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'If he thinks he can' (anonymous, 2000)
Amazon letters (Daniel Arp et al., 2000)
'There's a family' (Monsanto, 1999) (open)
'I like markets' (Robert Litan, 1998)

Learn more about CARD Project CARD: On your son's execution...
'There's a family' (Monsanto, 1999) World / Corporate Poetry / 1999 winner
Monsanto Corporation, 1999 winner. Click here to view the original animated version of this poem. Sent in by The Institute for Applied Autonomy.

There's a family that lives here.
A family that's lived here for thousands of years,
getting to know the land
and the oceans
and the sky above.
    A family
of six billion people.
Each unique, yet identical to all
those who have gone before.
    A family
with hope - for today
and for the future.
There's a family that lives here.
    A family
of six billion, each
with the possibility of living
longer and healthier
through the discovery
    we, the people
        of Monsanto
             have just begun.

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