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Bush on the scourge of advertising Past projects / GWBush.com / The content / Madison Ave.
May 20, 1999

Citing an advertising campaign for Diesel Jeans, Bush declared that the mainstream fashion advertising industry "promotes violence and degrades women," and he has gone so far as to take legal action against a website for reprinting the ads, which he has described as "porn."

"This is one of those non-partisan issues that I want to make great strides on when I'm president," Bush said. "I envision a broad-based coalition of anti-pornography activists both from the Feminist Left and the Christian Right. We have to get this type of brain-jogging smut out of American magazines."

Bush pointed out that young children are often exposed to such magazines. "Jeb and I used to spend a lot of time looking through Mom's Vogue and Cosmo when she and Dad weren't around. If this kind of advertising trash had been printed back then, who knows how messed up we would be today!"

Stay tuned for a bold new GWBush.com policy initiative targeting advertising, which includes a proposed repeal of the infamous "money = speech" Supreme Court decision which allows corporations to lobby and advertise almost without restriction.

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