to tell you the truth

"I think this has been about enough excitement for one morning, Tori. I've a doctor's appointment to keep. So, I'll show the gentleman out on my way and we'll talk later."

"Wait." Victoria's voice squeaked. "Since you went to all this trouble, Virginia, I'll be glad to talk to the gentleman. So, let's sit a few minutes."

"I'll get coffee," Mary said and ran from the room.

"Tori, I just don't have time right now."

"Then go. Go," Victoria motioned her sister in the direction she knew the door to be.

"Tori, you have to know something before I go. You need to know that..."

"I already KNOW." Victoria smiled. "Jake, how are you?"

"Sweet Jesus! Tori, I swear I didn't know until he got out of the truck. Jake, tell her. We didn't know."
