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'Chant to the OAS' (open)
'If he thinks he can' (anonymous, 2000)
Amazon letters (Daniel Arp et al., 2000)
'There's a family' (Monsanto, 1999)
'I like markets' (Robert Litan, 1998)

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'Chant to the OAS' World / Corporate Poetry
This 2001 winner of the Corporate Poetry Contest, submitted by Jason Hasai and selected by the WTO's own Dr. Andreas Bichlbauer, is "Chant to the OAS," to be found in the "Children's Corner" of the Organization of American States website:

The OAS, the OAS
Is a success, I must confess!
It helps us all achieve our dreams
Because it supports important themes
Its main concern is democracy
So all our citizens can live strong and free
It always fights for human rights
And its work for peace has reached important heights
What a sensation are its programs on education
Not to mention its assistance to electoral observation
Preserving the environment has always been a priority
And endless programs are advanced to eliminate poverty
is important to increase prosperity
And the promotion of culture, art and science is necessary for posterity
The fight against drugs is a serious matter
While arms control, security and terrorism are as important as the latter
Protecting women and children is a must
And our labor initiatives will never rust
We are constantly praised for our defense of indigenous populations
In the same manner that we support telecommunications
The Convention on Corruption that we signed
Is as significant as the territory that we’ve so successfully demined
Developing technology helps improve our lives
Just as fostering tourism brings good vibes
Our task with ports is of great stature
And we always make sure to promote leadership and valor
Hemispheric Summits
and civil society
Are finally the two initiatives that have given us so much notoriety
The OAS, the OAS
Is a success, I’m proud to stress!

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