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September 22, 2004

Anna in the paper

Anna is in today's Melbourne Age. She has a show opening this Friday and scored an 'entertainment' come 'arts' come 'interest' story in the A3 section of the paper. It is available online, but will disappear into the subscription only or pay only archive shortly.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 10:59 AM | TrackBack

September 21, 2004

3gp playing in QuickTime

3gp is the file format that is a subset of MPEG4, that is what mobile phones produce. This means that the video your mobile phone produces can be embedded into HTML. QuickTime 6 pro can produce video in this format as is, and QuickTime can be used to play back embedded content. A colleague had some problem making this work off our server so I wrote up an embed tag for them to make sure it works. The specific thing of interest in the embed tag I've written is the use of src and qtsrc. Src is the usual attribute that loads a QuickTime movie, but if you use a file in src that only QuickTime can read, for example a .mov or .qti file, and then put your actual video in the qtsrc attribute, this forces the content in the qtsrc attribute to be played by the QuickTime plugin. So this tag forces the QuickTime plug in to play the 3gp content, no matter what the mime type settings from the server, or in the client's browser, might say (though of course if they don't have QuickTime installed at all then you're buggered).

This is the embed tag I used, the getQT4.qti file is the QuickTime image format, a format that only QuickTime understands. If you want to get a copy of that file two compressed copies of it are available.

(btw, remember to strip out all the line breaks if you use the code below as your template.)



width="128" height="112"

Posted by Adrian Miles at 05:09 PM | TrackBack

AV blogs

Userplane: AV Mail is a web site that uses Flash to let account holders record audio and video and to then post that video into their sites. It has an elegant Flash interface, and is a brilliant example of the things that Flash facilitates. For the average punter with a camera hooked up to their 'puter this is very useful, but for those of us with FireWire and QTBroadcaster or any other simple app (iMovie works flawlessly), it is probably a complicated way to do something simple. It's in beta testing, though the email I received inviting me to participate doesn't say that it is closed or otherwise.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 05:05 PM | TrackBack

Lugano Variation One

I've just made a short brief vog. It uses footage from when I was hanging out with Lilia and Sebastian in Lugano during EdMedia 2004. I did a quick and dirty cut of the material together in Final Cut Express, then made a three panel movie in Live Stage Pro. Mousing into each of the video panes toggles its sound track on, and that's all that happens in this one. Light weight, quick, and sorta quirky. Less ponderous than the Lugano Train work from last week.

So, Lugano Vartiation One, is the work, it is 7.5MB which is above my usual size but I wanted some decent quality in the work. Lugano was beautiful, the company was excellent, and yes, as the name implies, I'm planning probably a couple more simple variations around this simple theme.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 09:12 AM | TrackBack

looking for work?

This is the official email that we've sent out, if you're interested in teaching here with us, read on...

The School of Applied Communication at RMIT University in Melbourne is looking for casual tutors in 2005 to teach subjects in Networked and Integrated Media. These subjects are designed to develop both practical and theoretical skills for the students taking them. They are also designed to be taught using a student-centred process based educational method. Those interested in these tutoring positions do not require prior experience in this approach to teaching but must be willing, with appropriate support, to engage with these ideas. An outline of the subjects can be found below. Tutoring work will be available in an intensive summer semester over January and February 2005, as well as in Semester 1 (Late February to June) and Semester 2 (July to October). Could anyone interested please email Leo Berkeley (LEO.BERKELEY@RMIT.EDU.AU ), attaching a CV.

Subject Information
Networked Media is a first year subject in the Bachelor of Communication (Media) degree. It has no prerequisities and assumes no prior knowledge in network media. The subject explores the practical and theoretical implications of the Internet for traditional conceptions of film, television, and radio. It will introduce a range of technical skills, including introductory Web design, networked writing, capturing, compressing and encoding media, placing this media online, and DVD design and authoring. The theoretical work undertaken will be an introduction to networks in the context of traditional media.

Integrated Media 1 is a second year subject in the Bachelor of Communication (Media) degree. It has Networked Media as a prerequisite. The subject provides a theoretical and applied foundation in the principles, problems and processes of contemporary networked interactive media. This includes emergent professional and social networks that are evident in contemporary distributed media (for example the Internet). The subject intends to assist students in developing a theoretical understanding of these networks in concert with practical application, including how to participate and represent themselves successfully and appropriately in such contexts.

Theoretically and practically the emphasis within Integrated Media 1 is on 'network literacy' which includes the ability to use, understand, represent yourself within, and utilise contemporary information networks. Students will participate within, while studying, the social nature of these network literacies, and the specific qualities of network ecologies.

Integrated Media 2 is a second year subject in the Bachelor of Communication (Media) degree. It has Integrated Media 1 as a prerequisite. Within Integrated Media 2, students are introduced in detail to the QuickTime media architecture. The emphasis is not on the specific software environment but on how to learn about a media architecture so that it can then be appropriated for critical and creative work. Students will develop skills in a specific interactive authoring environment, and extensive and detailed abilities in how to embed time based media in HTML. The major theoretical issues involved in interactive time based media, and the futures proposed by such work, will be explored in considerable detail. Students will be expected to show a high level of understanding of a key author in this field.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 09:06 AM | TrackBack

September 17, 2004

pinging blues

I've had a lot of trouble with pings lately, they just don't seem to get out. So I'm currently trying to see if it's a RMIT firewall problem or I've just got my settings the wrong way about.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 04:19 PM | TrackBack

Lugano train vog

This new vog is a minor departure from the recent ones that I've been making, which have all involved zooming and draggable movies. I'll return to those shortly. The Lugano train vog is a larger work, and is deliberately intended to be more polished than the everyday variety vogs. It has been embedded so that it plays within QuickTime player, primarily because it is 720 x 540 pixels in size and that just looks silly as an embedded movie in the vog.

There is a picture track that takes up all this space, which is made up of three jpegs. The jpegs are photos that relate to the trip to Lugano I had earlier this year (for the EdMedia conference). Embedded within this is the video track, which is the footage that I shot while travelling by train from Zurich to Lugano on one foggy, damp, afternoon. Mousing in to the video track progressively slows the video, to half, quarter, eighth normal speed. Clicking within the video restores the track to normal speed.

One child movie soundtrack loops, this is an announcement made during the train trip about which stations are coming up next, in German and Italian. This is only a short sound grab, and so this loops via the child movie track independently of the duration and play back speed of the parent movie.

I added a small sprite track that contains some hand written frame rates. This is to let the user know the effect of mousing in to the movie and indicates feedback as to what the behaviour is. Hopefully if the soundtrack is looping at this point they might also wonder how a movie can slow down the video rate but not affect the soundtrack. They're hand written because I just wanted something like my notebook going on, nothing fancy, nothing with that fancy Flash come vector aesthetic. There's nothing fancy with the scripting either. I could have written a script that retrieves the frame rate and presented that in a text track, but that just adds to the processor overheads. The way I've done it is to just attach it to the same sprite that counts mouse enters, and when it halves the frame rate it also just changes the image index for the second sprite.

Since the movie is targeting QuickTime Player I added a couple of buttons so that clicking one moves the movie into full screen mode, clicking the other moves the movie back to normal. After experimenting with this I changed the event to mouse in rather than mouse click, I much prefer the action of 'caressing' the surface of the object that the mouse in event produces, rather than the lugubrious 'click here' that makes us all into experimental subjects. Touch with the mouse, things happen.

There are three photo's in the movie as well, revealed simply by mousing around in there. Finding and displaying a photo has the effect of loading another child movie soundtrack, though I expect over a network this will not work because of the lag - mousing out stops the childmovie track and I don't think it will have time to start playing given network lag. If this is the case I'll rescript this a bit more so that mousing into and revealing a photo will play that soundtrack until you click. In fact, that's a better idea, so I'll do it now (insert sound of coding.......)

Ok, that only took 5 minutes. So, now if you click the photo then it stops that soundtrack and returns you to the other one. The three sound tracks I have added are rambling affairs, but suited to the medium. One is just remembering the train trip, one is thinking about thinking about place, and the other discusses my vog practice. This movie works much better if you take the download option...

Posted by Adrian Miles at 02:52 PM | TrackBack

September 16, 2004

teaching fatigue

This has been a big year (down here our teaching runs across two semesters, beginning end of February, mid year break, the second semester runs to mid October). Major curriculum change, innovation, new teaching models, and so forth.

While the first years (those who are the first to receive the new curriculum and methodology) are generally coping, and inspite of their protestations largely producing good work, it is time to start documenting much more regularly the sorts of things we've done.

Blogs. Well, every student has a blog. Which I do sometimes read, but in terms of assessment I have no intention of reading every blog post by each student through the year. That's insane. It hinders students and prevents them from believing that the space is 'theirs'. It also distorts the relevance of blogs since a key feature of them is that they are personal public networked writing spaces. So, how do we assess them? Don't know yet, but the first effort this semester in one subject will be to allow students to self nominate say ten entries. These are to be submitted to me via email and these will be the ten that I assess. Yes, I will also skim the blog to make sure that there are regular entries, and this will affect their final mark, but they are responsible for nominating entries.

An assessment matrix is provided that indicates the sorts of qualities an entry ought to have for each grade level (a high distinction entry would have qualities that ...) and a self assessment exercise is held where all students are able to evaluate a nominated entry against this matrix. This lets students concretise the grades in relation to their own work and demystifies what good, poor, and excellent work is.

The benefits of this are that my assessment load is identifiable and manageable. This is independent of how much writing a student may actually do in their blogs. Students are able to see and read the differences in quality between blogs and so the difference between best quality and worse quality work is easily recognisable. Students are able to assess their work against an explicit matrix and so are more easily able to recognise what they need to do to achieve the outcomes they desire. This also helps us model reflective practice more generally since these sorts of assessment activities require students to make explicit the qualities of their own work.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 05:12 PM | TrackBack


Some feathers yesterday when I commented on Jeremy Allaire's post. As I had mentioned in the email I was in a grumpy mood, but as Eli Chapman pointed out in email, the point is to generate critical mass around these distributed, applied, networked video appliances, and anyway of doing that is a good way. Happy to be corrected on that basis.

Ressentiment can be a bugger.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 04:48 PM | TrackBack

September 15, 2004

bleeding obvious

I got this via Steve Garfield on the videoblogging list:

Now that video can be produced cheaply and with reasonable production values, and now that it can be affordably distributed and perhaps even easily monetized, will we see an emerging new class of "video site producers" rather than classic textual content. In 1994 when the Web really emerged, it helped bring forth an explosion in the amount and richness of text that was produced and available globally. I believe we're at the front-end of a very similar curve in video, and this world / opportunity is not going to look very much like how we as consumers find, acquire and view video today. [Jeremy Allaire]

Am I the only one who thinks this is stating the bleeding obvious. Perhaps I should seek a job out there in startup technology land? If telcos and prosumer companies still haven't figured out that the revolution is not about consumption but about writing and reading, about making and watching, about publishing/distributing and consuming, then they ought to go broke. SMS, HTML, blogs. What do these three killer literacies have in common? That they're literacies and that they are as much about writing as reading (aside to North Americans: there around 500 billion SMS messages sent per year, and rising, in the US average is 13 per year per user, the monthly average of any young adult in Asia, Europe or Australia is at least 50 [source]). The paradigm shift is in literacies of production, letting us all become authors/makers/distributors. I spend more time writing my blog than reading others, I spend more time making vogs than viewing others, I spend more time writing email than reading email.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 11:47 AM | TrackBack

blogs and teaching

I'd mentioned here that we've started using blogs throughout our Media Studies program. They are to be used throughout the three years of their program, and not just as an adjunct (or more) for one particular course. They've been introduced into the second semester, largely because first semester introduced across most of their subjects the practice and discipline of journal writing (traditional journals).

Because it is integrated across the three years of the curriculum they have been introduced 'gently'. Which just means this semester they are to use their blogs more as traditional journals. We did set up blog rolls, turned on trackback, but there is no assessment or other expectation that they would have to read each other's blogs, comment on each other's writing, and so forth.

In second year blogs as social emergent networks will be foregrounded, amongst other things (wikis and more general social software networks), and it is at this point that inserting themselves very specifically into blogging as a specific practice will be expected.

Well, more fool I. Ducks to water. What is happening in their blogs is similar to what used to happen years ago when I first introduced students to email lists. Many are prolific writers, they are all reading each other's blogs (a conversation in class yesterday, I ask "How would you do x?" One student replies "Nico wrote about that in his blog" and proceeded to find the entry), linking to each other, and so on.

At the moment, as Ali observes (remember this is a first year student):

It seems to me that most people have started using their blogs to fulfill a socialising function. People have extended their friendships and personal relationships into their blogs, using it to discuss happenings and events, and generally gossip, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, its just another way of utilising the space.

Which does seem to be the case. There is a flurry of reading and writing that is impressive. Yes, it is primarily social, but remember, this is first year. This is helping develop community in the group, which is important as by third year we expect these students to be doing a lot of collaborative research and production work. It is also letting them own this space, and helping the students to develop their blog voices. There have been some issues, offensive or rude material, but to date I have not had to intervene and they have successfully negotiated these issues themselves. Which is as it ought to be.

Using blogs so broadly within an entire course is proving to be an interesting experiment, and to date certainly supports my initial hunches about its relevance and use.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 09:44 AM | Comments (0)

ecto beta

Ecto, the best blog client out there, now has a public release for the beta for version two. There are a heap of differences between ecto 1 and the new version, and it is beta software. Follow the instructions, keep backups, and try it out.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 09:06 AM | TrackBack

September 13, 2004

quicktime media links

Last week I wrote a crude guide to how to write a QuickTime media link file. This is something you could make in QuickTime Player Pro and it provides a file that you can then use as a text link to put on your web page. Clicking the link has the effect of launching QuickTime Player, loading your movie, and if you set the preferences the right way, it will play full frame.

(The whole point of QuickTime Media Link files is so that you can provide a text link to play a QuickTime movie from, but in the usual way of such things in QuickTime it also lets you do quite a few other things too.)

So, as promised, here's the next bit of information about qtl files. If you use a text editor to open the .qtl file that you generated using QuickTime Player you'll see that it is just plain old xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-media-link"?>

What this means for practical (very practical) purposes is that instead of having to use QuickTime Player to generate your .qtl files you can just use this script. Substitute urlofmovie.mp4 for the url of the video that you want to play, and the above script, if written in a text editor and saved as .qtl will work just as well. That is seriously cool. It also makes it trivial for anyone to generate movies that play full screen (but don't confuse full screen with 'all of the screen', full screen can mean that QuickTime player takes all of your screen, but still presents your movie in its original size - it's up to you).

Posted by Adrian Miles at 11:06 AM | TrackBack

September 09, 2004

dear john

From Lisa:

Dear Colleagues,

If you are a fan of what Howard and Nelson are doing to Australian Education please disregard this email. If you have had enough, please help us to spread the word of www.dearjohn.org by forwarding this email to other academics and letting your students know about our site.

Dear John was initiated by young Australian designers interested in how, in these post-political times, they could motivate their peers to defeat Howard in the upcoming elections. From the beginning the site set out to explore new communication strategies for engaging young people in conversations about politics. Although united by a common agenda to defeat Howard, the designers do not push which party to vote for, but use free downloads of t-shirt transfers, screen savers, badges and stickers to get young people sharing and talking about socio-political issues.

Central to the idea behind Dear John is the notion that networked communities will use the internet, email and mobile phones to pass on material they like. So although the downloads are critical to getting people talking (we have already had amazing responses from people seen out wearing the t-shirts), we need traffic to the site in the first instance to link the community around Australia.

I have attached an A4 flyer for noticeboards, toilet doors or fridges that directs people to the site and a one-page background document if you are interested in discussing the site with your students. At the site (www.dearjohn.org/dearjohn_mediaKit.html) there is also a media kit and further announcement postcards if you have contacts that might want to help us dump slippery John.

Best, Lisa


director studio anybody
research coordinator graphic design RMIT

Posted by Adrian Miles at 11:17 AM | TrackBack

September 08, 2004

an abstract

Jeremy and I are writing a paper about network literacies and education for the European Journal of Higher Arts Education. We've just put the abstract up in knetlit.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 04:07 PM | TrackBack

qtvr to dv

QTVR recorder is a shareware application for OS X that takes a QTVR panorama and then lets you export it to DV for editing in your video program. What would be really nifty would be to go the other way, though I guess if you took a 360° pan you could slice that up pretty easily to make a pano....

Posted by Adrian Miles at 11:00 AM | TrackBack

open access journals

Directory of open access journals
is hosted by the University of Lund (Sweden) library and lists academic journals that have an open access policy. This means that they do not charge for subscription, and they do have to meet academic criteria of peer review.

Academic journal publishing is big business. But weird. Academics traditionally write material for free, review it for free, then pay a lot of money for the publication. As academics we provide most of the intellectual property (for free) but seem to think it is ok for publishing houses to then make money from this. Once upon a time there wasn't much choice - you needed printing presses and the like to publish academic work. Now with the net we don't need books or journals. We can print it online. It is cheaper, faster, easier. It also means that we don't need publishers. Hence initiatives like this.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 10:36 AM | TrackBack

time based media references

University of New South Wales - Library Home - Time-Based Art Subject Guide - Journals is the brief (!) title of a page put together by the College of Fine Arts in Sydney which lists a pile of references for time based media. Has extensive list of journals including links.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 10:23 AM | TrackBack


PAGEot is a very simple and beautifully realised application for writing QuickTime embed tags. Where it shines is that it writes the object tag required for Internet Explorer on Windows, including all the parameters that are needed. It also provides access to most of the attributes that QuickTime recognises in the embed (and object) tag. So you can write an embed tag that not only does the generic things like making the controller visible, autoplay etc, but things like href (ideal for poster movies), ahref, full screen mode, hidden (useful for small midi soundtracks) and so forth. One of those small incredibly useful utitlities that becomes the swiss army knife for QT embedding in HTML. (Found via Steve Garfield.)

Posted by Adrian Miles at 10:07 AM | TrackBack

September 07, 2004

into the blogosphere

Been here a while ago but apparently didn't note it down. Into the Blogosphere is an online publication about blogs that issued an open call for papers and then developed a panel of reviewers around the received submissions. And of course it is published as a blog publication. Very good collection of useful material.

Will be returning here shortly as I've got some research around blogging that I need to do.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 06:24 PM | TrackBack

September 06, 2004

valley vog

Made a small vog over the weekend. Took me hours but only because I opened an existing project, went save as with a new name and tried to use that. Nothing worked and took me two and a half hours to figure out I should just start from scratch. Then took thirty minutes go to whoa. I've struck that before actually, duplicating a project in LiveStage seems to cause problems, much better off just starting a new project from scratch.

Valley vog was shot on my 2 megapixel Canon ixus. There are a couple of photos and then two video panes alongside each other. Mousing into either causes them to zoom, mousing out restores to original dimensions. Unlike the last couple this one you can't move around, though I'll do that with another one I'm about to start working on. It is just stuff I grabbed while visiting Anna's parents in the Latrobe Valley. Quick, off the cuff, a voggers vog. I also added a longer soundtrack, which plays as a child movie. This lets me have the soundtrack as long as I need, since it plays independently of the parent movie, and the soundtrack and the parent movie both loop.

The soundtrack talks about visiting Peter and Joan (Anna's parents) and the valley. Also why there are four peugeot's all in a line. I think this is something I've learnt from the American' videobloggers. If they really are going to be vogs then I need to use them much more informally to document, discuss, and play with what they're about and recording. Day to day, quotidian and so on. Just say it, plenty to say, plenty to do.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 05:29 PM | TrackBack


Quicktiming.org is a web site devoted to all things QuickTime. There's a RSS feed available, and it has articles, tutorials, resources, reviews and directories - I'm just reading across the navigation menu there. Contains a glossary of terms, information about codecs, and some very useful tools including the QuickTime Deployment Kit version 2, QT HTML for OS X, PHP QuickTime Reference Movie Generation (that sounds like it would be useful for some online projects).

Posted by Adrian Miles at 01:31 PM | TrackBack

electronic dissertations

RMIT's library has established an electronic dissertation service. It is part of the Australian Digital Theses Program. This is a good initiative, and helps to disseminate postgraduate research. What I was confused about when I first heard of these programs was that the work being placed in such repositories were traditional theses, just published electronically. I had thought that they were what I think of as electronic theses, work that can only be realised electronically - computationally specific academic work, if you prefer (you probably don't, but I do). It's good for delivery, it is not the shift in thinking that networks, computers, hypermedia introduces. The RMIT service has information available.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 01:30 PM | TrackBack

September 03, 2004

how to make a full screen QuickTime movie

There are several ways you can make a full screen QuickTime movie, though quite a few of them require additional tools (such as Cleaner, Livestage Pro, and the like). However, one simple way is to use QuickTime Pro, which yes, does cost money, but as I've written about here regularly, it provides access to a lot of very useful things (easy MPEG4 compression, simple editing, making poster movies, adding text tracks, and so on).

So, this is how you can make a QuickTime list movie that will let people play your movie full screen:

  1. make your movie (however you normally do this)
  2. upload your movie to your webserver
  3. open QuickTime player and open your movie in QuickTime Player
  4. Do not open the movie directly but open via the Web (you need to do this so that when the qtl file is made it has the correct URL)
  5. Make sure the movie doesn't start playing at it is at the beginning of your movie
  6. Select File export
  7. In the resulting window select Movie to QuickTime Media Link, and click the Options button
  8. The following window contains various parameters that can be set. These are all the same things that can be done via the embed tag (pretty much) but they will end up embedded in the qtl file.
  9. The first URL field should contain the URL of the video (where it resides online)
  10. In type enter movie/quicktime, this is mime type information
  11. You can ignore Name and ID, these are for intermovie communication
  12. Volume lets you set a volume (which can be varied if the controller is visible)
  13. Autoplay means the movie will start playing as soon as it is able
  14. Loop lets you set whether the movie returns to the beginning and plays again, or not (not useful if you've gone full screen)
  15. The fullscreen drop down menu has the options we're interested in, make your choice
  16. Don't select playeveryframe, this will mute your soundtrack (QuickTime needs to drop frames to maintain sync)
  17. If you've selected full screen then there will be no controller no matter what you select for controller
  18. Quit when done means QuickTime player will quit when the movie is finished and return your visitor to their browser (seriously useful if you've selected a full screen mode)
  19. QT next is only if you want to load a second film after the first
  20. HREF is for a url which will be the destination if the movie is clicked on while it is playing
  21. Once you've made your choices click OK
  22. Name your file as name.qtl

Place the qtl file on your webserver and then include a link to it on your webpage. Ideally write a text link that points to the qtl file, for example <a href="file.qtl">click to play full screen</a> and voilà.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 05:29 PM | TrackBack

September 02, 2004

video comments version 1

Andreas Haugstrup has built a nice collection of scripts that writes a SMIL file. It begins with his video confession and then will play subsequent clips (published by others to his server via the upload). A first version of a light weight video comment engine. Trés kewl, and gongs a plenty to Andreas. I wonder if we can get him to write the SMIL so it just loads video from other's videoblogs?

It's neat, and what I really like about it is that it is light weight. Bit of code, bit of scripting, and as a community we can start to make this sort of thing happen. This is the model of distributed collaboration, community, and emergent standards.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 04:54 PM | TrackBack

honours research project

Peter Saunders is an honours student here at RMIT. He's doing research into the psychology of blogging. The online survey is at: http://weblearn.rmit.edu.au/surveys/blog/ if you're interested. Takes about ten minutes.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 04:37 PM | TrackBack

vog roll 3

Have just put up a test version of vogroll 3.0. This is a draft work-in-progress only. Basically I've just stuck 5 numbers into the video and mousing in to each number loads a child movie. The child movies all reside elsewhere, all are in North America except number 4, which I'm hosting here.

As you mouse in, a request is made to retrieve the video from its source, where ever that may be, and to play it within the parent movie. What this means is that those who what to be in the vog roll can host their own content on their own servers. It can be as long as they wish. And it can be changed as often as they wish. As long as the url is intact.

The big issue is network latency of datarate. The child movies need to load as soon as possible so movies must be fast start, but also compressed to very low data rates. For the test they average 4 Kbytes a second, but I think it might need to be lower. One possibility is to have a sound track only movie which plays while an appropriate graphic is displayed.

Once we work out appropriate data rates, then people will be invited to shoot and compress their video (I'll probably make a tutorial describing how to compress it down hard enough), the urls of the videos get sent to me with the url of the video blog (that is where the user goes to when they click on each entry).

This work is a good example of vogging. The source material is distributed and can be called from anywhere, the parent movie (which is only 16kb) is just a 'container' for this other material. What I really like is how the other material is owned by its owner (duh). Want a 60 minute intro to yourself in the vogroll, go for it.

Posted by Adrian Miles at 03:42 PM | TrackBack