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Fri, 22 Dec 2006

Dr. Ninja Reviews

Dr. Ninja, aka Paper Rod, aka Retard Riot aka, wait thats it, it feels like he has 20 names, but i
guess thats it, anyway, Noah, has started a really really good web page of reviews. They are
really funny and insightful. Here he is talking about our new DVD:

Paper Rad - "Trash Talking" dvd
Music, Movies, Art - admin on December 21, 2006 at 11:37 pm

Have you ever heard trash talk? I mean...have you ever really listened to your garbage? Look at all
your stuff. Trash. Why do we have it and why is it here? The answer may be found in your U2
iPod, in the Russian Nintendo video bootleg file. Sorry, let me start again. Do you want a
snack...some chips? Some wedges? We have along way to go in this review...DVDly speaking. Sorry,
we're out of sauce enablers. Anyways, where was I? Oh yes...trash talking. Trash poses the
question: "What is the new shape in entertainment? What is the new entertainment shape?" Hmmm... Where's Tux
Dog? He's a detective, I'm sure he could find the answer. I can't find him anywhere. Hello?
What?? Google's been hacked?!?...Better ask Jeeves. Hmmmmm, let's Hey
Raphe! Have you been using your 2megabit magic memory stick in my USB port? Something's wrong
here. Nuclear winter wrong... What? You think it's broke? You think the internets broke? No, you
don't have to hit save when you're done using the internet. Just close your eyes and make
believe... and you can be at Fort Thunder! Paper Rad hasn't turned on anything that wasn't
already off.

anyway, read the last sentence of this review, and more at:

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