The 21st century's greatest crime is a corporate one
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The Y2K Bug
Y2K ist so geil! (open)
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Y2K ist so geil! Material / PowerPoint / Y2K ist so geil!
Targeted to hip, "alternative" Germans (first presented at Berlin's Roter Salon and Glashaus), this presentation examines Y2K in the context of the computer industry overall. The current craze for all things computer (including an occult fascination with the crazy scenarios of Hans Moravec, Marvin Minsky, et al.) is compared with America's love affair with the automobile, engineered by GM via super-futuristic scenarios (in World's Fairs, etc.) between 1930 and 1970. We maintain that the rave and techno scenes' futuristic imagery is the indirect result of a similar campaign by today's technology companies, and that hipster enthusiasm for the Y2K Bug as redeemer is misguided at best. We end on an ominous note: what could be the computer industry's counterpart to GM's destruction of America's public transportation? (See Die Tageszeitung for more.)

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