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The Mutual Funds
Projects added April 2-14, 2003
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Why should I invest? New projects / Investing in projects / Why invest?
If you believe the urgency of positive social change requires novel means, ®TMark may be for you. All investments are gladly accepted, whether they be for $5 or $50,000. You can earmark your investment any way you like--for one project, all projects, or any set of projects of your choosing. Plus, many investments are eligible for premiums that can pleasantly remind you again and again of your commitment to excellence.

Here are some reasons we believe you should consider investing in ®TMark:

  • Though most of our donors have chosen to remain anonymous (and we respect that desire completely), you can choose not to. Being associated with a project you consider worthwhile can bring a great deal of satisfaction--of a type that is not available elsewhere at any price.
  • Your money will go a long way. Typically, anything from $1,000 to $5,000 suffices to fund a large project. Even much smaller projects under our aegis are practically guaranteed coverage in the media, thanks to ®TMark's name recognition and our public relations department, which uses the very latest in corporate PR techniques.
  • ®TMark can give you more mileage for your contribution than could a larger organization. You can see your contribution immediately on our projects list, and you can see the results in the news. We maintain a thorough clipping service, and we will be happy to send you hard copies of the articles about your project(s) when they come out; they will also be available for all to see on our site.
  • While other causes (AIDS research, environmental lobbying, etc.) may be equally valid, they are older and more widely understood than ®TMark; they are seen as "safe investments" and their base of contributors is already quite large.
An investment in ®TMark is an investment in culture.
  • In all matters, when you send funds to ®TMark, you are an investor in ®TMark (with cultural dividends rather than strictly fiduciary rewards).
  • Just like an investor in stocks, you have control of your contribution long after you have made it. You may move your contribution from project to project as many times as you like.
  • You can specify exactly how your investment be used. (Most other organizations only permit this when the invested sums are quite large.) You can earmark a sum for one project, for a set of projects (the first successful one will receive it), or for ®TMark to distribute as we see fit.
  • If a project you have selected goes unfulfilled for a while, and one similar seems nearer fulfillment, we will keep you apprised and allow you the option of moving your sum to that project. In this way, you remain vitally involved with the ®TMark process long after you have made your investment.
An investment in ®TMark is an investment in people.
  • Many of our projects currently awaiting donations simply cannot be accomplished without your assistance.
  • Our workers do what they do because they want to, but some of them risk their jobs, and they really need the help that we offer.
  • Many of our workers will use your assistance to switch careers and pursue their dreams. For some of them, this is the only way they can do that.
An investment in ®TMark is like an investment in art... but better.
  • ®TMark includes the aesthetic in the political, and most of our projects reflect this. But you will never need to donate your purchase to a museum, because it will already be visible to the world.
  • By associating yourself with a project--should you choose to--you will make known your tastes, which is in large part what collecting art is about.
  • Like a patron commissioning a work of art, you will have the satisfaction of seeing ideas you like made manifest--because of your help.
An investment in ®TMark is its own ®TMark project.

To invest in ®TMark, write Begin by visiting our convenient Mutual Funds or the full projects list.

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