Avatar Body Collision presents

s w i m

an exercise in remote intimacy

swim - brisbane

Performance of 'swim' at Magdalena Australia;
photographer: Suzon Fuks

"SWIM was a provocative multimedia show that had a good response and communication with the audience, through language of new technology but also warm energy and good humor. It represents a creative experiment in the crossing the borders between theatre and cyberspace. It is also stimulating example for performance artists to explore in that direction. It was our pleasure to have it on the program of the Festival."
Jadranka Adjelic, Director, ANET Festival

"s w i m – an exercise in remote intimacy" is a collage of immersive images, splashy flirtations, wet moments and deep encounters between fleshy cyber bodies that delves into the possibilities and problems of intimacy without physical proximity.

s w i m is approximately 30 minutes long and is performed on stage and screen by four performers. Three of the performers appear via the internet using cross-platform chat applications ivisit and the Palace.

s w i m is breath-taking, side-splitting, erotic and chaotic.

If you are interested in hosting a performance of s w i m,
check the techspecs then email the Colliders:
colliders [ät] avatarbodycollision.org