What? ::
Imaginary Year is a serialized web novel that I am in the process of writing and designing. It officially came online on September 22, 2000, the Autumnal Equinox. If you're a new reader, and you want to start from the beginning, jump on over to the archive: the past entries are indexed there. If you prefer to read on paper, try the print archive, where you can download segments in PDF format.
As of this writing, I hope to update the stories of the Imaginary Year characters every Monday and Friday. If you wish to keep up with the story, you can return frequently, or you can subscribe to a print version which will be e-mailed out at the beginning of each month.
The somewhat unusual style that governs Imaginary Year came about after a few years of experimenting with the relationship between information and art. For a more in-depth discussion of the ideas behind the piece, read the section on Why.
:: jeremy@invisible-city.com