On A Serious Note
radio- streaming
Seattle IMC
In this section you will find information about things that are going on in contemporary politics, activism and protest as well as SERIOUS NON-SATIRICAL information. Follow the links below to learn about things that have happened. These are some of the REAL causes that motivate us here at ameriCON™ incorporated. They are the reasons for our criticism of the current powers that be, government, and society at large.

The independent media centers around the world have been outputting some of the BEST in streaming radio on the web. These streams are absolutely full of information and the IMC does a great job keeping them current. When listening to IMC radio you will hear news, analysis, speeches, editorials, music, documentary and commentary. This is valuable stuff that you MUST listen too. At the top of this page we have provided links directly to two of our favorite radio stations. Click on those links to listen to the radio right away or visit the Atlanta or Seattle IMC homepages.
This is the official Camp Justice site! Follow this if you want to hear what's happening directly from the source!

Camp Justice is a Lakota Indian protest camp set up near the Nebraska boarder town of White Clay. The Camp is located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and exists because of the brutal murders of Ron Hard Heart and Wally Black Elk. The Camp is a tribute to them and a reminder of the severe inequality these people face. This link here is a paper I wrote on the subject. I also post updates and current information when new developments arise.
This is an excellent site for information about Camp Justice. The site was made by Tom Poor Bear's lawyer and is very concise. This site focuses on the facts and only the facts!
This page contains a brief overview of the history of U.S. intervention in Guatemala, the CIA/UFC propaganda war, and the illegal U.S. bombing of the capitol city and genocide propagated by the United States of America as well as the Guatemalan Government. There is also information about the involvement of Chiquita Banana (formerly known as the UFC) in contemporary politics and a note on the "War Against Drugs" in Colombia. This page is short but to the point and full of information. If you would like to know more about these subjects click on the links following the paper or email Brad: americon@lastminute-records.com



the yes men in finland
The Yes Men are a group of men and women who use cutting edge satire and impersonation to get their point across. These people are responsible for some of the greatest modern day pranks, satires and feats of activism! The Yes Men are working hard and their results are astonishing! We should all learn from the example they set. The top link to the left goes to an ®™ark web site with information about the Yes Men! ®™ark helped the Yes Men get the domain name for their web site gatt.org and has been a strong advocate of the group. Together ®™ark and the Yes Men have been changing the face of political activism! I have also provided a link to theyesmen.org and a link to the Yes Men In Finland. All of these sites contain information about things the Yes Men are doing, including links to the international press the Yes Men have received! These sites are full of information! If you don't know who the Yes Men are we here at ameriCON™ incorporated strongly feel you should do your research!