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'If he thinks he can' (anonymous, 2000)
Amazon letters (Daniel Arp et al., 2000)
'There's a family' (Monsanto, 1999)
'I like markets' (Robert Litan, 1998) (open)

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'I like markets' (Robert Litan, 1998) World / Corporate Poetry / 1998 winner
Robert Litan, Brookings Institution, 1998 winner. Click here to see the author reading his winning entry on The Charlie Rose Show.

I like markets.
This is what markets are for.
They sort out winners and losers,

and if you look at the non-financial sector,
you've got a lot of deals that go through,
marriages last,

if they don't last they get divorced,
but I think in the process
there's a lot of rough-and-tumble.

I agree that people will lose their jobs,
that's true outside the financial sector,
but at the end of the day, it seems to me

more vigorous competition
and the search for the right combination
will benefit consumers.

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