from the May 1998 issue of RUMORE magazine, article by Vittore Baroni:
Original Italian
Translation by Babelfish (

Translation by an Italian
E' la prima volta che mi capita di recensire un album senza aver avuto per le mani alcun supporto fisico, disco o demotape, addirittura senza essermi spostato dalla tastiera del mio PC. Già, perché questa compilation, tredici brani interamente costruiti con campioni prelevati senza chiedere alcun permesso dalla discografia di Beck, ad opera di una decina di formazioni dai nomi altamente improbabili (Mr.Meridies, Huk Don Phun, The International Bankes, The Evolution Control Committee, ecc.) dietro cui non è difficile scorgere la mano di Negativland e/o Public Works e/o altri terroristi del collage sonoro "no copyright", è stata provocatoriamente pubblicata su Internet il 1° Aprile (!) di quest'anno, integralmente a disposizione nel formato realaudio di chiunque volesse ascoltarla o registrarla (è disponibile a basso costo e solo per corrispondenza anche una versione su CD privo di copertina). Il contenuto sonoro dell'album, ancora reperibile salvo imprevisti all'interno del sito e consistente in una serie di ironici e inventivi montaggi "plunderfonici", improntati alla destrutturazione atonale e astratto-minimale dei materiali d'origine (la scelta di Beck pare quasi del tutto casuale, avrebbe potuto trattarsi di chiunque altro), passa ovviamente in secondo piano rispetto al carattere di "azione dimostrativa" del progetto, che intende radicalizzare e portare sotto i riflettori dei media il problema delle obsolete pastoie burocratiche nell'utilizzo dei samplings, nell'era del riciclaggio post-moderno. L'uscita è stata difatti accompagnata da una oculata campagna d'informazione, che ha suscitato immediate reazioni sia da parte della stampa (articoli apparsi su NME, Addicted to Noise, Wired, Village Voice e numerose altre testate sono già online all'indirizzo web di cui sopra) che delle categorie direttamente chiamate in causa (i legali dell'etichetta di Beck hanno promesso di dare battaglia in tribunale). A movimentare ancor più l'evento è il fatto che l'antologia sia stata prodotta, tramite l'etichetta Illegalart appositamente creata, da una anonima associazione anarco-radicale, la ®TMark, attiva dal '91 e già responsabile del finanziamento di azioni di sabotaggio contro varie corporations, col fine di spingere i colossi industriali a "riacquistare un senso di responsabilità sociale": ad esempio, agenti della ®TMark hanno inserito di nascosto effusioni tra omosessuali fra le comparse del videogioco SimCopter, poi ritirato dal commercio, e hanno invertito tra loro i circuiti di una serie di bambole parlanti Barbie e GI Joe, per mettere in luce il carattere sessista delle frasi pronunciate... Se ancora non vi siete abituati all'idea che il rock abbia rinunciato a fomentare sovversioni su larga scala, potreste trovare estremamente interessanti gli sviluppi di questi casi, sempre meno isolati, di bellicosa hacker music.
before the time that understood to me to recensire a album without to have had for the hands some physical support, disc or demotape, quite without essermi moved from the keyboard of my PC Already, because this compilation, thirteen brani entire constructed with captured champions without to ask some permission from the discografia for Beck, to work of one ten of formations from the highly improbable names (Mr.Meridies, Huk Don Phun, The International Bankes, The Evolution Control Committee, etc.) behind which it is not difficult to notice the hand of Negativland and/or Public Works and/or other terrorists of the collage sonorous " not copyright ", it has been provocatively published on Internet 1° the April (!) of this year, integrally to disposition in the format realaudio of anyone it wanted ascoltarla or registrarla (is available to low cost and solo for correspondence also one version on CD lacking in cover). The sonorous of album, still reperibile content barring accidents to the inside of the situated one and consisting in a series of ironici and inventiveness " plunderfonici " assemblys, imprinted to the destrutturazione atonal and separated-minimale of the origin materials (the choice of Beck it seems nearly of all the accidental one, could have trattarsi of anyone other), passes obviously in flat second regarding the character of " demonstrative action " of the plan, that it means to radicalize and to carry under the reflectors of the average the problem of the obsolete bureaucratic fetters in I use of the samplings, in was of the post-modern recycling. The escape has been indeed accompanied from one oculata information campaign, that it has provoked immediate reactions is from part of the press (articles appeared on NME, Addicted to Noise, Wired, Village Voice and numerous other heads are already online to the address web of which over) that of the categories directly calls in cause (the lawyers of the label of Beck have promised to give battle in court). To enliven still more the event it is the fact that the anthology has been produced, through the Illegalart label purposely created, from one anonymous association anarco-radical, the ®TMark, assets from the ' 91 and already responsible one of the financing of actions of sabotaggio against several corporations, with the aim to push the industrial colossus " to buy back a sense of social responsibility ": as an example, agents of the ®TMark have inserted secretly effusions between homosexuals between the appearances of the SimCopter video game, then withdrawn from the commerce, and have invert between they the circuits of one series of speaking dolls Barbie and GI Joe, in order to bring to light the sessista character of the pronounced phrases... If still you have not become accustomed yourselves to the idea that the rock has rinunciato to foment sovversioni on wide scale, you could find the developments of these cases extremely interesting, less and less blocks, of warlike hacker music.
It's the first time that I have the chance of rewiewing an album without
having  in my hands any  physical media, records or tapes, even without
moving from my pc-keyboard. Yes, because this compilation, 13 tracks
completely composed using unauthorized samples from Beck discography,
made by a decine of bands with highly surrealistic names( Mr.Meridies,
Huk Don Phun, The International Bankes, The Evolution Control Committee,
etc.), after whom is not difficult to see the hand of Negativland and/or
Public Works and/or other terrorists of the nocopyright sonic collage,
has been released on Internet the First of April(!) of this year, fully
avalaible in the realaudio format to everyone for listening or recording
(is also avalaible on cd without cover at low cost and only by mail
The sonic content of the album, which can still be found at except unexpected events, consisting in a series of
ironic and inventive "plunderphonic" cut-ups, directed to the atonal and
abstractist-minimalist destructuration of the source materials ( the
choice of Beck appears to be totally casual, it could be everyone else),
passes obviously in background compared to the nature of "demonstrative
action" of the project, that wants to radicalize and highlight the
problem of the obsolete and burocratic procedures needed  to use
samplings, in the recycling postmodern  age.
Infact, the release has been supported by a carefully prepared
information campaign, that has provoked immediate reactions by both the
press (articles appeared on NME, Addicted to Noise, Wired, Village Voice
and others ) and the categories directly interested ( the lawyers of
Beck's label have promised to face the question in a court).
To enliven more the event there's the fact that the album has been
produced, through the label Illegal Art created on purpose, by an
anonymous radical-anarchist association, rtmark, active from '91 and
responsible of financing sabotage actions against corporations, with the
aim of pushing the industrial powers to "to recover a sense of social
responsibility ": as an example, rtmark agents have inserted secretly
effusions between homosexuals between the
appearances of the SimCopter video game, then withdrawn from the market,
and have invert between them the circuits of a series of speaking dolls,
Barbie and GI Joe, in order to bring to light the sexist character of
the pronounced phrases...
If you still  have not become used to
the idea that  rock has renounced to foment subversions
on wide scale, you could find the developments of these cases , less and
less isolated, of warlike hacker music, extremely interesting.