Miscellaneous Naughtiness

"when things get weird, the weird turn pro". -Hunter S. Thompson.

check out the pic of Bill Gates


KGB defector's revelations to be published

HOWARD MARKS - UK National tour 28th Sept - 13th Nov 1999

THE PIE'S THE LIMIT (got to be no. one of the top ten best Christmas pressies!)


Riot organisers prepare to launch cyber war on City

RTMark (participates in advocacy directly related to issues of corporate abuses of the political process.)

Situationist revolutionary released


September 1999 - Free Cannabis Month UK

Computer genius took his revenge

Computer Security for Campaigners

Bushell on the Fox .A satirical look at fox hunting and euthanasia

3 day Anarchy festival

Echelon snooping and how to resist

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A new e-mail list has been formed to discuss and debate what has been termed 'hacktivism'. Refacing corporate and government web-pages, organising community based web servers or micropower radio stations, using mobile comms to create communication channels for poor, remote or oppressed people: the fusion of activism and hacking has begun to create some very creative projects - not to mention some interesting practical, tactical and even ethical questions.

The e-mail list is a space to allow activists and hackers of all persuasions to discuss what the word 'hacktivism' actually means and the issues surrounding it. It can also be used as a forward channel for any interesting hacktivism news or opinion. Please forward this announcement to interested people.

To join this e-mail list simply send a message to: hacktivism-request@lists.tao.ca with subscribe in the (plain text) message body. Remove the subject line and your sig. Alternatively go to http://lists.tao.ca/ and subscribe there.

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Riot organisers prepare to launch cyber war on City

August 15 1999 Sunday Times Jonathan Ungoed-Thomas and Maeve Sheehan ACTIVISTS who organised the City riot have been trained in hacking techniques to attack the computer networks of banks and financial institutions, an investigation has revealed. Members of Reclaim the Streets, which co- ordinated theJune 18 action, have sought advice from America on sabotaging computer sites and have recruited teams of British-based hackers. City companies have now called in consultants to protect their systems. The threat comes after a report on the proliferation of political hacking from the National Criminal Intelligence Service. The Animal Liberation Front, anti-nuclear protesters and pro-democracy groups opposed to the Chinese government have already infiltrated several sites. Environmental activists, too, are employing the techniques of the cyber terrorist. The Sunday Times has discovered that several companies and institutions, including the Stock Exchange, Barclays and HSBC, were targeted by teams of hackers during the anti-capitalist demonstration. The attack was co-ordinated with teams of hackers from Indonesia, Israel, Germany and Canada. For five hours at least 20 companies were subjected to more than 10,000 attacks by hackers. Other activists used a program called floodnet to block or crash web sites. "There were repeated attempts to penetrate the security that were all being done remotely," said Dr Neil Barrett, who has advised police on internet crime and is a technical director at Information Risk Management, a computer security company. "There were thousands of attacks on a number of sites. The tactics were crude but they were clearly co- ordinated with the J18 protest." The companies targeted did not report the attacks to police, but several have now reviewed security. They also intend to improve protection for fibre access points in the street, where mobile hackers could try to infiltrate internal systems. Another software consultant who works for a number of City firms confirmed the attack. "In the case of June 18, we saw eco-terrorism done by computers," said D K Matai, managing director of Mi2g. "We were monitoring it and a number of companies were under attack from hackers all over the world." Although the attacks caused no serious damage, computer staff in the City fear that hackers could cause havoc if they used more sophisticated techniques or gained access to buildings. They are particularly concerned because protesters broke into the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (Liffe) building. "A political hacker who knew what he was doing inside your building and inside your computer system would be a disaster," said one expert. Detectives investigating the riot say it took more than 12 months to prepare. The plan to combine the street protest with an attack by hackers is believed to date back to last September, when London members of Reclaim the Streets attended a seminar in Manchester on information warfare. Among those present was Ricardo Dominguez, 40, who describes himself as a cyber artist and is one of the key activists behind the Electronic Civil Disobedience movement in America. "I told them about 'swarming', in which you have a street protest and at the same time use hackers to attack certain targets," said Dominguez last week. "I met a number of people from Reclaim the Streets. They wanted a network of hackers and wanted to know how to get in touch with these people and how to motivate them." Dominguez also told the activists about the floodnet device used by the group he founded, the Electronic Disturbance Theatre, to target sites including the Pentagon in protest at the plight of the Zapatistas in Mexico; but Dominguez says he does not hack into sites. In the months before June 18, hacking groups in Britain and abroad were e-mailed instructions. The floodnet device was widely available on the internet under the J18 banner. Software consultants said City firms did not report the attacks because of their reluctance to highlight computer security issues. Barclays, HSBC and the Stock Exchange said last week that none of their systems was infiltrated and there was no serious threat. "We are very security-conscious and this isn't something we want to talk about," said a Stock Exchange spokesman. Computer analysts believe experienced hackers joined the J18 attack to study the systems of City finance houses. In an e-mail message to The Sunday Times, a Hull-based hacker known only as Syncom said the most likely date for a further attack would be January 1 and financial institutions would be primary targets. City police are sceptical that a protest similar to J18 could be organised within the next few months. "We know there is talk about something happening on the first day of the millennium, but intelligence sources do not suggest there is anything planned on the scale of the June protest," said Detective Inspector Kevin Moore. However, many in the protest movement believe that direct action on the streets is preferable to sitting at a computer and trying to attack a corporation. Such a view is reflected at this week's Suffolk gathering of the ecological group Earth First. There are no advertised workshops on hacking, but lessons are promised on lock-picking, climbing and self- defence. Additional reporting: Mark Macaskill and Hilary Scott

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For any of you who don't know about RTMark, I suggest you run along to their site right now! You'll get to it via the url links below, main page address near bottom(not my bottom, the end of the text). To encourage you to pay a visit let me just tell those amonst you who do not know, that RTMark funded the Barbie Liberation Front. A group of folk who went out and bought over 1000 talking Barbie and G.I.Joe dolls in Amerika, switched the voiceboxs, so G.I.Joe now simpered I Love You, and other such unmacho phrases, while Barbie had turned into a hardened crack commando with phrases like, 'Shoot to kill!' or whatever it is G.I.Joe says! And once they had switched the whole lot round, they went back into the stores and put the dolls (in their boxes) back on the shelves, in a bizarre kind of reverse shoplifting stylee! So innocent punters who bought their kids a G.I.Joe or Barbie doll, were in 4 a big shock when their sproggs brought their new toys to life!!!

  They have funded many other scams and continue to do so, they solicit ideas, so if you have a good 'un let 'em know, and they may fund your project! Go have a look NOW! fisheye**

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete stangers to kill again.

-- TV listing for the movie, The Wizard of Oz, in the Marin Paper.

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Rudy Giuliani is known for his thorough "financial cleansing" of Manhattan, but not for his glowing 1983 appraisal of Haiti dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier. RTMark hopes to correct this and other omissions with


 as the Times (New York edition) reported on Friday. Giuliani, whose official website is at http://RudyYes.com is running for a U.S. Senate seat against Hillary Clinton. According to his campaign, he has "absolutely no resource" to fight the RTMark site.


That's not what Microsoft is saying about

http:/microsoftedu.com/ (RTMark project OFT), which calls Microsoft's influence on higher education tantamount to intimidation and bribery. Microsoft lawyers have ordered the site taken down http://rtmark.com/ microsoftedu.html but project participants have yet to show interest in complying.


RTMark and its workers have never been seriously affected by such legal threats, but have sometimes "spun" groundless efforts to intimidate them into extensive and embarrassing publicity (most notably in the cases of Geffen, who tried to stop Deconstructing Beck, and George W. Bush, who tried to stop GWBush.com). Many others, however, have not been so lucky. RTMark will soon initiate a program to use its proven "tactical embarrassment" methods to deflate quasi-legal corporate intimidation tactics- -tactics that range from threats of the sort RTMark has often received, to the much more serious SLAPP (Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation) suits aimed at community activists. SLAPP suits are usually not intended to hold water, only to enmesh targets in paralyzing legal nonsense that can go on for decades. These targets are most often isolated activists, like residents distressed about the effect of a neighboring toxic waste dump. In the process of trying to embarrass a SLAPP suit or two into vanishing, RTMark hopes also to highlight for public scrutiny some aspects of the democracy corporations have helped build in America.

USA OR SERBIA? http://helpKPFA.rtmark.com Modelled atfter helpB92.xs4all.nl, the purpose of helpKPFA.rtmark.com is to investigate the depth of the similarities between the plight of independent media in the United States under the "free market," and in the former Yugoslavia under Milosevic. Included on the site is a letter of support from banned radio station B92's Belgrade staff, in which they assert that there is an unexpected similarity between the media in the US and Serbia today... Freedom of speech is being stifled in a similar manner... The character of media repression is virtually the same under openly totalitarian dictatorships as it is under democratic systems which are increasingly influenced by conservative structures."

(Public radio station KPFA was recently shut down by its owner, who intended to sell it. After enormous public outcry and moves towards government intervention, KPFA has been at least temporarily reopened.)


On an organizational level, RTMark's newly installed Project Development Database (PDD) downsizes administrative overhead by creating an anonymous mailing list for each project, allowing users of the system to communicate directly with one another. The impromptu think- tanks created by this system are working quickly to improve the probability of successful projects.


Many RTMark projects have been repositioned within very small and specific funds, each of which also has a mailing list. One effect of this restructuring has been to increase PDD traffic considerably. Some new funds are:

* The Frontier Fund, which challenges naive, utopic visions of the "global village," focussing on the implications of allowing corporations and other multinational interests to operate free of social context (this fund is managed by DJ Spooky);

* The Education Fund, which addresses the changing ways that education is conceived, distributed, and perceived in the "global marketplace"; * The Health Fund, which concentrates on human health and welfare within a market-ruled world; and

* The Labor Fund, whose projects focus attention on labor practices and workers' rights; * The Y2K Fund, whose projects concentrate on issues pertaining to millennium, especially corporate-promoted utopic visions of the future.

Thus far, the most active fund-level discussions in the PDD have occurred with the Frontier Fund and the Y2K Fund, perhaps because of their extreme timeliness.


The impending millennium calls us to consider the enormity of the so- called "Y2K Bug," whose (social) effects and consequences utterly dwarf those of any RTMark project, planned or historical. The free market is necessarily extremely short-sighted and, as corporations profit from real or imagined scourges and threats, they can only react to events; but RTMark must begin to look towards distant horizons--not just one or two years hence, but even decades into the future--using lessons of the past like the "Y2K Bug" to model the course of its actions with intentionality, purpose, and directed resolve.

RTMark http://rtmark.com/ uses its limited liability as a corporation to sponsor the sabotage of mass-produced products. One of RTMark's ultimate aims is to eliminate the principle of limited liability. Occasionally, as with

http:/ /YesRudy.com/, RTMark participates in advocacy directly related to issues of corporate abuses of the political process.

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Situationist revolutionary released

GUARDIAN (London) by Duncan Campbell in San Francisco

"The cops have given me back almost everything except my ice axe," said Kevin Keating, aka Nestor Makhno. "So I can't think what they're going to charge me with, unless it's the assassination of Trotsky."

The return of his property, seized by the San Francisco police in a raid in May, leads the man credited with launching the Yuppie Eradication Project in the Mission district of the city to believe that one small battle in the war against gentrification and high rents may have been won.

It coincides with a victory claimed this week further north in Eugene, Oregon, in a similar fight against "yuppie gentrifying scum". There, anarchists of the Black Army Faction believe they are driving yuppification from a traditionally low-rent bohemian area. The Mission district of San Francisco has had a string of new arrivals over the years: Scandinavians, Irish, Italians, Latinos, and now, most controversially, the successful young entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley and the internet boom who appreciate its central position, fine weather and affordable housing.

But the new wave has gone down badly with the longer-established residents, who object to the SUVs (sports utility vehicles) parked outside the snappy new cocktail bars and the attendant rise in rents. This led to a traditional San Francisco protest movement, part radical, part street theatre. Over the past few months posters denouncing yuppies have appeared on walls, new cocktail bars have been threatened and the odd flash car torched. On May 14 the police raided Mr Keating's home. He is a long-standing activist who describes himself as a "Left Communist influenced by the Situationists". He was charged with making terrorist threats, but is now hopeful that the case will not go ahead. In June the local radical paper, the SF Weekly, advertised as a joke a Yuppie Rights demonstration, saying, tongue-in-cheek: "It's time to acknowledge our pain is real - Stop the Hate." The rally duly took place, complete with "Just Say Me" and "Give Greed a Chance" placards. Some new residents, unaware of the hoax, took part, much to the interest of the other local media, which mistakenly detected a new movement, and much to the entertainment of those in on the joke.

Mr Keating sees the yuppies as "tools of real estate agents and landlords" who are happy to pay high rents for lofts and apartments in a lively area. "Sabotage has always been a weapon of resistance," he said. Similar movements against gentrification in Berlin, Barcelona and Johannesburg were an inspiration. "How much of it is playful? I wouldn't want to say what percentage is, because we want to keep the cops guessing." The real Nestor Makhno was a Ukrainian anarcho-communist who incited a mass uprising in the Russian civil war - "Not that I am putting myself up there with him."

Julie Dilley, of the local Liberty Hill neighbourhood association, a resident for 25 years, said many people were sympathetic to those likely to be driven out by higher rents. "The Mission has always been a diverse community, which is part of its attraction," she said. But the torching of a Toyota SUV provoked a reaction of "Oh, my God, what is going on here?" Nellie Wong, local organiser of the Freedom Socialist Party, which had to move its offices from a prime site, said the area had always had a radical image, and was once known as "Commie Row". "We have been here for 16 years, and I hardly recognise the area now." Her colleague Bob Price said that many of the Latinos working in the area were having to move to cheaper accomodation in Oakland and Daly City and commute to their jobs in the Mission. Of the Yuppie Eradication Project he said: "A lot of people are sympathetic, but individual acts of terrorism don't build a movement, they just create a news story once in a while." Jara Hoyt of Blondies, a bar some see as a symbol of yuppification, said: "There's definitely tension, but most of it is made up by people who are just pissed off in general."

He was tickled by the hoax demonstration, but he said the movement was essentially "one middle- aged white guy". Alvara Rojas, a Colombian working in a local bookshop, said: "There is a lot of tension, but a lot of the anger is unfounded and misdirected. A Latino voice is lacking and that bothers me." Mr Keating agreed, but said that many of the Latinos who were being affected were too exhausted by their jobs to join in the meetings that had been started to take the campaign further. In Eugene the backlash began last summer when the windows of what was regarded as a yuppie eating place were smashed. The cafe closed.

Campaigns against local computer and Nike outlets followed, and in June eight police officers were injured in a march called by the Anarchist Action Collective to smash computers and television sets. Mr Keating is optimistic. "The thing about the bourgeosie is that they're very arrogant, but if you get in their face, they fold."

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 Fri, 06 August 1999 Source: Independent, The (UK) Copyright: 1999 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd. Contact: letters@independent.co.uk

  Address: 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL

 Website: http://www.independent.co.uk/

  DRUG DEALERS and bouncers are obtaining police-style extendible batons by exploiting a legal loophole that allows the sale of the extremely dangerous weapons. Police leaders have urged the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, to stop gun shops selling the weapons, which are easily concealed and can break a limb or a skull with a single strike. Costing about pounds 30, the steel nine-inch batons can be expanded to about three feet. The call to ban their sale comes after several cases in which they have been recovered. In April an extendible baton was found in the possession of a man arrested in Bristol for having drugs. He was charged with possessing an offensive weapon. Ten batons were also seized from a Somerset gun shop during a police raid.

The Superintendents' Association says a burglar was caught with a baton and a man suffered severe jaw injuries when he was hit in the face with the weapon. Under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 it is an offence to sell, or offer for sale or hire, any telescopic truncheons activated by a spring-loaded button. But because US- made ASP batons and similar devices operate with the flick of the wrist, they do not come under the legislation. It is illegal to possess the weapons, but not to buy or sell them. ASP batons are now used by most police forces. Peter Gammon, president of the Superintendents' Association, has written to Mr Straw, saying: "Already there are too many of these weapons in circulation - we should take steps now to stop more being sold."

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September 1999 - Free Cannabis Month UK

We all hope that YOU will run some sort of event in your area to add to this list September 1999 - Free Cannabis Month 'Free Cannabis Month' sees the UK cannabis movement in action for the whole month of September building up to 71st Anniversary of the prohibition of Cannabis on Sep 28th . "The prohibition of cannabis is one of the biggest mistakes in British legal history and after 71 years needs to be sorted out urgently" said a spokesperson who announced a varied month of cannabis related events. These include the broadcast of two TV documentaries plus 'End the prohibition' events nationwide. 'Free Cannabis Month', September 1999. The following events are so far confirmed:

 Weds Sep 1st: 'Herb 99' Preview. First chance to see a TV documentary film of the Mayday 'Celebration of Cannabis Fair' on Clapham Common made by Dai Films for Channel Four TV, to be broadcast Sep 4th at 12.00 midnight. 9pm at Smithys Wine Bar, Leek Street, Kings Cross, WC1, London. (Details: 0171 637 7467).

Possibly Sat Sep 4th: TV Broadcast: 'Herb 99', by Dai Films, Channel Four TV at 12.30pm. An entertaining cut and paste TV documentary of people enjoying themselves at Clapham Common on Mayday plus some talking heads and acts from the day.

Thurs Sep 9th: Cannabis Prisoners Day. " On 9/9/99 - Help End Cannabis Prohibition - There's people in jail!" - say organisers who are calling on supporters nationwide to " Do something high quality" on this unique date.

Fri & Sat Sep 10th/11th: National Cannabis Action Conference at Norwich. Speakers, meetings, debates and plans for the future. Details: CLCIA, 63 Peacock street, Norwich, NR 3 17B. Voice: 01603 625780. e mail: webbooks@paston.co.uk

Weds Sep 15th: TV Broadcast: 'Living with the Enemy', BBC 2. (7.30pm - unconfirmed). The challenge is to live for a week with your complete opposite. In this film a rabid anti cannabis person is 'anti-matched' with the 'Exodus Collective' for whom the cannabis herb is the 'healer of the nations' and an essential ingredient for the future survival of humanity. The plan was for them all to end up at the Mayday festival on Clapham Common but the 'anti' lasts just two days and then went to the police to make a formal complaint. Riveting viewing.

Sat Saturday Sep 18th: 'Healer of the Nations' march and one day cannabis festival at Stockwoodpark, Luton. Organised by the 'Campaign Against Narcotic Abuse Because of Ignorance in Society' (C.A.N.A.B.I.S), with Exodus and many others. Directions: Car: Junction 10 off M1. Train: Luton train station. More details & flyers: Canabis, C/o Haz Manor, 1-2 Bramingham Lane, Streatley, nr Luton, Beds, LU3 3NL. Voice: 01582 750727. Fax: 01582 583031. E mail: exoduscollective@csi.com

Sat Sep 25th: Smokey Bears Picnic, meet Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London. 12pm onwards. Collecting signatures for petition being handed in on the 28th. More details: 01458 835 769.

Sun Sep 26: Smokey Bears Picnic, Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich, 12pm onwards. Details: CLCIA; (01603 625780).

Tues Sep 28th: 71st Anniversary of the prohibition of Cannabis in Britain. Actions throughout the country to mark "one of the biggest mistakes in British legal history which costs taxpayers one billion pounds a year to enforce". In London a 'Cannabis Wreath' will be laid at the Cenitaf in memory of all the people in prisons throughout the world for cannabis (7000 in the UK, 30,000 in California etc). A petition will also be handed in to No 10 Downing Street. More details: ICC (0171 637 7467).

November 5th - Lobby of Parliament for medical cannabis as Paul Flyns makes another attempt. Meet 12pm. ( At the last count he had 105 mps supporting him and has had his medical cannabis bill delayed 4 times). 'Free Cannabis Month'; further information, flyers and updates: This listing is available on the web at:


where it will be kept updated. Leaflet templates for photocopying and local distribution are downloadable from the same pages or are available in printed form from International Cannabis coalition (UK), PO Box 2243, London, W1A 1YF. Voice: 0171 637 746. Fax: 0870 054 8646. Email: free99@schmoo.co.uk .

Information Lines. London: (0171 637 7467) . Norwich: (01603625780)

Please send details of events we have not listed to either ICC or CLCIA for updating on the net & on flyers.



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Computer genius took his revenge

By Maurice Weaver

A COMPUTER genius with a grievance against his former employers used his keyboard skills to trick thousands of mobile phone users to telephone the company, blocking its switchboard for days, a court was told yesterday. Scott Reid, 23, hacked into the Vodaphone short messaging network, sending a message in text form to 32,000 international subscribers telling them they had won a Peugeot 106 car and must ring a certain number to claim it. The number he quoted was that of GS (UK), a Nottingham firm supplying software for the embroidery industry, where he had previously worked.

The rest of the story is available at:-


Fnarrrr ! Wot a star player ... wadya reckon on awarding the guy a medal?

Fisheye in Cyberspace:


Visit this site or another Moose dies.

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This website is paid for by People Against Power Abuse click HERE for details of how to make a donation

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Computer Security for Campaigners"

A joint workshop by The Free Range Network & genetiX snowball 11.30am to 5.00pm, Sat. October 9th 1999

161 Hamilton Road, Longsight, Manchester

A workshop on using computers and the Internet for environment/social campaigning, how to prevent the loss of data or interception by official or unofficial surveillance, and protecting privacy For more details, a flier and a map see the Free Range Website at: http:/ /www.gn.apc.org/pmhp/unlisted/security.htm

Privacy will be THE issue of the 21st Century Why? Because as the power of government diminishes, corporations become stronger, and people be-gin to take control of their lives to prevent intrusion by both these groups, surveillance and monitoring of our lives will become ever greater. Even without such intrusive surveillance, the ordinary person is becoming increasingly watched and monitored by everyone from their employer, to their local authority, to their supermarket, to PR and direct marketing companies.

In the future campaigning is going to become more fraught. Corporations and our own government will deploy resources not only to watch what we're doing, but to infiltrate our ranks. The McLibel trial revealed the extent to which McDonalds went to infiltrate London Greenpeace. Similar infiltration's of the Animal Liberation Front and Hunt Saboteurs are also known about. But as the power of government weakens, not only because of globalisation but also because of the falling respect for the political system by the public, more people will begin to take active steps to resolve problems, even if that means bending or notionally breaking the law. In this situation we can only expect surveillance of public protests to increase, and be-come more systematic.

So - what do we do about it?

We have to get smart, and take control of the tools we use everyday to carry out our campaigns. That's what the workshop is all about. This workshop is aimed at anyone who uses a computer or the Internet to campaign (if you are only just starting to use a computer, you might find the going a little difficult, but the day will still be rewarding).

The workshop will be divided into the following sections:

· Computers - what they are, how they work, and how to protect unauthorised access to them;

· Communications - that flaws in communicating by telephone, fax and the Internet;

· Surveillance - surveillance technology, and how it's used;

· The Law - the laws on data protection, privacy and surveillance, and how they work;

· The Democracy Issue - the bigger issue re- garding how society develops in a technological age.

A manual on computer security is being develop by the Free Range Network (which may be in print by then), but there will be a short briefing on computer security available to purchased on the day.

Getting there

You can get a 192 bus if you walk out of Piccadilly station down the ramp and keep going to the second bus stop towards Piccadilly gardens. Get off in the middle of Longsight just before Dickinson Road, walk down Dickinson Rd to the first traffic lights (50m) the turning on the left is Hamilton Road. The house is 5 minutes walk and you will spot the house!

There is no charge for this event, but a briefing on computer security for campaigners can be purchased.

To reserve a place contact:

Paul Mobbs 01295 261864 / mobbsey@gn.apc.org

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Bushell on the Fox

"I was against hunting until I tried it and found the truth..they're not a bunch of sadistic hooray henrys" Tony Blair has catapaulted hunting back into the spotlight by vowing to outlaw it before the next election. The last attempt to ban it came from Labour MP Michael Foster's Private Member's Bill in 1997. It sparked a huge reaction from people living in the country, furious that their way of life was threatened by city folk who had no knowledge of, or interest in, rural areas. Their Countryside Alliance march in London last year was one of the biggest and best supported demonstrations seen in recent years. Foster's Bill later fell when the Government refused to allow it enough time to become law. Here, a Sun townie who was anti-blood sports, reveals how he changed his mind after a day's hunting.

"Tally-hopeless! That's what I thought of fox-hunters. A bunch of toffee-nosed toffs revelling in a sport more noted for cruelty and snobbery than skill and enjoyment. Yet the pageantry and tradition of the hunt appealed to me. And having lived near foxes, and seen the devastation they cause to lambs and chickens, I knew they weren't the cuddly Christmas card critters of urban mythology. So when professor of philosophy Roger Scruton offered me the chance to ride to hounds with one of Britain's 200 packs, I went along to see for myself.

I joined the Vale of White Horse hunt in Wiltshire. First surprise? The people. I was expecting a bunch of braying snobs, but all souls turned out to follow the action - farm workers , housewives, workmen and kids. "We never see the kill, it's the excitement of the day we love," says spectator Wendy Clarke. "It's a social occasion." A very social occasion. We start by sampling the stirrup cup - mulled wine served hot and flavoured with cinnamon. Four of those with the stable girl and I am a very unstable boy.

Most of the VWH hunt members are farmers who wear black coats to set themselves apart from the "nobs" in their red tunics. A blacksmith, a postman and a scrap iron merchant also ride with this hunt, which has just two paid professionals, the huntsman and the whip. Plum-faced huntsman Sidney Bailey works the 41 hounds like magic between copious mid- morning liveners of scotch and ginger.

The horse is my first problem. The nearest I had got to riding before was the merry-go-round on Blackpool's North Pier.

My steed, Sam, stands a towering 16 hands and two inches high. Ginormous. Getting off before I'm thrown off, I join the lively throng of spectators watching the start of the hunt on foot. The riders stop on the edge of the first covert. In shoot the hounds. Suddenly I spot the fox - codename Charlie - tearing out of the other side of some distant trees.

The hounds find the scent and race after it with the huntsman close behind. Suddenly the hunters are gallumphing past just a few feet away from us spectators. "Jorrocks," I say. Or something similar. The riders are a good 500 yards behind the hounds. "Most foxes get away," says hunt enthusiast Bill Reid as we try to work out their likely route. We follow in farmer Ted Dibble's Land Rover. Why are they here? Gordon Clark, who works a council-owned farm near Cirencester, says: "It's a great country sport and the only way to control foxes. It's part of our traditions and our way of life." It's exciting for sure. But is it right? "Hunting isn't cruel," Bill Reid insists. "Death by the hounds is quick and certain. It is all over in seconds. "If you accept that the fox population has to be controlled, and everyone does, then hunting is far less cruel than the alternatives - gassing, poisoning, snaring or shooting. "Poisoning mucks up the ecological chain." Ted Dibble adds: "Foxes are very destructive. But the ones we catch are the old, weak or cowardly foxes. "The big, strong one who is going to breed gets away - the survival of the fittest." I thought I'd be spending the day with a bunch of sadistic hooray henrys. But the men and women I meet are rational, sociable and bright. Hunting is not a prohibitively expensive hobby. It can cost less than £3,000 to get started. Horses start at around £1,000 and cost £3,500 a year to feed and stable. Annual hunt subscriptions are another £500. It costs less than £1,000 to kit yourself out with the coat, hat, boots and breeches.

Meat auctioneer Mark Hill, 36, says: "Hunting costs me £20 a week - only a bit more than the rent at a council caravan site. "I manage by going without holidays. The wife isn't too happy but this is my way of life. I'd be lost without it."

So why the public image problem? Professor Scruton says: "The League Against Cruel Sports has been taken over by quasi-Marxists who like to portray hunting as a class issue. "Their strategy is to pick country sports off one by one. After hunting it will be shooting, then fishing. "Banning hunting would be a social catastrophe for the country. It would also be an infringement of civil liberties. "Riding with the hounds is no different from keeping cats to drive away mice, or using terriers to keep rats under control." Hunting isn't for me, but I've yet to hear a valid argument for banning it. The anti arguments are more to do with slushy, misinformed sentimentality and misguided, puritanical class hatred than genuine concern for animal welfare.

  - Gary Bushell in The Sun, July 13, 1999


"OAP-LESS! That's what I always thought of euthanasia. A group of stuck-up docs sticking their noses and syringes in where they weren't wanted, and knocking off our old folk before their time. Don't get me wrong. I'm not some bleeding-heart liberal with a rose- tinted view of the old. I know they're not the kindly, twinkly- eyed grandparents you see in the Werther's Original advert. I was brought up in the middle of London, and I've seen the havoc a Chelsea Pensioner can cause to a queue of people trying to get on a bus. Even so when I was invited to go along and see a mercy killing for myself in a Staffordshire nursing home, I went along not expecting to have my opinions changed. How wrong I was. The first thing that struck me was the pageantry. There can be few more stirring sights on an English summer morning than a band of physicians in their splendid white coats and shiny stethoscopes gathered in the lobby of a nursing home. My second surprise was how friendly everyone was, standing round laughing and joking over a glass of sherry. My third surprise was they weren't all toffee- nosed doctors. "All sorts of people turn out to follow the action of a mercy killing," said Wendy Hardwood, a ward orderly. "There are nurses, consultants, physiotherapists - even a couple of airline pilots and a lorry driver. It's very much a social occasion." A very social occasion. I hardly have time to finish my sherry and we're off. The doctors stop at the end of the first corridor. Nothing seems to be happening. Then suddenly, a flash of beige from the breakfast room and the chase is on. The baying doctors pick up his unmistakable scent and set off in hot pursuit. I'm caught up in the excitement as the pack careers along the corridor, knocking furniture and visiting relatives flying. Our prey is a sly old fellow, surprisingly fast, and is heading for the safety of the day room. "Most old people get away," says euthanasia enthusiast Edward Chipboard, as we try to work out our old man's likely route. "The ones we do catch tend to be the weak, senile or the terminally ill." We finally run down our quarry. He's cowering in the corner of the dining room, his rheumy eyes filled with terror. He knows he is beaten. The chief consultant moves in for the kill with his syringe.

It's exciting for sure. But is it right?

"Euthanasia isn't cruel." insists Chipboard. "This way, the end is relatively quick and painless. It's certainly kinder than allowing them to linger on up to a very old age." I thought I'd be spending my day with a bunch of murderous hooray henrys. But what I saw changed my mind. Euthanasia may not be everyone's cup of tea, but one thing's for certain - The people who oppose it are slushy, misinformed, sentimental, misguided Marxists. And if you accept that the aged population has to be controlled, which everybody does, then anaesthetic overdose is far less cruel than the alternatives - smothering them. Pushing them downstairs or attacking them with hammers.

  - Latest issue of VIZ - couldn't have put it better.

"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice." -Albert Einstein

Fisheye in Cyberspace:


Visit this site or another Moose dies.

3 day Anarchy festival

An initative supported by the anarchist Federation has been launched to have a May Day conference in London next year. Building on the successful Bradford '98 conference and the unity in action shown on J18, MayDay 2000 promises to be the event of next year. A 3 day festival of revolutionary ideas and action to be held at a large London venue, with top speakers, loads of meetings, stalls, 2 big gigs and a mass action on the Monday. This will be a great opportunity to get together large numbers of people interested in revolutionary change.

The next planning meeting is being held at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London (near Holborn tube) on September 15th at 7.30pm. A meeting will also be held at the Annual Anarchist Bookfair.

Come along to put forward your ideas, find out how you can get involved and discuss it all.

BM Mayday, London, WC1N 3XX

"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech & press, I may tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

  ---Alexander Berkman

Fisheye in Cyberspace:


Visit this site or another Moose dies.

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Lockerbie plane bomb

Syrian terrorist Monzer al-kassar had a great setup. He ran a Frankfurt-to- New York heroin smuggling operation that netted him millions, and the whole thing was protected by the CIA.

This was payback for serving as a middleman in Oliver North's Iran/ Contra deals and also in the hope that he'd use his influence to secure the release of US hostages in Beirut. Al- Kassar's accomplice at the Frankfurt airport regularly substituted a suitcase full of heroin for an identical suitcase checked onto a Pan Am flight to New York.

Major Charles McKee, a CIA agent charged with rescuing US hostages in Beirut, was outraged when he heard of the smuggling operation, and felt it could jeopardize his mission. He complained bitterly to the CIA, but got only silence in reply. Impulsively and against CIA procedures, McKee and four other members of his team decided to fly home and expose the deal with Al-Kassar. Their flight connected with Pan Am flight 103 in London.

On December 20 1989, a German government agent in Frankfurt who was privy to the heroin deal noticed that the switched suitcase being put onto Pan Am flight 103 looked completely different than it usually did. Aware that a bomb threat had been made against the flight, he called his local CIA contact and asked what was up. "Dont worry about it" he was told. "don't stop it. Let it go."

When Flight 103 left London, not only was the McKee team on board, but also a US Justice department Nazi hunter and a UN diplomat mediating conflicts in Southern Africa. South Africa's foreign minister was booked on the flight as well, but 'luckily' cancelled at the last minute.

When the plane blew up over Lockerbie killing 270 people, a team of CIA agents was on their way to the wreckage within the hour. Disguised as Pan Am employees, they removed evidence from the crash site, then later returned the pieces to be discovered by crash investigators.

Initial investigations focused on Syria and Iran, with the possible motive being revenge for an Iranian plane shot down by a US warship the previous July. But when Syria's cooperation was needed during the Gulf war, the blame was shifted to our favourite whipping boy, Libya.

Pan Am conducted its own investigation, which uncovered the links to Al-Kassar. But it was unable to secure CIA documents on the case, and lost a massive lawsuit filed by the families of flight 103 victims. Soon after, it filed for bankruptcy.

Sources : Maggie Mahar, "Unwitting accomplices?", Barrons, 12/17/90; Roy Rowan, Pan Am 103 : Why did they die?" Time 4/27/92; Jeff Jones, "the bombing of Pan Am 103" Covert action information bulletin #34 (summer 1990).

probably national security was being threatened by lack of heroin or something like that.

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The Pie's the Limit

i-Contact Video Network


are distributing the PAL (Europe) version of Whispered Media's


latest activist video production, "The Pie's the Limit", chronicling the global pastry uprising of the Biotic Baking Brigade (BBB). This 28 minute video features a cornucopia of political pie-throwing in America and Europe, including a brief history of consumable comedy and behind the scenes interviews with *real* underground pie tossers... Plus, corporate media analysis and in-your-face politics.


To get your copy send a check for £8 UK or £9 Rest of Europe (inc. P+P) to:- i-Contact Video Network c/o 76 Mina Road, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9TX, England Make Checks Payable to 'Lost & Found Ltd' Please allow 28 days for delivery

If you are outside Europe and want a PAL copy contact us and if you wish a NTSC (American) copy contact Whispered Media on the address at the bottom.

Marvel at Milton Friedman's mushing! Revel in Robert Shapiro's rousting! Wonder at Willie Brown's whipped topping! Cackle at Kenneth Derr's caking! Behold Bill Gates' belittling! Relish Renato Ruggiero's ruffling! "THE PIE'S THE LIMIT" Starring: - San Francisco's corporate lackey, Mayor "Slick" Willie Brown... - Robert Shapiro, the President and CEO of Monsanto Corporation, the genetic engineering company that makes Agent Orange,Round-Up, rBGH (a.k.a. BST), Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's), NutraSweet and other lovely toxins... Nobel Laureate Economist Milton Friedman, architect of Neoliberalism and Pinochet's fascist Chilean economic policies, advisor to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher... Kenneth "People Do Die" Derr, Chairman and CEO of Chevron Corporation, complicit in the Nigerian military's recent slaughter of indigenous people who were protesting the poverty and degradation they suffer while Chevron profits from their oil...

Supporting Cast: - Renato Ruggiero, Chief of the World Trade organization (WTO), the world's unelected, undemocratic, and completely unaccountable corporate "government." - Bill Gates. Everyone knows who Bill Gates is. See him pied. Delicious...

Watch in delight as a half dozen demagogues are served up their just deserts! "The Pie's the Limit" made its world premiere at the San Francisco Anarchist Book Fair on March 27, 1999 to a very warm reception.


http://www.freespeech.org to preview the video! ALSO AVAILABLE by Whispered Media: - Reclaim May Day: San Francisco 1998 (International Worker's Day and traditional celebration of spring) - Road Use Restricted (Road Blockade at the Cove/Mallard Timber Sale in Idaho's wilderness) - Reclaim Public Space! (Food Not Bombs at UN Plaza)

CONTACT Whispered Media at:

PO Box 40130, San Francisco, CA 94140 USA

(415) 789-8484, whisper@energy-net.org

 i-Contact Video Network, Video for Positive change



 PGP key


 c/o 76 Mina Road, Bristol, England,Tel +44 (0)117 914 0188 http://www.videonetwork.org/stuff/nicked.html

"In the Thames Valley, it seems that journalists covering demos may get arrested on the grounds that they are protesters in disguise."


"I used to think there was nothing worse than seeing a good story killed because of the special interest of a news organization...I was wrong. There is something much, much worse"

If any of youse want me to send u an mpeg of Billy boy Gates getting pied good and proper let me know offlist!


Fisheye in Cyberspace:


Visit this site or another Moose dies.

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HOWARD MARKS - UK National tour 28th Sept - 13th Nov 1999

Howard's show will comprise a reading from Mr Nice, several unheard tales of his drug smuggling experiences with criminal organisations and intelligence agencies from around the world, some unconventional career advice, and whatever else come to his mind. Drug inspired music makes up the 20 minute interval (DJ, acoustic, or band, depending on venue). The two-hour show ends with a very lively question and answer section. Howard's five sell-out multi-media shows at London's Shepherds Bush Empire last year were followed by excellent reviews throughout the national press, and this new tour is expected to sell-out very quickly. After each show Howard will sign copies of Mr Nice and have the chance to meet you. If you would like to see one of Howard's shows, please call one of the venues below. Ticket costs vary from venue to venue but average at about £10 in advance. Further information is obtainable from nicetour@mediajunction.co.uk.


28/09/99 GLASGOW Caledonian University 0141 332 0681

03/10/99 NEWPORT Centre 01633 662666

04/10/99 CHELTENHAM Town Hall 01242 227979

05/10/99 TELFORD Oakengates Theatre 01952 619020

06/10/99 KINGSTON Kingstonian F.C. 0181 974 5712

07/10/99 SOUTHAMPTON Guildhall 01703 632601

10/10/99 EXETER University 01392 425309

11/10/99 FOLKESTONE Leas Cliff Hall 01303 253193

12/10/99 SOUTHEND Cliffs Pavilion 01702 351135

13/10/99 BRISTOL Uni. - Anson Rooms 0870 4444400

17/10/99 YORK Barbican 01904 656688

19/10/99 PRESTON Central Lancs. Uni. 01772 513200

20/10/99 MORECAMBE The Platform 01524 582803

21/10/99 LEEDS Metropolitan Uni. 0223 2098424

22/10/99 HALIFAX Victoria Theatre 01422 351158

23/10/99 BIRMINGHAM Alexandra Theatre 0121 643 1231

24/10/99 CROYDON Fairfield Halls 0181 688 9291

25/10/99 HAYES Beck Theatre 0181 561 8371

26/10/99 LEWISHAM Theatre 0181 690 0002

27/10/99 ST ALBANS Arena 01727 844 488

28/10/99 LEICESTER University 0115 912 9000

31/10/99 CRAWLEY The Hawth 01293 533 362

01/11/99 HIGH WYCOMBE Town Hall 01494 512 000

02/11/99 DERBY Assembly Rooms 01332 255 800

03/11/99 SHEFFIELD Leadmill 0114 275 4500

04/11/99 OXFORD Brookes Union 01865 484 750

05/11/99 LIVERPOOL University 0151 709 9108/ 4321

07/11/99 MIDDLESBROUGH Arena 0990 34 44 44

08/11/99 NEWCASTLE University 0191 261 2606

09/11/99 ABERDEEN Lemon Tree 01224 642 230

10/11/99 ST ANDREWS University 01334 462 700

11/11/99 CAMBRIDGE Corn Exchange 01223 357851

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KGB defector's revelations to be published

Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999

From: Albert LaFrance


To: Spooks List spooks@qth.net

Cold War Comms list



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Echelon snooping and how to resist

Please pass this on:



We the monitored have decided to stand up against the very real, very intrusive, and ultimately oppressive global surveillance system known as Echelon. Echelon is a vast mainframe set up by the New World Disorder in order to monitor the world's electronic communications for subversive keywords. Every time you send someone an email with keywords like "revolution" and "hacktivism" [for instance], Echelon's computers make a note of it. If you forward emails with regularity with words on Echelon's extensive keyword list, you may be marked for human "hands-on" monitoring.

On October 21, 1999 , netizens around the globe are implored to send out at least one email with at about 50 keyword words. Please do not send hundreds of keywords in one e-mail, as the systems can be programmed to ignore communications with too high (or too low) a reading / score. There isn't any need to write a cohesive paragraph or sentence. Echelon's computers does not understand language. It only knows to look for certain words. By doing this we can at least temporarily jam the global surveillance system. This day of action will be timed to precede Stop Police Brutality Day by one day so that emails about actions can be sent out with little scrutiny due to what will already be an enormous workload for Echelon. Now is a chance for anyone, regardless of computer expertise, to become an instant hacktivist - best of all, no software is needed [other than your regular email program].

Of course, feel free to conduct such subversiveness any time. The larger Echelon's workload, the more free our speech! After October 21, we ask global netizens to carry on sending lists of Echelon keywords with all your normal, regular, innocent? e-mails. http://www.angelfire.com/mi/smilinks/thirdeye.html

Here is a list of code words apparently used by 'security forces' [specifically it seems the US National Security Agency who operate Menwith Hill] to sift out messages which they think they might find interesting. It seems they identify individuals and addresses they are interested in and filter messages to and from these particular targets rather than sifting through vast amounts of any old national and international communications. So unless you are a target you presumably won't be spied on. However, you might consider adding some of these words to your e-mails, faxes and even phone calls on the off chance that you might be helping to clog up Big Brothers machinery.

If you're looking for Richard Tomlinson's list of 116 MI6 agents go to http://jya.com/mi6-list.htm

This information was gathered from http://www.dis.org/erehwon/spookwords.html

where the words are set into the HTML code which makes up the pages and can be viewed by looking up the source code via your browser menu controls.


Here's text from the site followed by the "spookwords".

I started collecting 'spook words' after hearing about a rumour that the major intelligence agencies would scan messages floating around on the Internet looking for something interesting, This is why some paranoid folks say the Internet is so slow, The NSA says that they don't, but that's what the NSA would say. Another rumour to the story is that the NSA and all those other three lettered agencies just don't have the bandwidth to look at all those messages, and that it is all those people farting around watching Bugs Bunny on Real Audio from work sucking down all that bandwidth.

There may be some truth to the rumours, digital wiretaps have been done on the Internet before looking for particular words used by criminal hackers and industrial spies with a few messages that weren't related to the case were captured and disseminated. Also back in the late 1980's, New Zealand's largest intelligence agency, and the GCSB joined in with other Western allies to spy on most of the world's telephone, telex, and e-mail communications, with the ECHELON system.

All of these words have been collected using open sources, (books, online, seminars, conventions, broadcasts, movies, etc...) I recently found a new source for possible spook words at the http://www.acronymfinder.com Acronym Finder, and you can also find out the meanings for most of these words, But I am always looking for more. Mail me if you have any [check the site for the address].

Rewson, SAFE, Waihopai, INFOSEC, ASPIC, MI6, Information Security, SAI, Information Warfare, IW, IS, Privacy, Information Terrorism, Terrorism Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, Offensive Information Warfare, The Artful Dodger, NAIA, SAPM, ASU, ASTS, National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, SAO, Reno, Compsec, JICS, Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, RSP, ISS, JDF, Ermes, Passwords, NAAP, DefCon V, RSO, Hackers, Encryption, ASWS, CUN, CISU, CUSI, M.A.R.E., MARE, UFO, IFO, Pacini, Angela, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secert Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, SALDV, PEM, resta, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, bet, AOL, AOL TOS, CIS, CBOT, AIMSX, STARLAN, 3B2, BITNET, SAMU, COSMOS, DATTA, Furbys, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, ram, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, SADCC, NSLEP, SACLANTCEN, FALN, 877, NAVELEXSYSSECENGCEN, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, rsta, Active X, Compsec 97, RENS, LLC, DERA, JIC, rip, rb, Wu, RDI, Mavricks, BIOL, Meta-hackers, ^?, SADT, Steve Case, Tools, RECCEX, Telex, OTAN, monarchist, NMIC, NIOG, IDB, MID/ KL, NADIS, NMI, SEIDM, BNC, CNCIS, STEEPLEBUSH, RG, BSS, DDIS, mixmaster, BCCI, BRGE, Europol, SARL, Military Intelligence, JICA, Scully, recondo, Flame, Infowar, Bubba, Freeh, Archives, ISADC, CISSP, Sundevil, jack, Investigation, JOTS, ISACA, NCSA, ASVC, spook words, RRF, 1071, Bugs Bunny, Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, JIC, bce, Lacrosse, lashbangs, HRT, IRA, EODG, DIA, USCOI, CID, BOP, FINCEN, FLETC, NIJ, ACC, AFSPC, BMDO, site, SASSTIXS, NAVWAN, NRL, RL, NAVWCWPNS, NSWC, USAFA, AHPCRC, ARPA, SARD, LABLINK, USACIL, SAPT, USCG, NRC, ~, O, NSA/CSS, CDC, DOE, SAAM, FMS, HPCC, NTIS, SEL, USCODE, CISE, SIRC, CIM, ISN, DJC, LLNL, bemd, SGC, UNCPCJ, CFC, SABENA, DREO, CDA, SADRS, DRA, SHAPE, bird dog, SACLANT, BECCA, DCJFTF, HALO, SC, TA SAS, Lander, GSM, T Branch, AST, SAMCOMM, HAHO, FKS, 868, GCHQ, DITSA, SORT, AMEMB, NSG, HIC, EDI, benelux, SAS, SBS, SAW, UDT, EODC, GOE, DOE, SAMF, GEO, JRB, 3P-HV, Masuda, Forte, AT, GIGN, Exon Shell, radint, MB, CQB, TECS, CONUS, CTU, RCMP, GRU, SASR, GSG-9, 22nd SAS, GEOS, EADA, SART, BBE, STEP, Echelon, Dictionary, MD2, MD4, MDA, diwn, 747, ASIC, 777, RDI, 767, MI5, 737, MI6, 757, Kh-11, EODN, SHS, ^X, Shayet-13, SADMS, Spetznaz, Recce, 707, CIO, NOCS, Halcon, NSS, Duress, RAID, Uziel, wojo, Psyops, SASCOM, grom, NSIRL, D-11, DF, ZARK, SERT, VIP, ARC, S.E.T. Team, NSWG, MP5k, SATKA, DREC, DEVGRP, DSD, FDM, GRU, LRTS, SIGDEV, NACSI, MEU/SOC,PSAC, PTT, RFI, ZL31, SIGDASYS, TDM. SUKLO, Schengen, SUSLO, TELINT, fake, TEXTA. ELF, LF, MF, Mafia, JASSM, CALCM, TLAM, Wipeout, GII, SIW, MEII, C2W, Burns, Tomlinson, Ufologico Nazionale, Centro, CICAP, MIR, Belknap, Tac, rebels, BLU-97 A/ B, 007, nowhere.ch, bronze, Rubin, Arnett, BLU, SIGS, VHF, Recon, peapod, PA598D28, Spall, dort, 50MZ, 11Emc Choe, SATCOMA, UHF, The Hague, SHF, ASIO, SASP, WANK, Colonel, domestic disruption, 5ESS, smuggle, Z-200, 15kg, DUVDEVAN, RFX, nitrate, OIR, Pretoria, M-14, enigma, Bletchley Park, Clandestine, NSO, nkvd, argus, afsatcom, CQB, NVD, Counter Terrorism Security, Enemy of the State, SARA, Rapid Reaction, JSOFC3IP, Corporate Security,, Baldwin, Wilma, ie.org, cospo.osis.gov, Police, Dateline, Tyrell, KMI, 1ee, Pod, 9705 Samford Road, 20755-6000, sniper, PPS, ASIS, ASLET, TSCM, Security Consulting, M-x spook, Z-150T, High Security, Security Evaluation, Electronic Surveillance, MI-17, ISR, NSAS, Counterterrorism, real, spies, IWO, eavesdropping, debugging, CCSS, interception, COCOT, NACSI, rhost, rhosts, ASO, SETA, Amherst, Broadside, Capricorn, NAVCM, Gamma, Gorizont, Guppy, NSS, rita, ISSO, submiss, ASDIC, .tc, 2EME REP, FID, 7NL SBS, tekka, captain, 226, .45, nonac, .li, Tony Poe, MJ-12, JASON, Society, Hmong, Majic, evil, zipgun, tax, bootleg, warez, TRV, ERV, rednoise, mindwar, nailbomb, VLF, ULF, Paperclip, Chatter, MKULTRA, MKDELTA, Bluebird, MKNAOMI, White Yankee, MKSEARCH, 355 ML, Adriatic, Goldman, Ionosphere, Mole, Keyhole, NABS, Kilderkin, Artichoke, Badger, Emerson, Tzvrif, SDIS, T2S2, STTC, DNR, NADDIS, NFLIS, CFD, BLU-114/B, quarter, Cornflower, Daisy, Egret, Iris, JSOTF, Hollyhock, Jasmine, Juile, Vinnell, B.D.M., Sphinx, Stephanie, Reflection, Spoke, Talent, Trump, FX, FXR, IMF, POCSAG, rusers, Covert Video, Intiso, r00t, lock picking, Beyond Hope, LASINT, csystems, .tm, passwd, 2600 Magazine, JUWTF, Competitor, EO, Chan, Pathfinders, SEAL Team 3, JTF, Nash, ISSAA, B61-11, Alouette, executive, Event Security, Mace, Cap-Stun, stakeout, ninja, ASIS, ISA, EOD, Oscor, Tarawa, COSMOS-2224, COSTIND, hit word, hitword, Hitwords, Regli, VBS, Leuken-Baden, number key, Zimmerwald, DDPS, GRS, AGT. AMME, ANDVT, Type I, Type II, VFCT, VGPL, WHCA, WSA, WSP, WWABNCP, ZNI1, FSK, FTS2000, GOSIP, GOTS, SACS STU-III, PRF, PMSP, CMT, I&A, JRSC, ITSDN, Keyer, KG-84C, KWT-46, KWR-46, KY- 75, KYV-5, LHR, PARKHILL, LDMX, LEASAT, SNS, SVN, TACSAT, TRANSEC, DONCAF, EAM, DSCS, DSNET1, DSNET2, DSNET3, ECCM, EIP, EKMS, EKMC, DDN, DDP, Merlin, NTT, SL-1, Rolm, TIE, Tie-fighter, PBX, SLI, NTT, MSCJ, MIT, 69, RIT, Time, MSEE, Cable & Wireless, CSE, SUW, J2, Embassy, ETA, Porno, Fax, finks, Fax encryption, white noise, Fernspah, MYK, GAFE, forcast, import, rain, tiger, buzzer, N9, pink noise, CRA, M.P.R.I., top secret, Mossberg, 50BMG, Macintosh Security, Macintosh Internet Security, OC3, Macintosh Firewalls, Unix Security, VIP Protection, SIG, sweep, Medco, TRD, TDR, Z, sweeping, SURSAT, 5926, TELINT, Audiotel, Harvard, 1080H, SWS, Asset, Satellite imagery, force, NAIAG, Cypherpunks, NARF, 127, Coderpunks, TRW, remailers, replay, redheads, RX- 7, explicit, FLAME, J-6, Pornstars, AVN, Playboy, ISSSP, Anonymous, W, Sex, chaining, codes, Nuclear, 20, subversives, SLIP, toad, fish, data havens, unix, c, a, b, d, SUBACS, the, Elvis, quiche, DES, 1*, N-ISDN, NLSP, OTAR, OTAT, OTCIXS, MISSI, MOSAIC, NAVCOMPARS, NCTS, NESP, MILSATCOM, AUTODIN, BLACKER, C3I, C4I, CMS, CMW, CP, SBU, SCCN, SITOR, SHF/DOD, Finksburg MD, Link 16, LATA, NATIA, NATOA, sneakers, UXO, (), OC-12, counterintelligence, Shaldag, sport, NASA, TWA, DT, gtegsc, nowhere, .ch, hope, emc, industrial espionage, SUPIR, PI, TSCI, spookwords, industrial intelligence, H.N.P., SUAEWICS, Juiliett Class Submarine, Locks, qrss, loch, 64 Vauxhall Cross, Ingram Mac-10, wwics, sigvoice, ssa, E.O.D., SEMTEX, penrep, racal, OTP, OSS, Siemens, RPC, Met, CIA-DST, INI, watchers, keebler, contacts, Blowpipe, BTM, CCS, GSA, Kilo Class, squib, primacord, RSP, Z7, Becker, Nerd, fangs, Austin, no|d, Comirex, GPMG, Speakeasy, humint, GEODSS, SORO, M5, BROMURE, ANC, zone, SBI, DSS, S.A.I.C., Minox, Keyhole, SAR, Rand Corporation, Starr, Wackenhutt, EO, burhop, Wackendude, mol, Shelton, 2E781, F-22, 2010, JCET, cocaine, Vale, IG, Kosovo, Dake, 36,800, Hillal, Pesec, Hindawi, GGL, NAICC, CTU, botux, Virii, CCC, ISPE, CCSC, Scud, SecDef, Magdeyev, VOA, Kosiura, Small Pox, Tajik, +=, Blacklisted 411, TRDL, Internet Underground, BX, XS4ALL, wetsu, muezzin, Retinal Fetish, WIR, Fetish, FCA, Yobie, forschung, emm, ANZUS, Reprieve, NZC-332, edition, cards, mania, 701, CTP, CATO, Phon-e, Chicago Posse, NSDM, l0ck, beanpole, spook, keywords, QRR, PLA, TDYC, W3, CUD, CdC, Weekly World News, Zen, World Domination, Dead, GRU, M72750, Salsa, 7, Blowfish, Gorelick, Glock, Ft. Meade, NSWT, press- release, WISDIM, burned, Indigo, wire transfer, e-cash, Bubba the Love Sponge, Enforcers, Digicash, zip, SWAT, Ortega, PPP, NACSE, crypto- anarchy, AT&T, SGI, SUN, MCI, Blacknet, ISM, JCE, Middleman, KLM, Blackbird, NSV, GQ360, X400, Texas, jihad, SDI, BRIGAND, Uzi, Fort Meade, *&, gchq.gov.uk, supercomputer, bullion, 3, NTTC, Blackmednet, :, Propaganda, ABC, Satellite phones, IWIS, Planet-1, ISTA, rs9512c, Jiang Zemin, South Africa, Sergeyev, Montenegro, Toeffler, Rebollo, sorot, Yucca Mountain, FARC, Toth, Xu Yongyue, Bach, Razor, AC, cryptanalysis, nuclear, 52 52 N - 03 03 W, Morgan, Canine, GEBA, INSCOM, MEMEX, Stanley, FBI, Panama, fissionable, Sears Tower, NORAD, Delta Force, SEAL, virtual, WASS, WID, Dolch, secure shell, screws, Black-Ops, O/S, Area51, SABC, basement, ISWG, $@, data-haven, NSDD, black-bag, rack, TEMPEST, Goodwin, rebels, ID, MD5, IDEA, garbage, market, beef, Stego, ISAF, unclassified, Sayeret Tzanhanim, PARASAR, Gripan, pirg, curly, Taiwan, guest, utopia, NSG, orthodox, CCSQ, Alica, SHA, Global, gorilla, Bob, UNSCOM, Fukuyama, Manfurov, Kvashnin, Marx, Abdurahmon, snullen, Pseudonyms, MITM, NARF, Gray Data, VLSI, mega, Leitrim, Yakima, NSES, Sugar Grove, WAS, Cowboy, Gist, 8182, Gatt, Platform, 1911, Geraldton, UKUSA, veggie, XM, Parvus, NAVSVS, 3848, Morwenstow, Consul, Oratory, Pine Gap, Menwith, Mantis, DSD, BVD, 1984, blow out, BUDS, WQC, Flintlock, PABX, Electron, Chicago Crust, e95, DR&E, 3M, KEDO, iButton, R1, erco, Toffler, FAS, RHL, K3, Visa/BCC, SNT, Ceridian, STE, condor, CipherTAC-2000, Etacs, Shipiro, ssor, piz, fritz, KY, 32, Edens, Kiwis, Kamumaruha, DODIG, Firefly, HRM, Albright, Bellcore, rail, csim, NMS, 2c, FIPS140-1, CAVE, E-Bomb, CDMA, Fortezza, 355ml, ISSC, cybercash, NAWAS, government, NSY, hate, speedbump, joe, illuminati, BOSS, Kourou, Misawa, Morse, HF, P415, ladylove, filofax, Gulf, lamma, Unit 5707, Sayeret Mat'Kal, Unit 669, Sayeret Golani, Lanceros, Summercon, NSADS, president, ISFR, freedom, ISSO, walburn, Defcon VI, DC6, Larson, P99, HERF pipe-bomb, 2.3 Oz., cocaine, $, imapct, Roswell, ESN, COS, E.T., credit card, b9, fraud, ST1, assasinate, virus, ISCS, ISPR, anarchy, rogue, mailbomb, 888, Chelsea, 1997, Whitewater, MOD, York, plutonium, William Gates, clone, BATF, SGDN, Nike, WWSV, Atlas, IWWSVCS, Delta, TWA, Kiwi, PGP 2.6.2., PGP 5.0i, PGP 5.1, siliconpimp, SASSTIXS, IWG, Lynch, 414, Face, Pixar, IRIDF, NSRB, eternity server, Skytel, Yukon, Templeton, Johohonbu, LUK, Cohiba, Soros, Standford, niche, ISEP, ISEC, 51, H&K, USP, ^, sardine, bank, EUB, USP, PCS, NRO, Red Cell, NSOF, DC7, Glock 26, snuffle, Patel, package, ISI, INR, INS, GRU, RUOP, GSS, NSP, SRI, Ronco, Armani, BOSS, Chobetsu, FBIS, BND, SISDE, FSB, BfV, IB, froglegs, JITEM, SADF, advise, TUSA, LITE, PKK, HoHoCon, SISMI, ISG, FIS, MSW, Spyderco, UOP, SSCI, NIMA, HAMASMOIS, SVR, SIN, advisors, SAP, Monica, OAU, PFS, Aladdin, AG, chameleon man, Hutsul, CESID, Bess, rail gun, .375, Peering, CSC, Tangimoana Beach, Commecen, Vanuatu, Kwajalein, LHI, DRM, GSGI, DST, MITI, JERTO, SDF, Koancho, Blenheim, Rivera, Kyudanki, varon, 310, 17, 312, NB, CBM, CTP, Sardine, SBIRS, jaws, SGDN, ADIU, DEADBEEF, IDP, IDF, Halibut, SONANGOL, Flu, &, Loin, PGP 5.53, meta, Faber, SFPD, EG&G, ISEP, blackjack, Fox, Aum, AIEWS, AMW, RHL, Baranyi, WORM, MP5K-SD, 1071, WINGS, cdi, VIA, DynCorp, UXO, Ti, WWSP, WID, osco, Mary, honor, Templar, THAAD, package, CISD, ISG, BIOLWPN, JRA, ISB, ISDS, chosen, LBSD, van, schloss, secops, DCSS, DPSD, LIF, J-Star, PRIME, SURVIAC, telex, Analyzer, embassy, Golf, B61-7, Maple, Tokyo, ERR, SBU, Threat, JPL, Tess, SE, Alex, EPL, SPINTCOM, FOUO, ISS- ADP, Merv, Mexico, SUR, blocks, SO13, Rojdykarna, RSOC, USS Banner, S511, 20755, airframe, jya.com, Furby, PECSENC, football, Agfa, 3210, Crowell, moore, 510, OADR, Smith, toffee, FIS, N5P6, EuroFed, SP4, shelter, Crypto AG

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