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White Rose Society

You can listen to Peter on the air, the web, iTunes, or Sirius Satellite  radio. Click the On the Air link above for details.

Regime Change Begins At Home!

Statue toppling in Baghdad was a Fake!

Baseball Hall of Fame Cancels "Bull Durham" Ceremony; Cites Sarandon & Robbins' Anti-War Views
Hypocritical President of Hall was Reagan Press Sec't while the U.S. was arming Saddam!
See Story [click]. Robbins response [click].
Also, star of film Kevin Costner weighs in [click].
Call and email the baseball Nazis to protest!
Call 888-HALL-OF-FAME or email info@halloffame.org
Webmasters: put this on your site!

The offending gesture at the Oscars from Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins. Right Wing Baseball Hall of Fame is censoring them for this.
Listener suggestion: Sponsor a showing of "Bull Durham" in your community (even your home) as a fund raiser for your local peace group!

The U.S. invasion for empire & oil continues as Iraq falls into chaos!
The protests also continue! Don't Stop!

click on the box

More demonstrations this weekend in DC

Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Bush Lied!

Detroit Area Anti-War Teach-in,
Saturday April 12th,  "The War Abroad / The War at Home"
9:00am - 3:30pm, Univ. of Detroit Livernois campus
Peter will speak at a 10:45am workshop on the Media
click on image above for details

Operation Iraq Liberation (OIL) close to success. Oil & empire masked beneath a phony concern for the Iraqi people.

"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."
Voltaire - 1767


Operation Iraq Liberation (OIL) is based on a Big Lie. [click here]  Iraq never represented a threat to the Middle East and certainly not to the U.S. This invasion and destruction of Iraq is not about "liberating the Iraqi people." It is not about "ending terrorism." It is about oil and empire.
Learn the arguments to the Bush regime's lies.
[click here]

The people of the world are reacting with massive resistance.  click here.

"We don't do body counts."
General Tommy Franks, US Central Command

We DO at PeterWerbe.com!


Support Our Troops?

"We dropped a few civilians, But what do you do?"
After killing a woman mistakenly, "The chick was in the way."
Sgt. Eric Schrumpf, 28, in NY Times, 3/29/03

"A dozen terrified civilians, mainly women and children, emerged with their hands raised. 'It's just a bunch of Hajis,' said one gunner from his turret, using their [racist] nickname for Arabs. 'Friggin' women and children, that's all'"
The Times of London, 3/30/03

Watch this! Bush's Empire of Oil and Lies! 
Click here]
Warning: Contains Some Disturbing Images
(animation; rapid connection helpful)

A billboard in Detroit on eastbound I-96 at Schaefer Rd. Paid for by Working Assets click here. The company tried to buy billboard space in Crawford, Texas near Bush's ranch, but was denied space by several companies. photo/Rebecca Cook

Stay informed. Stay together. Forget the corporate media.
Go to
www.commondreams.org, http://www.indymedia.org/, www.buzzflash.com and other non-corporate sites (see bottom of this page).
1. Find out where demonstrations will be in your area. See http://www.unitedforpeace.org/ (in Michigan, go to http://www.mecawi.org/ ) Take part in them. Here's a list of anti-war groups from the London Guardian newspaper [click].
(Scroll down past British groups for U.S. organizations.)
2. Shut off your television. FOXhole News, CNN (Conservative News Network) and even NPR (Nationalistic Puppet Radio) are the source of disinformation broadcasting the official state propaganda, and programmed to make you feel isolated and powerless.
Don't believe it? Click here. Stay in touch with the news through the Internet on the sites listed above and direct connection with friends, family, and neighbors.
3. Do something you've never done before: go to a demo, wear a No War pin or put a No War lawn sign, call a neighborhood anti-war meeting, write a letter to the editor, call your Congressman. Silence will be interpreted as support for the invasion and occupation.

Ever wonder why radio, both talk and rock, suck so badly? [Click here] to see why. A two-word answer is: Clear Channel

A loyal citizen of the empire gives advice to anti-war demonstrators


http://www.impeach-bush-now.org/ http://www.votetoimpeach.org/


More than 300 women use their naked bodies to spell out "No War" on a sports field in Sydney, Australia, March 2.

Previously, photos of nude protests  from all around the world were available at www.baringwitness.org, but after an unexpected turn of events, and a half million visitors to the site, they are no longer being displayed. See site for the explanation.

Below is the story of the first nude peace action.

When 45 Marin County, California women were photographed on November 12, 2002, forming the word PEACE with their naked bodies, it struck a deep chord around the world. Our exposure of the vulnerable human flesh we all share has created a powerful statement against the naked aggression of our country’s policies.

Similar nude and clothed actions have since taken place across the US and around the world, with more planned. See the Photo Album.

These actions have brought unprecedented press to the peace movement. Our goal is to encourage and inspire local groups nationwide and worldwide to participate in this "global spelling bee." We encourage everyone to get involved and let the world know that Americans are not marching in lockstep towards war.

Check out our Do It Yourself page, which is full of information on creating your own PEACE photograph.

Please participate in our Global Spelling Bee. Baring Witness would like to post at least one People in Peace photo from each of the 50 United States!  E-Mail: info@BaringWitness.org


Click here for past Iraq related information

Time Mag Poll asked: Which country is biggest threat to peace. 87.1% said U.S. 
See results
Rush Limbaugh sings
I'm a Nazi
(To download, right click on the link and select "save target as")

Is Rush a perfect a--hole?
Check these sites: Buzzflash
and Snopes
Peter's articles and interviews click
A little hard to laugh during war time, but check out "Dressin' Up Dubya." A hoot!
Where was your favorite Republican during the Vietnam War?
click on graphic

Dick Cheney Threatens Parody Web site http://www.whitehouse.org/

Here's what he objected to:

click here to see why 


Peace Pins & Signs

Bush & the Nazis? Check out this great History of the Bush Family!  (Flash player required)

Guess Who & Guess Who?
That's right, it's a 1980's Donald Rumsfeld and his good buddy Saddam shaking hands!
BBC photo

Make Bush Speak!
Make Bush Dance!
Beware of BUSHZILLA!

Just a Good Ole Boy

Is Bush a Monkey?
GW explains his war in pictures (he drew)


Video of
Bush's Sorry State of The Union Speech

(Even if you saw it; you didn't see this!) Click!

   Under Bush, the Republic perishes as the Empire expands. Imperial war abroad, repression at home. We skip Caesar;  Caligula and Nero now rule. New Patriot Act is a further attack on the Constitution. Click Here

BUSH & CHENEY CUT THEMSELVES IN ON THE LOOT! If taxes are ended on stock dividends, Bush would have received $16, 511 additional income last year, and Cheney another $104, 823. They're running a racket on behalf of the rich from which they personally benefit. MOLLY IVINS on Bush's Tax Give-Away to the Rich!  Click Here.    Also, United for a Fair Economy and Citizens for Tax Justice.



Investigative journalist Greg Palast has uncovered scandal, fraud, corruption, and lies in the highest seats of power—from the White House to corporate America. Known in Britain as “the greatest investigative reporter of our time” (Tribune magazine), Palast has broken some of the biggest stories of the past decade, including:

• How Bush killed the FBI's investigation of the financing of terrorist organizations by Saudi Arabia
• How the Bush family stole the election in Florida
• How Enron cheated, lied, and swindled its way into an energy monopoly



Click on book for info

The Peter Werbe Show,  winner,
2003 Democratic Media Award!!

Check out Danny Schechter, the Media Dissector's, Media Channel for an honest look at the latest news and current events!

Post your personal website here!
This space is reserved for the personal web sites of Peter's listeners and friends. In other words, your own, not a favorite or one that you think is important. All are welcome, none are reviewed for content that agrees with Peter, but please no commercial, right-wing or religious ones.  Please link me to yours.

To have your site listed, please send the URL tomailto:%20calltalkyes@yahoo.com. Be sure to include the words, "Listener Website" in the subject line.

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