@@@@@@@@@The world is everything that is the case...//~.``.......What is the case, the fact, is the existence of atomic facts._aaaaaaa~^^^^......//he logical picture of the facts is the thought.``````......^^^^^^~~~~~~< <<<<&lThe thought is the significant proposition.......^^^^^^~~~~~~ <~~~~~~~~~^^^Propositions are truth-functions of elementary propositions.
(An elementary proposition is a truth-function of itself.)
Y_^^^.^......````(( `3B@@@@@$@@@$B8.......^^^^^~ ~^The general form of truth-function is: [, , N()]br> ^^^^^^.............``````^C8%%CThis is the general form of proposition. ^...............```````/88gBWhereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. ........``````````````V88@BB033%0$$g( g@@@B0@@%%G@$g@@@@```````.... ...`.`````````````` .3GgB@8Gg8<~/Cg0BTHIS_IS_@@@3C/Gg03/V@$@BGG8883/<... ```````````````` `V8G0B8G388(/CB880MY_WORLD@@@8$8/V3C%C/%B@ONTOLOGY@@@@@ONTOLOGY `````````` ` `GG8g8BCB@GCVC$$gG$@ONTOLOGY@@@@@V80%%BC%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ``````ONTOLOGY____`gg0BB@g/<</gVG(<008G(VG0$@@@@@@@8CV//V8g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ```` ` .8gBBB$g(^%C/VCG<@$G8.`````````8$gGGG888@@........`<//VV ONTOLOGY <G80B$$0/<%%VVG8/B8gg<` ``` `$@@@V///VV@@@%....```<///V ONTOLOGY /%8gB$@@@BgVVVVCG@Bgg83/` 3$@@@@@@@@(<<(@@@@@@@@@$8(</VVV V8g%8B$@$@$BgVVVC%g@BgB0BThe world is the totality of facts, not of things. `^/gB$B$$$$@@B$$$.^The world divides into facts. gB$@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@G@@The world is determined by the facts, and by these begin all the facts. /g$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@8_to_exist_in_some_area_of_interest_and 8g$@@@@@$@@@@$@@@@@@@@@@@_the_relationships_that_hold_among_them_ 8B$@@@@@@@@$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /B$@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@@@@@@BB$$$$%g0@B@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ g$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@$@@@@8B$(~` `<$$@$B$@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ g$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BB@@@@@@B80(gg~.(%08$@B$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@ g$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$$@@@@@/%/. ` .^(`.8@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ g$$@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@$@@@@@$@/~ ^^.^`g$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ g$@@@@@@@@$G@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0<` An atomic fact is a combination of objects (entities, things). gB@@@@@@@@@gV$$@$@@@@@@@@@@$$$@(~. `@@@@@@@For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case. g$@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@The facts in logical space are the world.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ g$@@@@@@@$$@$@@@@@@@@@@@C^<^~~<<< ^//VVGCV@@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@ .^$@@@@@@@$$$$$$$<<(/VV/~~~^~<^<<(~ ```<<<//CG(@g^//@@@@@@@For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case. `^.^(< .(~(<.. `..<////C@@ONTOLOGY@@@@ ````We make to ourselves pictures of facts. ...``.~<<<//@@@@@@ONTOLOGY gBB@@@@$$$$B@C ` ./^^~~/V/G@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@ @@@@@@$$$$$@@ <///` %/<(<(30@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@ /(8B@@@$@$$$B@@ (V// g3V@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@ G8Vg$g0@@@$$$BB$/ $@@@@@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@ /8V<8B$B$g/<` 88 g@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@ /8 88<V(<<B( @@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@ <G G<%B/<<<^0B g@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ```` G 3 0B<<<<<$ @@@@@@@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@ ``````G V`00<<<<@$ ````~@@ONTOLOGY@@@@@@@@@@@@ ``````G V`g/(<<<<<<<< ~<` ` ^`.~g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@VCC ``````8 V`g(/(<<<<<<<<0g.` `` .`.~C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%CC .....`8 V`gV/((<<<<<<<<g<`` ``.` ^`^<0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`</@%CC ^.^...8 V`%%((<<<<<<<(////.` ``... `~.~/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B.(VVCC3 ^^^^^^8 V..gV((<<<((((V~~(((^.`` `.^^^ ^^^<V@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^./VVCC3 VVV3VV8 C`C$B//<<<((/VV~^ (<<~.```..^^^^ <~^<0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^^VVVC33 VVV3C8g %/V%0////(///C<~. <<<<^..`..^^~~///V^^/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^~VVCC3% VVVCg00` %CCC0C///V3VV3%^` <<<<~^.`.<<3^^^~(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^<VC333% VVV%gV0^`%3CC80V//C888C%<` <<<<(<(CV~<(V@@@@8@@@@@@@@@@@@~<CC33%% ~(00/<0^`%3C3%BV/////VVg<.` .VCVV(<V3@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@<~~<CC3%%G </00((0^.088G8g%VVVVVVVB<.` <////V8@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@<<<<CC%%%8 </gB((B<V(....0BCVVVVVV@B^ ` ``` /@@@@@@@@0$@@@@@@@@@@<<<(%C3%GG <V0B//$<^G/V((gBCVVVVCC8@@@. `` ~B@@@@@@@@@<0@@@@@@@@@@(((VB%%G88 (V0BV/$/~8/V//B@%CVVV3%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(V$@@@@@@@@BCCVC0%GG88 /3B$VV$V~gVC//$$%CVVC%GG@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0(/@@@@@@@@@@///GB%G888 V3B$VV$3<gVCV/@$%%%3C88g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(/V@@@@@@@@@$VVV$@8888g
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^ ` `(V/(.~( ~ ` `~V8^ ~%(^ </// %/< ^<^.` ` 3:/V^ `/^~ (~<(^ V `(%C `g8C ~~< ~~<~.` G(G^ ^<< `^< ` ^ 3%008Bg0B0 / ` BBB0B0Bg88G%/ ~ ^ <% `X <V000g88g0V ` ^ 8B00$000B000B0 ^` ^< :V` `g0000000000BB00 <.`:~^ ^^` <~ `~<<< ` ~^ V/ ^/ `<~<( <^.V<X` ` X0BBC 80$(/< `~<<< The object is simple.$$BB8/X (0$BB$00g0B(VX<(( In the atomic fact objects hang one in another, like the links of a chain.t;< `<<C0g0$$B@$B0B@/808GV@8^ VgX~(BB0B%008<</$%0@g@$0@0@@$$$$$ It is clear that however different from the real one an imagined world may be, it must have something -- a form -- in common with the real world.3@%@@C0$$$@@$@@@@@ /G$%8g@3XCC8/CV `<XVVG <^X/V/V/X%0$0X@$$$B$B@@@$@@ /8@8B3g%3VX// <` ` <X@00$$$B@$@@$ Vg83B%%V :X@%@@$@@@@$% 8V<%//8VXX$$^ <X/B@@@@@@@VGg ``/CG33X/$$ .8GB$8$$@$$@X<~ 8.383G3G3@@ <G0gg$@8$$$$$X%$ .(33G8VXCVX3X </G8g@%@$0G00g0%<<~ < `GCVC ` `XX%/XVg88V0C8G0$0B@(<<~ / VVCV//VXgG83BB@@@$@(<(< The totality of existent atomic facts is the world.; he totality of existent atomic facts also determines which atomic facts do not exist.t; < ` 3 `` 3 VXVV/g8%%30080@$@$(::( ~ <^ ` ~<g%/G3B0%0$B00$Gg/<(< ~ (` ` g388%$0gXg8B$B8$$C((< ^ <` ` ` G8B%C00GC0000 `VC<(( ` . ` ` ` ``^ 0B$$$%B$00$Bg `<<(/< ^ (` ` ` `^ <$g$08$0$0$@0C .~<(// . `^^` ` `^.^^ ($@B0Bg@0$0BB. ^^<(<( <<~<<<` ^/^.`` ^~^ $$$0$g0gBB@B$< <<((X/ ^<~<</` ^<</^~^.` ^^^ X0<$$$$B@@$@$B <<///( <<<(<(` ~<((<^^^^.`^^ ^VV($@@@B$0@@0$ ~://XV `/`` The existence and non-existence of atomic facts is the reality. Objects form the substance of the world. Therefore they cannot be compound.
(The existence of atomic facts we also call a positive fact, their non-existence a negative fact.) next | back ` <C``. <<<:3~^^^<<<</ 0B8/(X@@@8B@$$/ (<//VC ``:3^^` <<<~<((<< This fixed form consists of the objects. Substance is what exists independently of what is the case. ``X8^^^ /<<<<<((/^ CXB$$B$0 (/@$@$$$@$(` ``V(/XX3 `^/8<~~` ^<^.`8/<~<((/V88( `XB3BG$$B(``X@@@0$@@B^~^^:%XXV3V ^^V%(<<~ <~^<<g//<<<(C30%08@B$8C30G800B08@@B$$@$$@^^^<@@@B@@$B^^^^/VVXX%C (<Vg<<((` :<^^^XX/(<</XV0B0$$@B0080$0@gB0%$@$@@$$@8^^<<@$@$@@@@^^<<VVVV%%C <(C0:(:/``<<<(XCXX/(/C88ggB@$@@@g@0$$@$@@@@@$@$@@g0^~~X@$@@@@@0<^<<~VXV3%%
Ontology is the theory of objects and their ties. existent and non-existent,
The unfolding of ontology provides criteria
for distinguishing various types of objects (concrete and abstract,
real and ideal, independent and dependent)
and their ties (relations, dependences and predication).
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@____________________________next | back
The picture has the logical form of representation in common with what it pictures.