She was the first to come out of the house.

His heart stopped. Didn't it? Why else would he have had to reach into the pocket of his t-shirt to get a Nitro? Damn. She looked just like the mother. Why didn't they see that?

Oh right! Righto! You're a regular rocket scientist, Johnny muttered. They couldn't SEE it because the only one who might remember, who had the eyes to SEE it, was now blind. Why in hell hadn't they run those biblethumpers outta town when they had the chance to do it? Now they were an established community, just like the Spanish people. These days, they let anyone in here. Not so in his heyday.

Mary stood on the first step and extended her hand to Victoria, who hesitated.

"Come on," he heard Mary coax. "I promise I won't let anything happen to y'all."

Victoria clasped Mary's hand and let the dog, who was wearing a pink scarf, OF ALL THINGS, step out as well.

He watched them walk arm in arm toward the bus stop.

The time had come.