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August 31, 2004

digital interactive video exploration and reflection

Diver is, as the title suggests, an unwiedly acronymn. Got this from the videoblogging list, is a very impressive piece of software that would be ideal for teaching cinema studies. Will send 'em an email tomorrow to find out more.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 06:20 PM | TrackBack

August 30, 2004

apple explanation of the Microsoft ActiveX component

This is straightforward. QuickTime should be enclosed by an object tag that has the classid for the QuickTime ActiveX component. It's a pain to do but necessary. The QTHTML tool writes this automatically by the way. This page documents this. The code looks something like:

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" WIDTH="160"HEIGHT="144" CODEBASE="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
<PARAM name="SRC" VALUE="sample.mov">
<PARAM name="AUTOPLAY" VALUE="true">
<EMBED SRC="sample.mov" WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="144" AUTOPLAY="true" CONTROLLER="false" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/">
</OBJECT> The structure is simple. This is compulsory:

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" WIDTH="160"HEIGHT="144" CODEBASE="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">

and then after that you write series of PARAM name="attribute" VALUE="value" pairs, always enclosed in their own tag. So for each value you add to the embed tag (controller, autostart, and so on) you must match it with a PARAM Value pair. The PARAM value is the embed tag attribute, for example "controller" and the value is the value given to that in the embed tag, for example "true".

Hence if I added loop="palindrome" in my embed tag I would need to write:
<PARAM name="loop" VALUE="palindrome">

Posted by Adrian Miles at 12:02 PM | TrackBack

qt file formats

For future reference, this is the page at Apple that lists all of the file formats that QuickTime supports. A misunderstood point about QuickTime, it is a media player, where media means media not medium.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 11:01 AM | TrackBack

teaching, the web, copyright

I'm teaching something that is going to be called Network Media (aka Networked Medias). It is a first year subject that every Media student has to do. Includes basic HTML, blogs, and shortly embedded time based media and DVD design. At the moment everyone is writing a series of web pages for assessment, and I'm being besieged by questions about what images found online can and can't be used in their work.

The short answer is that without explicit permission none. Which shocks everybody and turns into a litany of if everyone else does it why can't we. (Yes, I have said what my mother always said, "if they jumped in the lake would you jump in too?", and yes, it is as ineffectual now as it was then.)

Then I realised, after several days of patient explanation, that there was something very basic that I, and of course most of the students, had overlooked. All of semester one involved basic Photoshop, camera use, composition, and so on. So I sent the following to everybody. It now reads as unnecessarily harsh, though I have a lecture with them in 20 minutes so can deal with that then, but this is what I proposed:

1. we are teaching you to be knowledge producers, not consumers. stop acting like you have nothing to say.
2. so don't use other's images. make your own.
3. that's why semester 1 is editing, writing, reading media texts.
4. make your own.
5. it is your voice, your space. if you don't have things to say, find a course that doesn't assume and expect that you have a valuable contribution to make to the world.
6. make your own.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 09:07 AM | TrackBack

August 27, 2004

tutorial on how to export from iMovie using 3ivx

Sean has made a QuickTime video tutorial on how to export from iMovie using the 3ivx codec. This exports compliant MPEG4 and is a better codec than Apple's. The video tutorial is online in Sean's video blog, you need QuickTime 6 or better to view it.

Correction sent from Sean:

I would like to point out one inaccuracy though. The tutorial can be viewed with QT, Real, or Windows Media, and should be viewable with QT 5 or later (although I haven't tested with QT 5 in a while.) [received August 27]

Posted by Adrian Miles at 05:49 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Media Studies blog project

This is the informal non pr announcement. We (that is, me) have just set up blogs for every first year Media Studies student. At the moment most of them are linked from the subject blog, and from a couple of weeks ago I thought this was an optimistic start. This is part of the general curriculum review that has been undertaken in Media Studies, and it was decided to provide a blog for every student because: