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Urging disinvestment

Class action resources

  eToys, like any other corporation, is responsible only to its shareholders (and to the law, which corporations have been subverting for over a century).

Here are resources to help you speak to eToys shareholders. Small investors can be reached by joining free eToys investment boards and posting messages; larger "institutional" investors (who in fact own the majority of eToys stock) can be written to directly.

Here are some sample messages posted on investment boards or sent to investors, to explain why they should disinvest or even sue eToys for mismanaging their funds.

eToys boards with high traffic: Other eToys boards:

Principal eToys stockholders:

Full list

Sublists: Idealab, Highland Capital, Sequoia Capital, DynaFund Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners

Detailed information:
shares after IPO
Click here for source of these figures
idealab! and Entities affiliated with idealab! Capital Management I, LLC
130 West Union Street
Pasadena, CA 91103,
Entities affiliated with Highland Capital Partners
Two International Place
Boston, MA 02110
Entities affiliated with Sequoia Capital Partners
3000 Sand Hill Road,
Bldg. 4, Suite 280
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Entities affiliated with DynaFund Ventures
21311 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 300
Torrance, CA 90503
Intel Corporation
2200 Mission Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95052
eToys Management
  • Edward C. Lenk <>, <>, Chief Executive Officer and Uncle of the Board, holds 7,491,000 shares after IPO.
  • Frank C. Han <>, Senior Vice President of Product Development, holds 2,488,752 shares after IPO.
  • Louis V. Zambello III <>, Senior Vice President of Operations, holds 825,000 shares after IPO.
  • Steven J. Schoch <>, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, holds 750,000 shares after IPO.
  • John R. Hnanicek <>, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, holds 600,000 shares after IPO.
  • Janine Bousquette <>, Senior Vice President of Marketing, holds 480,000 shares after IPO.
Bessemer Venture Partners
Moore Group as of 12/11/1999 (down from 22,888,645 on 11/24/1999; see also this news)
1251 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020
Telephone: (212)782-7000
FAX: (212)782-7550
  • Louis Moore Bacon, 5,805,076
  • Moore Capital Management, Inc., 5,036,584
  • Moore Global Investments, 5,036,584
Peter C.M. Hart 353,952
Total Shares Outstanding 119,756,000

    samples   Urging disinvestment
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    class action   Class action resources
Past projects / The etoy Fund / the campaigns / Disinvest! / class action