The Hiroshima Project:Guided Tour:Effects:Arms Race:Armament:USA:Labs

Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers 1995

Department of Defense

Office of the Secretary of Defense

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA
Logistics Management Institute, McLean, VA (2)
National Defense Research Institute (RAND Corp. (3)), Santa Monica, CA
C31 Federally Funded Research and Development Center (MITRE Corp. (4)), Bedford, MA and McLean, VA

Department of the Navy

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Center for Naval Analyses, Alexandria, VA

Department of the Air Force

Administered by universities and colleges (5)
Lincoln Laboratory (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lexington, MA

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA
Project Air Force (RAND Corp. (3)), Santa Monica, CA

Department of the Army (6)

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Arroyo Center (RAND Corp. (3)), Santa Monica, CA

Department of Energy (7)

Administered by industrial firms
Energy Technology Engineering Center (Rockwell International Corp.), Canoga Park, CA
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (Lockheed Idaho Technologies, Inc.), Idaho Falls, ID
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.), Oak Ridge, TN
Sandia National Laboratory (Sandia Corporation which is a subsidiary of Martin Marietta, Inc.), Albuquerque, NM
Savannah River Laboratory (Westinghouse Electric Corp.), Aiken, SC

Administered by universities and colleges (5)
Ames Laboratory (Iowa State University of Science and Technology), Ames, IA
Argonne National Laboratory (University of Chicago), Argonne, IL
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Associated Universities, Inc.), Upton, Long Island, NY
Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (Southeastern Universities Research Association), Newport News, VA
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Universities Research Association, Inc.), Batavia, IL
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (University of California), Berkeley, CA
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (University of California), Livermore, CA
Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratory (University of California), Los Alamos, NM
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Inc.), Oak Ridge, TN
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (Princeton University), Princeton, NJ
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (Leland Stanford, Jr. University), Stanford, CA

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute (Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute), Albuquerque, NM
National Renewable Energy Research Laboratory (Midwest Research Institute (8)), Golden, CO
Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Batelle Memorial Institute), Richland, WA

Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

Administered by industrial firms
NCI Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center (Program Resources, Inc.
Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Inc.
Charles River Laboratories, Inc.
Data Management Services, Inc., Frederick, MD

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Administered by universities and colleges (5)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (California Institute of Technology), Pasadena, CA

National Science Foundation

Administered by universities and colleges (5)
National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (Cornell University), Arecibo, PR
National Center for Atmospheric Research (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), Boulder, CO
National Optical Astronomy Observatories (Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (9)), Tucson, AZ
National Radio Astronomy Observatories (Associated Universities, Inc.), Green Bank, WV

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Critical Technologies Institute (RAND Corp. (3)), Washington, DC

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (Southwest Research Institute), San Antonio, TX

Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (MITRE Corp. (4)), McLean, VA

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Administered by other nonprofit institutions (1)
Tax Systems Modernization Institute (IIT Research Institute), Lanham, MD

(1)That is, other than universities and colleges.
(2)Logistics Management Institute moved from Bethesda, MD to McLean, VA in May 1994.
(3)The following portions of the RAND Corporation are FFRDCs: Project Air Force, National Defense Research Institute (formerly Defense/Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), the Arroyo Center and the Critical Technologies Institute. All other agency support to RAND is reported under "other nonprofit institutions excluding FFRDCs."
(4)Only the C31 Federally Funded Research and Development Center and the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development parts of The MITRE Corporation are FFRDCs. All other agency support to MITRE is reported under "other nonprofit institutions excluding FFRDCs."
(5)Includes university consortia.
(6)The Department of the Army decertified the Institute for Advanced Technology (University of Texas), Austin, TX as an FFRDC in November 1993.
(7)The Department of Energy decertified Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory as FFRDCs in October/November 1992.
(8)In September 1991 the name was changed from Solar Energy Research Institute.
(9)Since February 1984 this center includes three former FFRDCs: Serro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Kitt Peak National Observatory and the National Solar Observatory (formerly Sacramento Peak Observatory).
For further information contact Mary V. Burke, Science Resources Studies Division, Science and Engineering Activities Program, National Science Foundation, (703) 306-1772. 10/18/94

Source of above document

See also: Active U.S. Nuclear Weapons Production and Naval Nuclear Propulsion Facilities