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Last Month's Sites

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Media Subversion

In honor of corporate subversion month, Llama Links is severing ties with after reading about their very poor business practices. I encourage you to buy your books from your local bookstore.

Instead here's a link that will
tell you how you can get a
Palm Pilot IIIe for $99! This is not a scam. I have actually gotten two of these myself already for $99 (this price includes shipping!)

Just for comparison these are going for an average of $180+ on Ebay and they do rock!! You can store phone numbers, make notes to yourself, have a schedule book, balance your checkbook, play games, download whole web sites and tons more. No more scrap pieces of paper to lose! They're basically mini-computers that you can carry in your pocket and will help you organize your life and amuse you while you're waiting to board your plane.

So how can you get one for $99? Here's what you do: Just go to this site, sign up for their premium service (which costs $99) and they'll send you a voucher in your email to get a free Palm. It really works. Like I said I got 2 already. So go for it!

Heres' the link:
Get Your $99 Palm Pilot Here


If you decide to use this link you could perhaps do me a small favor in return. I'm always trying to make a few bucks to defray the cost of running this site. Here's a *free* way you can help me that takes about a minute:

I've been using Ebay lately and most Ebayers prefer to use an online service called Paypal which allows people to pay each other easily using credit cards or even bank accounts.

If you sign up for paypal using the link below, they will credit my paypal account for $5 for referring you. (someones got some venture capital to blow!) You don't have to give them a credit card or anything. There's absolutely *no* obligation to do anything else. You never even have to visit Paypal again (but you might if you get hooked on Ebay too). Just fill in basic contact info and that's it.

They'll send me email letting me know and I'll send you a small list of some other great little known deals on the web as a gift to you.

Thanks a ton for helping!


Take me to Paypal!!!

Out of all of the thousands of sites that I've reviewed this has to be my favorite. rTMark is about using the media to combat a media dominated self destructive culture. It offers a viable way in which people can invest with money and/or time and participate in various media prankster projects. Spend some time looking around and you'll be well rewarded with knowledge and laughter! This month's picks are dedicated to media pranksterism by rTMark and others.

Find out what rTMark is all about in this collection of articles from other press sources.
A very well done parody of the WTO site with tons of *real* information on who the WTO is and what it is doing. Stay tuned for the next massive WTO protest happening in Quebec this Spring!
More fun from rTMark
What would happen if Barbie and GI Joe voice boxes are switched? Well it actually happened!
When corporate giant stupidly sued the media prankster owners of, the result was an immediate all out information war. With a small army of activists, anarchists and other fellow media pranksters, they attacked eToys on many fronts and managed to devalue their stock from $67 to $15, a multi-billion dollar loss before eToys gave in and dropped the suit. Guerrila warfare at its finest!
One of our favorites. A hilarious parody of our future King (God *and* Goddess help us). Don't forget to check out the archives.
Other Subversives
An collection of interesting articles dealing with online acts of subversion.
An *excellent* example of a subversive site mocking corporate monster 'terminator' seed makers Monsanto. On the surface, the site looks exactly like what you'd expect a Monsanto site to look like. But dig a little and you'll get this: "Monsanto does not care about you, farmers or agriculture. Monsanto is a rich multinational corporation that revels in the idea of controlling the entire worlds' food supply. Monsanto already has a poor track record, mainly for creating the death toxins Agent Orange(Vietnam War) and DDT. Monsanto will monopolize the world's natural food supplies by integrating experimental genetics, and create an unsustainable level of nutrition for the world's rapidly growing population." An intense site with some excellent imagery as well.
If this page doesn't give you enough media subversion links to keep you busy go here!

Yet more fun!

A subversive art gallery filled with clever and thought provoking images in the form of advertising.
Where will you be on May 1st?
An archive of hacked web sites.
Had enough yet? We thought not!
Did you see the movie Titanic? Find out about the amazing greed, human rights abuse and ecological destruction surrounding the making of it.
A desconstruction of Shell's 'public service' web site of disinformation.
Get that compulsive Internet spending under control.
One of my personal least favorite corporations gets raked big time at this well done site.
Another old favorite...this sites takes on corporate advertising with some very hilarious and sometimes distrubing results.
Michael Moore best know for his movie Roger and Me is a bona fide media subversion counter culture hero. Lots of great writing and other stuff here.



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