glimpsed: [] melbourne time



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1.2003 | 12.2002 | 11.2002

written and published in Tinderbox 1.2.3




First post to a new blog. A new project. Always a tricky one. I guess a big bold programmatic statement needs to happen.

Of course since it is a blog come hypertext (more on that over where I talk a bit more about hypertext and method) this post, though chronologically the first (well, not quite, the blurb snuck in first, but you know what I mean), will. . .

Will, what is the word? Chirographically? No, that's to do with writing. Spatially? Definitely not. No space on my screen, just x and y co-ordinates pretending that they hang out with a z.

Well, this post, though first, will very quickly become last because it is the first to be replaced, displaced, by the second. It temporally announces itself as the first of the series, but of course since it is a blog, and the canonical order of a blog is most recent post to the fore (I mean the top) then it is the first to be lost, shoved down the hierarchy of newness or currency, of the latest. And as the first, it will always be found at the bottom. The oldest post on the oldest archive page. That's what happens to the first.

Some years ago (many years ago? I guess so) I read Cinema One and Cinema Two and they stuck to me. Fly paper. I was the fly and I found them and now I'm stuck with it (or in their case, them). They thrill, intimidate, excite, and threaten me. They taught or made me revision what I think cinema is, what it does, how it does, and why it does it.

I teach Deleuze and cinema (sometimes), I use Deleuze to theorise interactivity in hypertext, Deleuze strongly informs my understanding of hypertext as a post-cinematic writing event, and the ways I have come to conceive of networked desktop interactive video (vogs) is largely via Deleuze.

But these knowledges have remained largely implicit, in my practice, my teaching, and my published research. I can now begin to make this explicit. With blogs, my digital multiliteracy, tools like Tinderbox, and of course my QuickTime authoring skills, I have the resources and the environment I need to develop the project I always imagined. A hypertextual writing space (with all of the assumptions of hypertext literacy as a writing practice that that entails) that supports complex linking, the dynamic recontextualisation of content through agents (Tinderbox), defining the attributes or properties of each node in an ongoing manner, and so a writing space that is able to support emergent knowledges rather than a system to merely annotate my already known. A hypertextual publishing space (blogs) that eschews the monumentality of the essay and other forms of representation that so easily conflate the representation of the already known as the production of knowledge, rather than the performative construction and engagement, the little flurries and stutters, that writing and thought is. Finally, a writing and publishing space that does allow for the inclusion (not incorporation) of image and video alongside writing, of interactive video, that will allow an engagement with and by Deleuze's concepts and problems inside a common discursive domain.

[Sat 23 Nov 2002]


I'm writing this using Tinderbox, publishing from Tinderbox via templates to my web server for online distribution. i also use iMovie, QuickTime player, and Livestage Pro for authoring the video that is used throughout here (they are academic vogs inside a blog).

notes are dual date stamped, they have date of creation and date of modification. this is because some notes will be edited after publication, and so this provides a simple way of indicating if a note has been amended. not sure if i'll use anything typographic to indicate what has changed, i might even decide retrospective editing is just too problematic (compromises citation and quotation, and as a documentary process it is probably more appropriate to not edit what has already been published).

don't expect regular posting, once a week on average might even be ambitious. it isn't that i don't want to do this only that this is one project amongst several (vog, clog, teaching, research involving vogs and blogs, hypermedia theory, and so forth).

[Wed 4 Dec 2002]

::link typologies::

Links contained within this work at the moment have a very schematic link typology attached to them. Unfortunately, because of the way HTML is implemented links tend to have singular types (and destinations), so it is crude. However, with these restraints, the link type I have applied to individual links indicates its primary valence.

Links that depart from this project and provide access to that which is named, for instance Livestage Pro, are labelled as 'instrumental' (I don't mean music btw), other link types are 'agree', 'aside', 'clarify', 'disagree', 'example', 'exception', 'response'. This will change as the project evolves.

[Wed 4 Dec 2002]


Well, I had started to write an indulgent note about how hard I am finding it to write about the Cinema books, but enough already. It will be fractured, fractitious, sometimes simple minded.

Who is it for? Me, and perhaps some of my students. Others might find it useful, if only to begin their own noisy readings.

Why am I publishing it? Because academic blogging provides personal writing with an explicit social contract, a sociality, that draws writing towards itself.

I have not studied philosohpy (see, I couldn't even spell it), this is not a philosophy, and it will probably sometimes read like a 'Dummies Guide to Cinema One and Cinema Two' because I need to explicate and make concrete what is going on. Then I can worry about the rest (for instance why do all the 'types' of shot keep being divided? how does this happen? what is the force that makes this happen, or towards which the cinematic image draws near?).

[Sun 8 Dec 2002]

::movement qua movement::

I don't know French, so am not sure about the translation of the term that Deleuze uses for movement - whether it is a specific term or just as general as 'movement' is in English. However it is clear that there is a distinction drawn between movement ordinarily understood as movement of an object through space, and movement as qualitative change. To signal this difference I am going to refer to the former as movement, and the latter as movement.

[Tue 17 Dec 2002]

::unblog experiment::

Blogs are traditionally published in reverse chronological order - the most recent post is at the top of the screen. This is done because of the regularity of posting so that regular readers can easily and immediately see and read what is new. Blog archives are published in the same manner, which is not usually much of an issue since individual posts tend to be quite atomistic and tend to link to other posts that may be relevant. However, though it is early days yet it is apparent to me here that there is some rhythm to the writing by virtue of the blog being very specifically tied to a focal text and theme, and so I think it is going to make more sense if archives, and possibly the collections of notes (gathered under the heading 'concepts') are published arranged in chronological order on their respective screens.

[Tue 17 Dec 2002]



HyperText Project

HyperText project



rmit communication studies

HyperText project

ISSN: 1327-4201

digital arts and culture conference 2003


current projects

student work



links to things

prizes and gongs



Cascading Style Sheet Validated

HTML 4.0 Validated


added the subject guide for this year's iteration of hypertext theory and practice.


digital arts and culture conference is coming to rmit school of applied communication in 2003.


have added the position paper for a digital narrative research cluster to the essay list.


this page is pretty much now dead. current news, activities and what nots are available via the blog page at

there will be very rare updates here, but don't expect a lot.


mark has left the country.... after a very successful series of events mark amerika has flown back to boulder after his visiting fellowship. a research publication derived from the symposium is underway.


internet artist mark amerika will be a visiting fellow at the school of applied communication and during 2002.


the seminar notes for the intermedia:uio designing design seminar are in the vlog.


have been invited to participate in a designing design seminar at the university of oslo.

have been invited onto the program committee of the acm hypertext 2002 annual conference

am a member of the editorial advisory board of a proposed new series on computing humanities.


have started a blog (vog blog: vlog).


outlines notes for two classes i took on hypertext literacy and virtual literacy at rmit.


"Hypertext structure as the event of connection" (available soon), picked up a gong as best new paper (the Ted Nelson award) at the annual hypertext talk fest HT01.


My paper (forthcoming) "hypertext structure as the event of connection" has been nominated for the Engelbart Award for best paper at HT01,


This year's iteration of Online Hypertext Theory and Practice to be delivered via MOO and blog....


Talan Memmott invites a vog to be published in his online hypermedia journal BeeHive (Volume 4 : Issue 2 June 2001);


HyperWeb invited to be exhibited in the opening online show - hipertekst - for Comm-UNITY "a recently launched online museum and information space created to explore net art exhibition and curation."


interview/discussion with mark amerika

net.dialogue #2

postcinematic writing


vog accepted for exhibition by the Digital Selection Committee of Thaw01


Established newmedia announcements list.

Send email to

subject blank

subscribe digest newmedia

in body

it is a daily digest, unmoderated, attachments excluded.


First assessment for HM331 Hypertext Theory and Practice available.


Added subject guide for Advanced Textual Studies: Reading Deleuze Reading Cinema.


updated the video on the singin' in the rain essay.


added a seminar on low end IT, education, and hyper-pedagogy, presented at the Institutt for medievitenskap, University of Bergen in December 2000.


moved the liner notes out of the vog - they seemed laboured and irrelevant. I've kept them locally though since they're handy. They're now located off the essays page, at


added liner notes for first vogs, by way of a readerly introduction.


reproduction of Hypertext Syntagmas: Cinematic Narration with Links, originally published in the Journal of Digital Information,


first critique on vog movement


vogma manifesto written

and at


summaries and evaluations of student projects and outcomes in HM344 Hypertext Production available


Minor restructure of the site. The description of what the HyperText project involves is available at


The vog (video blog) has been started and is available at


The notes from a paper given to Humanistic Informatics and the Institutt for medievitenskap (Department of Media Studies) at the University of Bergen is available at
Monday, 03-Mar-2003 16:28:18 EST
previous page

[Mon 10 Feb 2003]

A research blog come hypertext that is about Gilles Deleuze's cinema philosophy. Exegetical, pedagogical, writerly, (yes rhizomatic, though to claim hypertext is rhizomatic in the 21st century is a bit like declaring that water is wet). An experiment in method, process, and thought.

I'm Adrian Miles and I teach cinema, hypertext, and interactive cinema in the Media Studies degree program at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. I am a researcher in emergent media pedagogies at the InterMedia research lab, University of Bergen, Norway. [ |]

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.