"I'm interested in the diverse qualities of liveliness that occur when new media scenography is integrated into live stage performances, an interest which dovetails with my work on vertbatim theatre & political satire. Current inspiration is found in the writings of Antonin Artaud & the performance work of Tadeusz Kantor." http://www.artificialstage.com/ abstract of Karla's article in Digital Creativity: |
Leena is one of the creators of Accidental Lovers (Sydän kierroksella), a participatory black comedy for television and mobile phones. She has participated in several collaborative media art productions including numerous community and collaboration concepts on the Internet. Having education both in information technology and new media arts, she is a digital caldron of engineering, poetry, interactions, interfaces, media arts, software and drama. Home page: http://mlab.uiah.fi/~lsaarine/ |
Presently involved in an ICT professional development project for schools in Tai Poutini, Vicki also has an installation project 'Trip the Light Fantastic' in the pipeline. |