S i b e r i a n D e a l / r e p o r t p a g e


Hurrying around Moscow, we are busy making phone calls, making travel arrangements and arranging communication links for SIBERIAN DEAL. What is the rhythm of this city? We find it complicated and chaotic. It is Eva¹s first visit to Moscow, Kathy¹s seventh, but our response to its complications and turmoil are the same.

Everyone¹s first impression of Moscow is the overwhelming scale of this city. Its enormous buildings, wide prospekts , and heavy traffic are frightening for pedestrians. But, Muscovites casually jay-walk - across 8 lanes of traffic - without fear. We are staying in a private room of a friend of a friend. It is a distance from town, in one of those typical bloc structures that are abundant throughout Eastern Europe.

Lena, our host, lives alone in the flat which her entire family once occupied. She has inherited it - de facto - and it¹s size is a luxury by Russian standards, even though we have hot water half of the time. Lena works as a German-Russian translator and as a part-time tour guide, and she is eager to help make our working visit successful.