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  Sunday, June 25th 2000, 6:40:04 P.M.
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Sunday, June 25th / 2000
Insensitivity Cards (5:00AM EST) by: Stile

Throughout our life we run into people who show such total arrogance and stupidity that they deserve something extra special. That's exactly what these cards are for -- send one to someone you hate today! Click the title or here to begin.

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Saturday, June 24th / 2000
Shit In My Mouth (10:45AM EST) by: Stile

Reader Mail (6:00AM EST) by: Stile

Time to dip into the mail bag and see what Stile Project readers have to say:

  • From: Matthew
  • Subject:

Wanted to let you know about a strange website called A friend of mine heard a news report about them on public radio the other day and we went to their web site to check them out. Their whole reason for being is to commit acts of corporate sabotage in protest of the fact that corporations have rights like people but the liability for the acts they commit may not pass through to the people who control them.

Well, RTMark decided to create a corporation that accepts donations to sabotage other corporations and use the limited liability clause against them. A Veterans Group paid them $8,000 to switch the voice boxes in some Barbie dolls with those from a GI Joe doll, causing Mattel to send out a bunch of Barbie dolls that talked about war and a bunch of GI Joe dolls that made dinner plans with Ken.

The Veteran's Group escaped punishment because RTMark actually did the sabotage and were protected. Kind of a neat idea, thought you might be interested in looking at it.
-- Thanks, Matt

Sounds like a great idea if you ask me. Now if I could only hire them to replace the beef at McDonalds with cowshit, we'd be in business!

  • From: Ranta
  • Subject: funny crap

But, mom, all the OTHER kids are cannibals! And, from comes the following: (I thought of you immediately. Actually, I watched "Man On The Moon" the other night and thought you were a wee bit Kaufman-eqsue as well as Kafka-esque)

There are two levels of scatological/fecal pornography. The first is the straight faked shot. Guy dumps a load into some girls mouth, looks real but the fact is he first got an enema to clean out the pipes, then a brownie-dough cocktail shoved up his ass. The cameras roll, girl lays back and plop-- she's got warm brownies in the mouth. Sure it looks real, and some perve probably got his rocks off looking at, but it was fake.

The second level of scat is the real deal: from the tooter to the rooter, as it were. It's my understanding there is some manipulation in diet to deliver a less offensive payload, but the mechanics are pretty authentic. Pervs around the world get off on this type of pornography (if you want to call it that) and I bet he's your neighborhood grocer, your kids soccer coach, maybe even the guy who makes your donuts.

Spend a year working at a hard-core porn website and you'll come across the most fucked up things that come to haunt you later in life. Like watching your boss get blown by a famous porn star while ODing on snortable heroin (chiva) during work hours.

Like seeing one of your friends get raped by a porn star while two of your bosses hold him down because they thought he was gay (he was, but that's besides the point). Or seeing another porn star shoot up in her arm while balancing her baby on her knee. Sorry, I'm just in a sharing mood.

Well, thanks for sharing... I think.

  • From: Thomas

I was looking around for information on my inorganic chemistry project, and wham, if I didn't run into The Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act of 1999. Ok, at first I thought "This is some sort of joke from some paranoid chemist." Ok, so I keep looking, and damn if this isn't for real. Basically, it makes it illegal to make INFORMATION available to people about illegal drugs, as in, the description, information on mixing/making/growing it.

Ok, so first of all, they make stuff like Red Phosphorous and Methylamine Hydrochloride illegal now if I post on my web page, instructions on common uses for these products I get to go to jail?!? Give me a break here. What's next? Making iodine and butane burners illegal? I suppose the little digital scales are next to go, too? Or wait! I have a better idea, let's just all pile our books up in the street and let the nice men in uniform pour gas on them and set them on fire, like they did in Nazi Germany.

Why can't people see that that's EXACTLY what's going on here. If we allow this to continue, this land will no longer be free, why don't people understand that's it's not usually one BIG thing that changes the world, but a lot of little things, like this kind of law. The same applies to people though, everyone can make a push toward freedom in this country by simply letting it known to their representatives that stuff like this is UN-AMERICAN. Control is not always done by machine-guns and barbed wire.

The government is attempting to directly control INFORMATION, and that is a DIRECT violation of our right to free speech. What's left of it anyway. Most people are too busy being stupid to realize what's going on here. My God, people, look at history!! America is a damn good country, but stuff like this is going to be the downfall of this nation. If we are going to base the laws of our nation on the basic premises of the constitution, then We CAN NOT allow something like this to happen.

S. 1428 is currently in the Senate to my knowledge, and I know I will be expressing my discontent with this atrocity and using my FREE SPEECH a little bit more, while I still can without getting my door busted down. Stile, I respect the way you think, and I think you will see clearly what I mean here. I have been following your site for months now, and although I know you probably have no affiliation with chemistry apart from perhaps reaping the fruits of the labor of all the good and open minded chemists out there, the implications of this bill are much more far reaching than just making it hard for starting Chemists to study the history and development of drugs (illegal or not).

This kind of thing is what cripples a nation, they are trying to control the way we think, and what we know. INFORMATION should NOT be illegal, I don't care if the information has potential for abuse, THE ONLY TRUE EVIL IS IGNORANCE. Sincerely, Thomas. Search for S. 1428 to get the whole scoop on the bill. A little site summarizing the implications and specifications of the bill. A once beautiful site which relished in freedom of expression, and now is being greatly exploited by the DEA. If you are a chemist, and you want to stay out of jail, STAY AWAY FROM THE HIVE. There is something rotten there. One of the best Chemistry sites out there in my opinion, Free Speech at it's best.

Information wants to be free.

^ Top
Friday, June 23rd / 2000
Britney (10:50PM EST) by: Stile

I consider these pictures to be revenge.

Revenge against the saturation of our culture with contrived commercial music. I consider it to be audio pollution. It has the same effect as driving a car -- Slowly kills us all.

All these contrived personas do is brainwash the younger generation with unattainable materialistic goals and a warped sense of body image.

Fuck the status quo and fuck Britney; you can come here and personally suck my dick.

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