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Untitled #29.95 Past projects / Ongoing projects / Untitled #29.95
In something of a departure from its usual focus on strictly corporate issues, ®TMark has agreed to sponsor an anonymous group of video activists in calling for high-priced, limited-edition art videos, many of which sell for thousands of dollars, to be "liberated" from private commercial galleries and made available free at this location.

The video about the "Untitled #29.95" program can be viewed or purchased at a commercial distributor. The video activists can be contacted at

The videographers write:

Why should only wealthy people have access to the important ideas in art?

"Untitled #29.95" is a video about video. It is a story about the 60s when video was first used by artists and activists. It is a story about reproduction. It is a story about money and about public vs. private. And it is about who controls art.

It is also a call to action.

"Untitled #29.95" tells the history of the commercial art establishment's attempt to turn video into an object like sculpture or painting in order to increase its value in the marketplace.

Then, in an act of cultural charity worthy of Robin Hood, "Untitled #29.95" calls for high-priced limited edition videos to be "liberated" from commercial art galleries and given to the internet.

Share the ware.

"Untitled #29.95" is in several video festivals across the world, thus earning considerable cultural returns for project investors. Here is one article (among many) about this endeavour.

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