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To: Ginnie <>
Subject: Re: Re: Your HELP WANTED Ad
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 20:03:58 -0500
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Yes. I live in town. I was born here but I left for a long time and came back a
couple of weeks ago. Not much has changed, I'll say that for the place.

As for O'Hara, I've never heard of him. Why don't we hear anything about him

I haven't read a classic since high school, but I remember that I liked most of
them. I like fiction and I like history. So that would not be a problem.

Newspapers, I read, usually online now, but I can print out articles to read. I
do subscribe to the local paper. I thought it was the responsible thing to do.

I'm retired now so my schedule is flexible. How much are you talking about
paying the reader? Not, mind you, that money will be the deciding factor.
Company would be nice too.

Bookman 462

> From: Ginnie <>
> Date: 2004/09/12 Sun PM 07:51:56 CDT
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Your HELP WANTED Ad

> Dear Bookman:
> To make a long, sad story short, my big sister has gone blind.
> Before the accident, and I can tell you more about this if you want to know,
she was a librarian and a major reader.
> I've been reading to her for more than a year and because we do this day in
and day out, I have tired out my vocal cords. My sister will not hear of books
on tape. She wouldn't even allow them at the library until the Senior Citizens
staged a protest.
> Anyway, this is why I need a reader to go to her house in town and read to
her. She likes what she calls literary works, the classics and historical
fiction. Oh, and all kinds of newspapers and book reviews. And John O'Hara, the
dead guy we all love to hate around here.
> If you're going to read to her, you have to either like O'Hara or come up
with good reasons why you don't. And they'd better hold water with her or
you'll get a tongue lashing the likes of which you never felt.
> This might be a stupid question seeing as your screenname has our telephone
exchange 462 at the end, but do you live in town?
> Yours truly,
> Storyreader

> >
> > From: <>
> > Date: 2004/09/12 Sun PM 08:22:10 EDT
> > To: <>
> > Subject: Your HELP WANTED Ad
> >

> >
> > Dear Mrs. Bretsky:
> > I saw your sign at the grocery store when I went for an order. So, I am
responding to your ad for a reader. I am a lifelong serious reader who would
probably enjoy this job.
> >
> > Can you tell me more about how many hours and what kinds of books this will
> >
> > Bookman462