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Report errors in eToys' SEC filings  
Complain to the Better Business Bureau  
Speak to Rosie  
A letter to Kilroy Realty  
One letter to eToys  
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  One letter to eToys
  One letter to eToys management (e-mails here):
Unfortunately, after researching as much information as possible from as many sources as possible, I have come to the conclusion that I must divest all stock options I have in ( fortunately, I must admit its a relatively small amount ).Your actions have been illogical and I find I can no longer support a company that has such questionable ethics ( all my research shows that indeed had first domain name registration).

Also, I have made a fact sheet to be displayed at my place of employment describing your actions against and asking people to use their own moral judgement in their dealings with your corporation, either purchasing goods or stocks. While this admittedly only informs approximately 1500 people of your business practices, I feel it is a responsibility that must be taken up by myself.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be able to take this fact sheet down and replace it with a statement that has made the honorable and ethical move of dismissing this whole, absurd fiasco, and proving itself worthy of consumer and stockholder confidence.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Possibly a future re-investor and consumer...
/\/\ark W. Brown <>