Who am I? Really?


Some times, watching them makes me lonely for the sisters I have and don't even know. I mean they could be dead for all I know, and that's about nothing.

The priest told me about Virginia looking to hire a personal assistant and I thought it sounded like a good job for me. Father has been good to me. From the first day when I got to town and banged on the rectory door, he's taken me under his wing. I came with very little except secrets.

"She's not herself, you understand, Mary. She'll need lots of support and maybe constant watching for a while," Ginnie told me during our interview.

Ginnie cried that day and I took a tissue out of my jeans pocket and gave it to her. "It's okay," I said. "You can count on me. We'll do just fine."

"Where's your family?" Ginnie wasn't being nosey like some people. She had a right to know. "Do you have a husband and kids?"

"Just me. Ain't married. I lost my Mama not too long ago. She was the last of us," I told her and pulled another tissue out of my pocket. I couldn't say Mama without crying a little. Funny. She might not have had me, but she was the best and only Mama I ever knew.

"That's sad, Mary. Well, I'll be glad to have you around and Tori will, too. Maybe not right away, but she will. I know her like she knows her books."

So, I moved in to the spare bedroom and settled into my new life. I have no complaints except that I wish I had a name or something to track. I'd like to know who made me and whether I have any family alive here.