Reveal or not?


For five months after losing Mama, I kept my job as a cocktail waitress at a bar near our trailer house. I stashed every penny I could because I was planning to leave. I was going north to find some truth. I bought me a clunker, got the grease monkey who drinks at the bar to fix it up for me. He took it out in trade, mind you.

I put the trailer up for sale and about a week before I left, a logger bought it and said I could stay if I wanted seeing as he could use a girlfriend and a cook. So, here I am. Been here for just under two years and I don't know nothing more about me than I did when I got to town.

I was lucky to find this job as Victoria's housekeeper and I like it so much better than serving drinks. What I like most is when Ginnie reads to her sister. They're funny, these two. Ginnie tries so hard to please her big sister. Victoria, though, she's kind of a funny duck. If Ginnie says a word wrong, the other wags her finger in the air, says it the right way and makes Ginnie repeat it what seems like a thousand times.

I like to listen when Ginnie reads and I like both of the sisters. I feel close to them. Maybe, I should tell them my two big secrets.
