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  The core legacy
  Accessible from certain spots deep within the Shell site is another Shell site, this one of amateurish construction, much less amusing to look at.

Deep in that site, three levels, one frame, and two paragraphs down, is the following text. It, too, of course, fails to mention that this is the reason the Shell site exists. (For a more detailed account of the facts, see this article.)

On 20th June 1995, within days of the intended deepwater disposal of Brent Spar, Shell UK aborted the operation because the Shell position as a major European enterprise had become untenable. The Spar had gained a symbolic significance out of all proportion to its environmental impact. In consequence, Shell companies were faced with increasingly intense public criticism, mostly in Continental northern Europe. Many politicians and ministers were openly hostile and several called for consumer boycotts. There was violence against Shell service stations, accompanied by threats to Shell staff. The difficult decision to abandon deepwater disposal was based on two key considerations: .... [Italics ours.]

The paragraphs that follow this try to show that Shell was 100% innocent and that all allegations in the Brent Spar fiasco were false, distorted, "out of all proportion," perhaps even hysterical.