred people sometimes mistake for the World Trade Organization's official website--to a group of impostors known as The Yes Men.
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