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Chapter 1: Women
Chapter 3: Papier Colle
Chapter 4: Male Figures
Chapter 5 : New Media
Chapter 6: Text Works
"120 years of Picasso" by Klaus Groh


Klaus Groh's statement about his work

Letters, Parts of Letters, Words, Parts of Words are working materials for me like color, structures and lines for human artistic communications .

They belong to human origin like signs, symbols and ideas.

All human beings exist out of parts of elementary forms of communication and information.

Communication and information are made with the rest of the traces, which the future could be read anyway.


All these materials are necessary for human understandings and for human individualism.

I try with these elementrary materials of human communication to create happenings of reading and discovering new thoughts in mind ,real and life.

It is a permanent dialog between material, thoughts and discovering new ideas and structures.

Klaus Groh 20.06.2001


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